World of Warcraft
13,784 Mods
WF + Reckoning arena indicators for Ret Pala
10 InstallsThis WA group will show if you do or do not have the Windfury Totem effect on you (any rank of WF will work), also shows Reckoning stack count and plays audio if you reach...
Monk transcendance helper
9 InstallsThis weakaura helps you remember in arena combat that you need to reposition your mind after a teleportation and watches when the opposing monk puts down his teleportation and tell you
Fel-Dom Alert
8 InstallsSound & Text Alert for Fel-Dom Casts. Get better at kicking/Purging Fel-Dom
Items - Engineering belt failure
4 InstallsShows an icon when your or your target's belt failed and sends a warning to a chat channel.
Purgable World Buffs 2
9 InstallsWeakaure for displaying purgable buffs on hostile enemy nameplates. Makes a sound when they are detected. Must have enemy nameplates enabled.
PvP Potion Callouts
4 InstallsCalls out PvP consumables used by the player with BG/Raid/Party/Say chat priority order.
Ratio Spy
3 InstallsDisplays Honor/HK ratio for yday / this week / last week
Kink - Intercept Range Reminder
9 InstallsSimilar to my deadzone check, my guildie requested one for intercept If you support my work and want to donate or want to have me make you a custom weakaura, add me on discord @...
NES -WLK 全职业监控HUD by Nestor
2 Installs全职业监控 HUD 概述 WLK怀旧服版本的全职业资源与技能监控wa,主要功能在于展示玩家自身的战斗资源(法力值,怒气等),各类关键buff/debuff,多目标检测,技能cd等. 对于拥有多个职业账号的玩家来说,每个职业都需要寻找一个独立的检测wa,而不同的wa作者在习惯和展示形式上又存在着巨大差异,这就使得玩家去适应不同wa的时间成本变高. 而该wa的核心目的便在于为所有的职业提供一套统一的监控模式. 展示模式 在本套wa中,所有职业均遵循以下几个基本功能布局原则: 左上方:在资源条的左上方显示自身的关键buff,形式为带绿色高亮条的图标; 右上方:在资源条的右上方显示当前敌对目标身上由自己释放的debuff; 左右两边:在资源条的左右两边显示自身的常驻或基础buff,不同职业会有所不同,如猎人会显示宝宝血量,盗贼则会显示武器毒药等等; 左下方:自身cd较短的技能cd状况,通常为输出循环中的技能,短时间控制技能等等; 右下方:自身cd比较长的技能cd状况,通常为各个职业的大招技能; 整体样式大致是这样的: [-][-][-] [-][-][-] [*]===================================[*] [-][-][-] [-][-][-] 具体功能 治疗职业专属功能 对能够进行治疗的职业(牧师,萨满,德鲁伊,圣骑士),并且启动了治疗天赋的玩家,提供了额外的检测功能: 检测友善目标身上的关键减伤buff,如痛苦压制,圣佑术,牺牲,冰封之韧,暗影斗篷,闪避等等 检测友善目标的目标身上的关键减伤buff 友善目标或者目标的目标当前的血量 这一功能的制作,目的在于在团本中治疗职业通常需要给当前Tank提供减伤链来保证生存,这一功能可以让治疗玩家更好的判断是否需要交出自己的减伤技能,比如已经开启盾墙的战士是不需要你提供痛苦压制的,正常治疗并在盾墙即将结束时给出压制会更好的保证Tank生存. 而在PVP中,治疗职业经常需要进行进攻驱散,辅助集火等操作,这时玩家目标通常是敌对目标,而敌对目标所集火的队友是否需要照顾是不能简单的通过血量来判断的. 比如你在开心的给对方法师打进攻驱散上dot准备大驱,而对方法师正在打己方的盗贼,当你通过wa看到己方盗贼开了斗篷且血量健康,那么便可以放心大胆的继续进攻了. 而在PVE中,同样有着全程目标boss的治疗方式,即通过目标的目标治疗来对boss目标进行治疗,以保证某些需要换T的boss中始终对当前Tank进行治疗. 这里分享一个自用的治疗职业宏来更好的完成这一操作: #showtooltip 快速治疗 /cast [help,dead,nocombat]复活术 /cast...
Rage's casts on me (Nameplates)
0 InstallsA weak aura that tracks casts being casted on you when enemy nameplates are enabled.
Pool inflation - paddingHelper (added autowhisper and accept groupinvite on logon - change inviter name in trigger 1)
5 InstallsFor servers Bloodfang, Flamelash, Ten Storms, Gandling & Mandokir Works in Bloodhoof Village and Razor Hill copied from https://wago.io/KiFjYk5R0 v1.1.3-9 added taxi check so you dont accidently leave your group while flying over Bloodhoof Village...
Spectral Sight Notification
9 InstallsCreated by Sprawl-Hellscream to warn of Spectral Sight activation!
Cooldowns and Trinkets with Glowing Icons
5 InstallsGeneral purpose WA for Cooldowns and Trinkets, shows up only in combat, glowing icons when abilities are off cooldown. Can be used for any class or trinket simply by changing the name of the ability...
Fojji - Warrior UI
9 InstallsWarrior UI PvP (arms) Fury Prot tanking https://www.twitch.tv/fojjix
AlbiUI Classic | CDs | Player
8 InstallsMajor cooldowns display for player. Customised specifically for AlbiUI_Classic: https://wago.io/pwq5-dCKi
Salty Butterfunk's - Cut it out!
9 InstallsSimple icon group weak aura to display an icon relevant to your class/race when a target's spell is available for Spell Steal, Purge, Dispel, Consume Magic, Devour Magic or Arcane Torrent. Designed to sit alongside...
HT/BL Leb deinen Traum
3 InstallsAddon die dazu benötig werden: https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/sharedmedia_causese https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/sharedmedia_dnnsgt-female-german Download: Digimon Song https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ttbBY4zIKfXCukuHHkRhVFEjPQOr0yTy/view?usp=sharing sharedmedia datei https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wEzdH4X7MnT0Af4bnOMANB43p7B12-eO/view?usp=sharing Damit diese WA funktioniert müsst ihr die oben stehende Addons haben und die beiden downloadlinks benutzt haben. Fügt nun den Song...
8 Installs战场里总有人喜欢放黑锋之门坑人,该字符串通报>>角色名-服务器<<放黑锋之门,提醒其他玩家。
2 InstallsWarn when you are in open world and not in queued for battlegrounds
Stun Indicator
4 InstallsSimple weakaura that indicates stuns by adding a border-glow