World of Warcraft
13,784 Mods
Warrior Skill Priority
1 InstallsGroup of Weakaura to help with skill prioirity
Boost list -- Ms @ Firemaw
6 InstallsDisplay total count of boost characters of the current session, and the list of people that help with bracket boosting / pool party. How it works: - Turn on the WeakAura - Let players whisper...
10 Installsdas zeigt einfahc nur die eige Hp an
Loss of Control Debuffs - on unitframes.
7 InstallsShows a highlight around the grid-unitframe of whoever is CCed, you can add more CC spells in Trigger, also you can choose between three highlight styles.
Buff Tracker | Schidori | Dragonflight
6 InstallsHello o/ Buff Tracker is a simple weak aura that tracks external buffs and some important personals. For example, when you get BL from the shaman you now will know who the caster was and...
Range Check - Shadow Priest - 30y
4 InstallsDispel Magic, Psychic Horror and Silence have 30 yard range, unlike most of the other spells Auras will active in combat with a target selected - Desaturate if out of range - Glow if in...
Bear swing timer reset with critter summon
10 InstallsThis is simple remake of SNEK weakaura to provide swing reset only out of bearform to prevent random swing resets during fight. Credits to: >>Bouk<< https://wago.io/qTzkhlxH9
Tigereye Brew Tracker (Stacks, Active Buff)
8 InstallsSimple Tracker for Stacks and Active Buff. If you want to *not* see the desaturated buff icon just turn the "always" to "aura found" in the first TEB Icon
Solo Shuffle spec tracker
3 InstallsDisplays the enemy opponent specs between each round of Solo Shuffle. Some arena frame addons like SArena have not been updated to work in Solo Shuffle and will fail to display the correct enemy class/specialization...
Rogue Poison Tracker (PvP Mostly)
2 InstallsThis is a Rogue Poison Tracker above nameplate, it has all poisons and they stack next to each other so that you can maintain poisons on the target. I marked it for PvP since I...
[Retail + Classic] Dajova's Power Displays
4 InstallsA % power display for Enemy Nameplates (located at the left side), Alternative Power bar for All Nameplates (located at the right side) and Group Healer Mana specific Nameplate (located at the left side), dynamically...
Discordian's Buff / Spell / Aura Tracker I Extended (All Classes) v9.0.2
4 InstallsAll of cd's included as icon.. All buffs, auras and cooldowns up on you, you can track, * Major and Minor Defensive Cooldowns * Healers' External Cooldowns * Offensive Cooldowns * Cooldowns that can effect...
Devouring Plague Dispell Reminder - WW Monk
9 InstallsShows on raid frames when a target in your arena group has devouring plague and detox is off CD
盟約技能冷卻監控 (競技場框架3)
6 Installs在競技場內監控盟約技能冷卻狀態,跟盾的吸收量。 **此為 (競技場框架3) 的監控** 盟約技能冷卻監控 (競技場框架1) https://wago.io/N35KflBqK 盟約技能冷卻監控 (競技場框架2) https://wago.io/CTYYTmf4X 盟約技能冷卻監控 (競技場框架3) https://wago.io/NO9c2aoi5 請務必將三個框架都載入,否則沒辦法正常運行。
PvP Slow - Raid Frame Glow Tracker
8 InstallsPuts a border around people on your raidframes who have a slowing debuff on them (only detects debuffs castable by players, not bosses). This weakaura may be helpful to paladins looking for people who need...
In/Out Combat (TBC)
1 InstallsIn/Out Combat for The Burning Cruasde Classic Ready for pre-patch on 2021-May-18. What Does It Do? This is a simple WeakAura imported from the Shadowlands client. It simply states when you enter and leave combat....
DK HP Bar + Runes
6 InstallsRetail Like HP Bar + Runic Power + Runes
Ray Of Hope Raid Frame Tracker
8 InstallsThis is a tracker for ray of hope that shows up on raid frames. The blue bar indicates the health that the ray of hope target will go to after the ray ends, based on...
2 Installs+alert disarm +always displayed +sound alert +pvp only I was fed up that the stun icon takes priority over the disarm and that I no longer know exactly the duration of the disarm or if...
Superlilya's BigDebuffs
6 InstallsThis is my remake of https://wago.io/LPp9kaUda (thank you!) - Similar to BigDebuffs addon - Shows multiple icons - Enemy nameplates Follow my Social Media: https://snipfeed.co/superlilya