World of Warcraft
13,784 Mods
AlbiUI Classic | Crowd Control | Player
10 InstallsCrowd control tracker for player. Customised specifically for AlbiUI: https://wago.io/pwq5-dCKi
BG Objectives on Frames
2 InstallsPretty simple, just displays flag/orb on raid frames for BGs. By default my raid frames didn't show it with how I had them setup so I made a weakaura. Great for healing FC / orb...
8 Installs竞技场中治疗被控制时图标显示(用于dps)。可以在【触发】设置为dps角色以供治疗使用,【动作】设置中可以自行设定声音报警。【条件】设置中可自行设置控制技能种类加强提醒,以方便自身职业应对(例如我是DH,需要“魔法”类型加强提醒方便我驱散)
(deprecated) Esc to close PVP tab
6 InstallsUPDATE: It seems that Blizzard has now fixed the PVP/Battlegrounds tabs and they can now be closed using Esc by default, making this WeakAura deprecated. --------------------------- Allows the new PVP/Battlegrounds tab to be closed by...
[투기장]야냥 진짜펫 찾기
1 Installs생냥펫도 표시되는게 단점입니다. 인터페이스 설정 - 게임 - 이름 - 하수인을 체크하세요. 가끔 표시가 안되는 환경이 있을 수 있습니다. (해결을 못본 상황이니 아마 사용이 힘들듯 합니다.)
Scarllet's Boomkin Hud
9 InstallsScarllet Boomkin Hud This weakaura group is made to fit my UI The aura tracker at the top of the group is found here Icons will automatically position themselves according to what icons are shown...
Execute Actionbar
11 InstallsMakes ur execute glow when ur able to execute. Adjust the placement by going to: Display > Position Settings > Frame. Click choose and move ur Weak Aura to ur 'execute' button.
Shaman Party Cure Group
12 InstallsDisplays poisons and diseases in the group (party and raid). Members of the party affected are highlighted to know you can place a dispel totem to cure them.
Lying In Wait - Enemy Detected
10 InstallsLeveraging the changing Aura of the Lying in Wait Azerite trait, this will alert you when an enemy is within 12 yds, even if they are in stealth. The alert is little yellow tear drops...
Stealth Progress Bar
10 InstallsThis WA will show a progress bar when you cast Shadow Dance/Shadowy Duel or Subterfuge talent is up, allowing you to track its timer easier.
Dynamic Elemental Shaman PvP Talent Bar
11 InstallsSimple dynamic elemental shaman bar i use for arena, bgs and world pvp
Trinket Ready
7 InstallsSimple weakaura to notify you when your trinkets are ready
Arena Binds
6 InstallsThis is just a hard-coded example meant for you to customize yourself. Simple WA that sets binds when zoning into an arena and sets them back afterward.
Nameplate Class Icons (small)
1 InstallsAttaches class icons to ALL player nameplates. Edit the size and position based on how your own nameplates look.
5 InstallsAlerts you if you have signed up to a BG or Arena with the wrong talent selection. To customize for your class/spec, please see image 2/2 and select a talent you would have in your...
Botka - Reagents reminder | Mage Buffs | Clickable Consumables Missing
8 InstallsReagents reminder (only in city) set portals and teleport <10 set Arcane Powder <20 reminder missing Mage Buffs (only outside city) in raid reminder you use missing consumables
Disarm debuff
10 InstallsDisarm debuff for check on Drek Made for XRR Premade Discord by Eweska
Party castbars
1 InstallsThis weakaura shows your friend's (Party members) castbar on top of your Party/Raid Frame. Support If you want to support me and my work, you can always donate via Paypal.
盟約技能冷卻監控 (競技場框架2)
7 Installs在競技場內監控盟約技能冷卻狀態,跟盾的吸收量。 **此為 (競技場框架2) 的監控** 盟約技能冷卻監控 (競技場框架1) https://wago.io/N35KflBqK 盟約技能冷卻監控 (競技場框架2) https://wago.io/CTYYTmf4X 盟約技能冷卻監控 (競技場框架3) https://wago.io/NO9c2aoi5 請務必將三個框架都載入,否則沒辦法正常運行。
Druid self CD announcer
12 Installsthanks scrungus. announces in voice when big CD are ready or soon to be ready. some turned off, will require customization.