World of Warcraft
13,784 Mods
Basic CD Evoker (with Hover Uptime)
9 Installsask me for more i can add, maybe will do it if that a good idea
Recent Enemy Spell Cast Group
6 InstallsA customisable enemy spell cast tracker, you can input the Spell ID's you want to track in the custom options tab of the WeakAura.
PVP Bracket boosting - Automation is key
6 Installs-Auto release spirit when dead in cave -Auto accept ress sickness at spirithealer in Kharanos -Auto /w Booster with the Phrase given (See screenshot) -Auto accept group invite from booster -Auto toggle PVP when in...
Equip PvP Stuff Warning
6 InstallsBig image when PvP stuff is not equiped in Arena/Battleground or equiped out of Arena/Battleground. Also big image is Cloak to TP to Orgrimar is equiped
Hey Idiot Petpassive
11 InstallsCalls you mean things when your pet is about to attack a Polymorphed or Blinded target that isn't your current target.
BG All Assist
6 InstallsThis weakaura will automatically promote all members of your battleground group to assistants (if you're lead). Perfect for people who don't happen to notice that they're battleground raid lead. Only operates during the 2 minutes...
Clickable Insignia Reminder (PVP)
10 Installs[Clickable] Insignia in slot >> auto appear for Horde Priest
9 InstallsEman's Mortal Strike Alert this weakaura adds a glow to group / raid / party frames on characters inflicted with a Mortal Strike debuff.
Unstable Affliction Dispel Damage
9 InstallsShows how much damage the dispelled Unstable Affliction did to what player. Also plays the willhelm scream.
Warrior interface by Skiver
6 InstallsInterface for warrior, life and cast bar, rage bar, timing of auto attack, all CDs, stance icons, buffs and debuffs on your target.
AlbiUI Classic | CDs | Target
8 InstallsMajor cooldowns display for target. Customised specifically for AlbiUI: https://wago.io/pwq5-dCKi
Zera PvP Target Text Alerts
7 InstallsSimple text alerts for BoP, Bubble, Karma, Cloak, etc. in PvP
Health %
9 InstallsSimple text that shows your and your targets health in % and changes colour based on breakpoints.
Chrono Loop Health % Snapshot (simple)
2 InstallsSimple version (doesn't update % in real time every frame) Only Shows Percent Chrono Loop was applied at on TARGET and where enemy will return to. for full version see https://wago.io/rwOHn5xtg made by nasadh/nasa -...
Elixir of Tongues
4 InstallsThis WA will remind you to drink an Elixir of Tongues to allow you to understand what the oppoiste faction is saying! Mega useful with WorldPvP and if you go into enemy areas.
Pvp-Pve Hunt MM 3.3.5a
6 InstallsPvp Pve Rotatoin - Hunt
[Door of Shadows] (CD) #ImpUi
10 InstallsAs title states, small icon. (Covenant Teleport/CC Ability) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *If you're an Engineer, you will find more use from this one. = https://wago.io/oUv4-vnbP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shows when Door of Shadows is on CD with Border CD...
Casters Totems Tracker TBC
5 InstallsThis WA is based from Future's WA and I added Wrath totem from Elemental Shaman. So u can see if the totem are dropped or not and if you are on range or out of...
Wound poison (poison douloureux)
10 InstallsNOTE : Replace name in Trigger section (currently name is in french) by "Wound Poison" in order to get it to work on the english client. English description : Displays the stacks of wound poison...
BigDebuffs Nameplates - WotLK PARTLY RU
0 InstallsПотихоньку перевожу https://wago.io/oSGS30WbV/3 для ру клиента