World of Warcraft
13,775 Mods
Arena Enemy Cooldown Predictor V2
3 InstallsFan made of Star Fox's weakaura https://wago.io/BybHXpzqQ as it seems he might not be active anymore. Made some changes to it, biggest one being a text to speech, that says ¨(cooldown name) Ready in 4...
Untriel's Presence Tracker
2 InstallsA WA that shows the current active presence, warns when missing and glows in frost.
[Nether Ward+] (Active) Visual Icon Bottom #ImpUi
6 InstallsAs Title states, ------------------------------------------------------ When below 0.5 Icon Desaturate. When below 1.1 seconds shows red. When below 1.5 seconds shows yellow. When above 1.5 seconds shows green ----------------------------------------------------------------------- All WA's Tested and Working with low...
Druid resist counter (come and in)
5 Installs!PVP luck / unluck v1.3.1 Arena resistance counter. Considers both your resists (upper half) and against you (lower half). Allows you to understand how lucky you were today! It also takes a screenshot every time...
DC Idiot
6 InstallsThis is a simple weak aura that will play a voice line when Disciplinary Command has finished it's internal cooldown and can be applied again.
Minimal Shadowlands Elemental Shaman
6 InstallsSimple minimalist elemental shaman WA for PvE and PvP. NOTE: Not every spell/talent/covenant is covered, but all the mainstream selections at time of writing are. If something is missing and you would like me to...
Enemy Defensive Tracker (Pop Up with Sound) #ImpUi
4 InstallsPop Up Enemy Defensive CD Tracker -Red Border CD Effect Tracked Enemy Spells will have their corresponding spell icon displayed when the enemy is targeted and has used said ability and said ability is Active....
Multidot Timer
5 InstallsMultidot Bar with Target Name (Second Bar for Fear/Banish Timer)
5 InstallsMakes getting the most out of your Ferocious Bite easy!
Enemy Castbar for WotLK (3.3.5a) by Лихость
3 Installsshow when u can interrapted enemy cast (green border)
Tracks target/focus Spriest insanity bar with DP warning on self !
5 InstallsTracks your current target/focus insanity bar to try and prevent some incoming damage from devouring plague stacks ! -Triggers a little sound alert when the bar is at 100% -Do not show until your target...
[ Cataria 整合包 ] - 鬥士系列徽章冷卻監控
2 InstallsPatch 9.2更新 包含 [鬥士徽章] [鬥士紋章] [鬥士的共鳴器] [鬥士的吞噬詛咒] [鬥士的永恆禦盾] [鬥士的吞噬詛咒] *sArena UI專用版本,預設位置會在章的上方(如圖)。
Fubar's Hunter Bars
3 InstallsDisplays 4 Bars And Kill Command Reminder. Hunter Mana. Hunter Pet Health. Hunter Cast Timer. Hunter Auto Shot Timer. Kill Command Icon That Glows To Worn You That Kill Command Is Ready To Use.
5 InstallsShow's an icon reminder if someone in your party (within specifi is missing Mark of the Wild. Only outside of rested zones and only if Mark of the Wild is learned.
Great Vault - PVP Cap Progress on Arena Scoreboard
3 InstallsShows weekly honor cap progress on Arena scoreboard.
External Buffs and Speed buffs on you.
2 InstallsDesplays all Externals that can be placed on you, also desplays any speed buffs that can be given also.
FInkle's Dagger [Item Equipped Reminder]
5 InstallsFlash an icon and post a message only you can see in chat if you have Finkle's skinner equipped. Also has simple code framework to allow me to change it to check a table of...
LFG Button PVP on Right Click
2 InstallsRight click on Group Finder button to toggle the PVP frame
Focus encounter frame
1 InstallsThis focus frame is inspired by Dark Souls boss encounter health display I added more information so its relevant to everyone, feel free to edit and change everything you need
UI - TBC - School Lockout Alerts
1 InstallsBasic WA which attempts to reproduce the alert and timer when interrupted and locked out of a given school of magic for Burning Crusade Classic. If you would prefer to change the icon for any...