World of Warcraft
13,784 Mods
AHYO's PlayerFrame - CLASSIC
5 InstallsPlayerFrame with all you need! for Classic This is a player frame with click and right click menu. It shows the player's health and other useful information such as the mana bar, Pet frame, and...
shadowfiend CC'd warning
12 Installsdispel able CC's for arena. #showtooltip /cast [target=Shadowfiend] Dispel Magic
Thing from Beyond - The Office
4 InstallsThing from beyond weakaura with the Office meme I didnt write the code for this Weakaura so credit goes to creator, sadly i dont know exactly who it was. I just edited this Weakaura: https://wago.io/AtnM_kunC...
Enemy Presence of Mind Tracker
9 InstallsDynamically track enemy mages who cast PoM * Source Name * Cooldown Track * Audio alert when duration less than 5s ++---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------++ Known Issue: Tracks friendly player PoM - [WIP] ++---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------++ Recommended to install GladiatorlosSA2...
Ikz DH Damage Buff Tracker
10 InstallsTracks DH dmg modifikator - Meta, Momentum, Demonsoul, Furious Gaze and Glimpse (VR cd) for pvp
Swap BindPad Binds in Arena/Others
1 InstallsSwaps BindPad keybinds between Arena and non-arena content. Use the custom options tab to configure the WA. Wondering why this is good? Well, maybe you want to use target/focus macros in BGs/World and Arena123 in...
HolyPally Cursor
5 InstallsThis is an ability cursor WA to help track some CD's/Main Rotation Spells anchored at the cursor. It's my first WA, so any improvements are welcome. Thanks!
6 InstallsShows glowing icon on arena nameplate based on the following: Cooldowns, buffs, hots - Make the sound alert "protected" (for big buffs and cooldowns) - Glows an icon above nameplate (default top left) - When...
3 InstallsCombines The common Hots druids want to keep on their target, including: [Regrowth], [Rejuvenation], [Lifebloom], [Wild Growth] The bar is invisible when you aren't targeting a friendly player/target It also takes into account focused growth...
Polying a DOT
13 InstallsPlays a sound and shows an icon when you begin casting Polymorph on a dotted target. Also works for focus and arenaX casting. Will not trigger if the duration of the dot is <1s. This...
盟約技能冷卻監控 (競技場框架1)
8 Installs在競技場內監控盟約技能冷卻狀態,跟盾的吸收量。 **此為 (競技場框架1) 的監控** 盟約技能冷卻監控 (競技場框架1) https://wago.io/N35KflBqK 盟約技能冷卻監控 (競技場框架2) https://wago.io/CTYYTmf4X 盟約技能冷卻監控 (競技場框架3) https://wago.io/NO9c2aoi5 請務必將三個框架都載入,否則沒辦法正常運行。
AV Timer RU 1.0
7 Installsbased on https://wago.io/7oocmc7kZ
Personal Defensives Tracker
10 InstallsDisplays all your personal defensives, including healthstone and health pot
WildFire Bomb 9.2
12 InstallsUpdated Wildfire bomb proc thingy that shows charges as well as debuff stack counter for internal bleeding and timer for pheromones bomb debuff.
Death Knight Chat Announcer
8 InstallsThis is a Raid/Party Announcer for DK Abilities. The Weakaura Auto Detects if your in Raid or Party. Also its working regardless of the language your playing. The Abilities Are Linked in Chat instead of...
Enemy Player Stealth Detected
6 InstallsIntroduction Alerts you visually and with a sound when an enemy player enters stealth close to you. Covers Rogue Stealth and Druid Prowl.
Casting Circle bar
0 InstallsProgress bar tracking Casting Circle duration
[TBC] Automated Weapon Swap While Drinking (Outdated / Unnecessary in Wotlk)
8 InstallsThis Weakaura automatically swaps your main weapons (MH + OH and/or Wand) to a second set of weapons while drinking. The WA is also able to cycle between the two sets at a user-defined time...
Player Buff Tracker
3 InstallsTracks all the buffs you can recieve in raid, if a buff does not display please let me know and I will fix it, I'll be doing testing of my own after, this is a...
Hunter Claw/Smack Control - Always Intervene
1 InstallsWhen the pet special attack ability (Smack or Claw) are used manually instead of automatically, this WA tracks when it's safe to use / not use the pet special attack ability as to always have...