World of Warcraft
13,775 Mods
Blood Elf Racial Tracker
0 InstallsTracks Mana Tap Spell and Aura as well as Arcane Torrent Cooldown and Range (based off known spells)
flag pickup alert
2 Installsadded both faction flags
Discordian's Total Absorb Amount v9.0.2
3 InstallsBattle Tag: Discordian#21602 Discord: Discordian - Hakan#5072
Soulshape Flicker Ardenweald's Covenant ability
3 InstallsHello everyone, I made a wikaura for Ardenweald's Covenant ability: Soulshape or rather Flicker.
Priest Core - Walterwhite
2 InstallsThis is my edit of the great Priest Weak Auras created by Luxthos. I have tailored it specifically for Shadow only and will continue to update/customize it going forward. Please note I have set this...
队友被控提醒 by:妖梦跑哪去了
4 Installs仅显示针对己方骑士和牧师的控制,将图标放置在人物周围,方便提前跑位和驱散。可根据需要随意添加和删除控制技能,以及可以根据需要自由调整队友的职业。
FSR Arena Tracker
3 InstallsKeeps track of how much time in an arena match you spent inside the five-second rule. Also tracks the cumulative percentage of time inside the five-second rule across the whole session.
Intervene announce
2 InstallsWill announce in chat how long intervene lasts when cast on a party member
PVP Poison Tracker
3 InstallsDisplays which poison is on your MH (left) and OH (right)
2 InstallsAvisador de snipers en party. Version original https://wago.io/rIao5_bcM
Horde Padding Helper
2 InstallsWeakaura used to track HKs gained to fluff brackets, button can be clicked to logout.
Fleshcraft Duration and Absorb (Torque Edit)
4 InstallsThis is a modification of the original Weakaura: https://wago.io/BGnqECVKc/3 It has a sound cue when fleshcraft is ready and when its off CD it will occasionally flash to grab your attention.
2 InstallsA must have for all content
[Demon Armor] PVP Clickable Icon (Depreciated)
4 InstallsIts Clickable Armor like you've forgotton to wear it. Yes that's right, its me! DEMON ARMOR, and you've forgot to put me on. does it look as cool as the other clickables? You're god dam...
Character stats
2 InstallsDisplaying character characteristics Use the switches in the User Parameters to enable/disable any of the characteristics ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Отображение характеристик персонажа Используйте переключатели в Пользовательских параметрах, что бы включить/выключить какую либо из характеристик
Dream Breath cast alert
0 InstallsDisplay text + sound alert when hostile cast Dream Breath
Target Buffs + Active Trinkets
0 InstallsCurrently only shows enemy warrior buffs and melee trinkets, but could easily be extended for other classes
Troll Priest PVP best Cooldown Control (glows only in combat)
4 InstallsUpdate v2: + TOEP trinket control + Inner Focus and Berserking Cooldown Control Update: PW:S, Silence, Fear, glows only when you are in combat and its ready to use… when you shield your self in...
Sallena Alterac Valley Mount Gear
3 InstallsDisplays a warning after entering Alterac Valley if not all three mount speed items are equipped. Requires English localisation (otherwise you need to change "Alterac Valley" in the trigger to your language)
[tbc druid] Feral DPS and Tank - Kynran
4 InstallsTBC WA for Druid all in one: Bear: - Tracks FF (by yourself and others) - Tracks Lacerate Stacks - Tracks Mangle CD and other CDs Cat: - Tracks critical mangle / FF debuff (by...