World of Warcraft
13,779 Mods
Imocros - Shadow Priest: Rotation
5 InstallsMake sure to watch the Youtube Guide. The weakaura is a Shadowlands ready for Discipline Priest. It covers the base rotation, dot tracking, spell priorities, important buffs and debuffs, resources, cooldowns and covenant abilities. Covenants...
Sasha's Totem Notify
7 InstallsShows active totems buffs on player (does not need to be a shaman), with inside/outside alert for Earthen Wall and Spirit Link while active.
[Kink] ToEP HUD | Spell Modifiers | Corruption/Shadowburn Notifier | v1.0.1
5 InstallsVisual tracker of Talisman of Ephemeral Power. -- Tracks cooldown, displaying plagueheart texture when trinket is ready and desaturates when on CD with time left. -- Visual animation when the trinket is used, showing the...
Equipment warnings (PvP / PvE set checker)
2 InstallsChecks that you're using the correct set of gear when you enter a battleground, arena, dungeon or raid. Tests this by looking at your equipped trinkets
Arena PVP trinket announcement
1 InstallsFor some reason, I can't find any weak auras out there which announce when one of the opponents in an arena uses a trinket in chat, so I've made one myself. You make an announcement...
Exi's Rogue Uptime Bars (Buff/DoTs)
4 InstallsJust my own uptime bar in case someone use the same frame setup as I do it can be useful.
Pala buff alerter- divine plea sacred shield
4 InstallsDisplays when someone inside arena has divine plea or sacred shield- i think you need gladdy or similar for it to work.
Laffy's Rogue Poison Tracker
5 InstallsMy Poison Tracker that I have modified heavily to show Icon of the poison used automatically regardless of rank. So what it includes - Tracking poison when you have poison enchanted on your MH or...
进攻驱散BUFF 提醒
3 Installs进攻驱散buff提醒
DK Small CDS (PVP only)
5 InstallsSmall HUD which shows the cooldowns on AMS, Mind Freeze, Strangulate, Raise Dead and Bone Shield. Only shows up in Arena and BGs. It also shows a Runic Power bar below, which can be untoggled...
Talbadars Stratagem
7 InstallsHUD UI for when Talbar's Strategem Legendary is active
Absorb Counter
3 InstallsAbsorb tracker
Bleeds on arena 1,2,3
1 InstallsTracks rupture and garrot on enemy arena 1,2 & 3. Attached to arena party 1,2 & 3. This is a moddified WA i got for Vamperic touch from Anboni. All credits to him.
Priest - Dispel Magic
2 InstallsShows the spell icon, spell name, and player that the spell was purged off of in a single line. Audio alert can be disabled by going to [Actions] > Uncheck 'Play Sound', it was helpful...
Buff + Procs + CD (PVP)
2 InstallsShow CC on myself, some Buffs, Procs and CD. (Trinkets, some racial skill and more ) When use trinket or spell, it show buff duration, when it ended show cd. Some debuff landed to enemy,...
LoS Error on Raid Frame Group
6 InstallsAdds a RED DOT when you cast on somebody who is LoS, this helps in pvp and dungeons situation for healers or battle resses.
Restoration Shaman UI - Herc
6 InstallsA collection of shaman CDs and rotational abilities so that you dont need to see your actionbars. This is mainly with a PvP oriented focus, but it does have PvE in mind. Feel free to...
Zirgly DoTs
6 InstallsTracks UA, Agony, Corruption, Siphon Life, Phantom Singularity, Vile Taint, and Soul Rot. It has expiration reminders for UA, Agony, Corrupution, Siphon Life, and Soul Rot.
Arena Enemies Targeting Party Pets
6 InstallsShows an icon of arena1-arena5's class when they're targeting a party pet. Has settings for only tracking player pet, hide/display name, and using pet or pet owners name. The names above the icons are the...
Feralbar 1.0
5 Installs- Combopoints (Colored P1 - P5) - Energybar + Ticks - Weaponswing Timer - Manabar with 5s CD + Ticks - Feral-Rotation calculated by Mana, Energy and Combopoints - Remaining shapeshifts for cat and bear...