World of Warcraft
13,779 Mods
cah mage
0 Installscah's mage stuff, pvp, arcane, fire
Holy Priest PVP (w/ tier) (Shadowlands)
4 InstallsCDs and procs for Holy Priest PVP in Shadowlands, including tier set procs.
Power Infusion Plays Big Enough
5 InstallsSound File- https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jSM0QcF2lwRZev1xMTHVUfV0Y8FLk8dR/view?usp=sharing Create a folder called "CustomSounds" in your Interface folder in _classic_ and put the sound file there, then it will work!
Xemenes - Classic Warrior
3 InstallsThis classic warrior weakaura suite tracks and displays the following; Rage Bar: This will turn a brighter red at or above 80 rage. Weapon Swing: Shows a weapon swing timer, when a two-handed weapon or...
Surv SealTwist 2.3.3 w/ GCD by Puco
7 InstallsVersion 2.3.3: Now includes Gaffaen's modification to change the red command line to be more accurate. The command line is now placed 1 GCD before the end of the swing, with a 50ms safety window....
4 Installs简单监控阿拉希各位置人员
BG No. Announcer v1.0.15 GER
4 InstallsOriginal by Ryts-Progress https://wago.io/AlBMythfY Übersetzt für GER Client
Unitframes - Target
6 InstallsHey all, I made a new Weakaura for Shadowlands. I've not found a Unitframe Addon I've liked so I made my own! Just something for my personal Use I figured others might like. - Cast...
Rogue HUD with target HP bar/Castbar [updated for Horde and Alliance!]
6 InstallsSmall HUD for Rogue's, tracks all buffs and cooldowns, tracks CC on target etc. Show's insignia icon when you get CC'd by something your trinket can remove, will also show you if you dont have...
Arena - Soulbind & Legendary Display
1 InstallsVery slightly modified version of Talent Soulbind & Legendary Display, only loading in arena prep.
Mage: Frost
7 InstallsAs concise a frost mage UI as i can think of right now
Elemental HUD - Nerfmytotems
5 InstallsAn expanded power aura HUD and collection of a few already existing and new weak auras to help track your buffs, buff duration & missing auras. This pack includes a number of features Earth Shock...
PvP Windfury Weapon Refresh Reminder
5 InstallsWill show every time you enter an arena or bg and again if the buff goes missing.
Death Knight CENTER HUD (Head-up-Display)
4 InstallsA transparent display that presents data without requiring users to look away from their usual viewpoints. The goal was to display the state of each spec's rotation in a simplistic way. The HUD collapses bit...
Balance Druid Astral Power Bar
8 InstallsA simple Balance Druid Astral Power bar that displays Starsurge and Starfall charges as well as a progress bar of current astral power Note: you may have to change the progress bar texture.
Cursor Combat Check (Swiftnezz Edition)
4 InstallsThis weakaura will replace your cursor with a crossing swords icon cursor in-game when you mouseover (or) you enter combat with another player and/or NPC. You can also use this macro to mouse over on...
Corruption Tracker
4 InstallsReal time and configurable corruption alert for pvp and general content. This aura was done for fight against pvp's trinket "Corrupted Gladiator's Spite" You can set your ideal max corruption at custom options. (Change it...
Unleash Shield EZ tracker
3 Installsreplacing icon of Unleash shield. Depends on what shield is up.
Arena enemy protections
4 InstallsA weak aura that warns when an enemy is protected by certain buffs that cause them to dodge or reflect spells/abilities.
Shaman - Grounding Group
7 InstallsIcon weakaura indicating all spells eaten by grounding totem. /!\ Unfortunately, I haven't found a way to only show spells eaten by *your* grounding totem. For now, any grounding totem will trigger the weakaura. Writes...