World of Warcraft
13,775 Mods
Hunter's Mark And Marksman's Advantage Warning
3 InstallsShows up when your target is missing Hunter's Mark and/or Marksman's Advantage debuff
Hera's Paladin Abilities
2 InstallsComplete replacement for Paladins all specs For use with: Hera's Paladin Abilities: https://wago.io/jFHUqlfVI Hera's Paladin Main Rotation: https://wago.io/A0TCXzZHY Hera's Paladin Holy Power: https://wago.io/YOBEr3OFQ Hera's Paladin Ready Flash: https://wago.io/b70Ehrkk8 Created by Hera - @FriggOdin www.twitch.tv/hera_4 Youtube:...
Big's Externals
2 InstallsIcons for when you have an external buff cast on you
Target Total Absorb % Text #ImpUi
2 InstallsAs title states, (Purple Text) All Class WA Shows in Purple Text the current total Absorb amount on the Enemy Target, with accurate update rate. All WA's Tested and Working with low load and minimal...
4 InstallsShows the number of players within 40yds who are in combat. The first number is the number of players in combat, while the second number is the number of players within 40yd of yourself.
Personal Resource Number Text Display WA
4 InstallsSimple and non-buggy personal resource number text on your default blizzard nameplates below your character.
AlbiUI Classic | Action bar timers
3 InstallsTimers for the primary action bar when using ElvUI. Customised specifically for AlbiUI: https://wago.io/pwq5-dCKi These timers have placeholder spells. Once you have imported the WeakAura you can customise it for your action bar setup: -...
HunterFrames - MM, BM, Surv
2 InstallsAll-in-one hunter frames including: - Primary rotation tracker for all 3 specs. - CGD tracker - Unit frames for player, target, targetoftarget, and pet - Dynamic class colorization for all unit frames - Right-click menu...
Fubar's Resurrection Sickness
1 InstallsPlays A Sneeze Sound When Resurrection Sickness Is Acquired. Plays A Cheer Sound When Resurrection Sickness Is Gone. Also Have A Resurrection Sickness Over-Lay Over The Original Resurrection Sickness Location With Better CD Details.
Mercenary Contract
2 InstallsType "!merc" in group chat to have everyone with this WA automatically reply with either remaining time, or that they don't have it.
Classic BG Timer OCR
2 InstallsDisplay BG queue timers
Arena Swap Battle Shout
4 InstallsPop up an icon when all your arena party members are out of shout range, so you can swap commanding to battle shout.
m0gelpackung's Nebelwirker Mönch DragonFlight 10.0.5
0 InstallsNebelwirker Mönch Cooldown Tracker für Dragonflight
Chaos imprint (PVP talent)
3 InstallsShows your next buff on your glaive
Merce:Fae Guardians DR Timer Group
1 InstallsShows the amount of damage reduction you get from Fae Guardians. Can use /cancelaura benevolent faerie to make it from 20% to 40%.
Resto Focus Tracker
3 Installs[] Tracks all major heals: - Rejuvination - Rejuvination (Germination) - Wild Growth - Cenarion Ward - Lifebloom - Regrowth [] Also Tracks: - Reactive Resin - Ironbark - Thorns - Dispell Icon for Natures...
FOXUI_My Attack Debuff
2 InstallsFor (Mage, Warlock, Hunter, Shaman, Druid) When a mob is more than 20 yards away from you, it displays the you're attack debuffs cast by enemy player or NPC. This weekaura needs Omnicc. https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/omni-cc
Party lifeblooms
0 InstallsShows lifebloom next to party raidframes for arena. Also glows when below 4.5 seconds remaining.
1 Installs鼠标跟踪 DOT技能提示:痛、病、触、爆、灭 环状施法条 GCD提示 饰品1 饰品2 冷却提示 嗜血爆发剩余时间提示 输出距离提示 PS:包含输出跳伤声音提示(每次跳伤音效一次) 只包含“精神鞭笞”和“精神灼烧” 因为WA版本原因 可能需要手动调整音效文件 请参考图示 Mouse tracking DOT skill tips: pain, disease, touch, explosion and extinction Circular casting strip GCD prompt Jewelry 1 Jewelry 2 Cooling...
Aspect of the Dazed
1 InstallsVisual reminder any hunter using any movement Aspect while in a Dungeon, Raid, Battleground or Arena.