World of Warcraft
13,784 Mods
Vile's Killing Blow 1.0
4 InstallsMakes a noise and popup texture whenever you deal a killing blow to an enemy player. Will not trigger on honourable kills that you did not land the final damage on.
Mage - Casting Bars (Swiftnezz Edition)
5 InstallsThis weakaura provides custom cast bars put together by myself. Nothing special here, however, if you are looking for a more noticeable cast bar that you can resize, edit, move, or change than this is...
PvP Rogue CD Tracker
6 InstallsJust a simple CD Tracker for Arena ( Vanish,Cloak,Evasion,Symbols,Dance,Blades, and uptime Blades+Symbols)
AutoPromoteHeal on Arena
5 InstallsAuto promotes healer in arena on group join to fix party1 party2 macros
8 InstallsDisplays a short message over your character's head whenever you enter or exit combat.
Auto Announce AV Timers (Horde)
4 Installs⚠️ This is very early stage, use only if you somewhat understand what is going on inside of this WA in case stuff goes wrong. This is kinda opinionated for now with little customization. ⚠️...
Cenarian Ward Helper
4 InstallsPlays a sound when your Cenarian Ward procs and you have a Swiftmend available to extend it.
Pepsi's Friendly Nameplate HoTs
8 InstallsDisplays HoTs (only yours) under friendly nameplates.
HunterHUD ByTorque
0 InstallsSome are custom weakauras, some are borrowed from others. This HUD mostly works for BM/MM/SV but might not be optimized perfectly. This is just what I use and thought others might want to try it....
Arcane Charge incanter's flow tracking
7 InstallsThis is a method of maximizing your DPS on your arcane barrage. the method of using this Aura is to set audio alerts to the USE BARRAGE aura on show. this will help you track...
Spiritbloom cast alert
2 InstallsDisplay text + sound alert when hostile cast Spiritbloom
Kyrian Combo Points for old combo points frame (Dragonflight)
5 InstallsThis WA was adjusted from Qlimaxx's, all credits to them, I just messed with it to make it work well with Dragonflight, it works with 5, 6 and 7 combo points, keep in mind WoW's...
1)PVP Awarenes
4 InstallsShows multiple Consumables and Abilities being used by
Gladiator's insignia of alacrity proc with sound
4 InstallsShows proc of pvp trinket with timer and sound
Warlock Spell Lockout
6 InstallsPulsing indicator for when you get locked out of Shadow and/or Fire schools.
Castbar Standalone
6 InstallsThis is a simple castbar for every caster The castbar is filling clockwise The castbar is also added in the Affliction Warlock WeakAura: https://wago.io/B-OLhMqU4 Here you can find the castbar for the WeakAura: https://wago.io/8sCKnLml9
Alterac Valley Timers (TBC Version)
2 InstallsTracks towers/graveyards/boss health. Only works on the English client. Should have accurate TBC Timers. Based on https://wago.io/RDC5y57BB
6 InstallsThis WeakAura immediately stops pet-attack after your pet gets taunted
External Tracker
3 InstallsExternal defensive tracker that shows casters name and sends a custom message thanking them ONLY if they are on your realm. Also tracks potion usage as well
PvP action POTS tracking
6 InstallsConsumeables tracker + Running low tracker! ( Add and remove the Consumes you want in the WA ) Enjoy! :)