World of Warcraft
13,775 Mods
Spec/Class Text on Enemy Nameplates in Battlegrounds/Arenas
0 InstallsPlaces two-line Specialization/Class on Enemy Player Nameplates in Battlegrounds and Arenas. I developed this because I'm colorblind and my vision isn't great and attempting to decipher spec/class from icons and colors is nigh on impossible....
Monk Utility PvP
3 InstallsWeak Aura that displays handy square tiles for your mobility / utility ( minus defensives as this is purely movement & covenant usage )
RiktUI Wrath Classic - Hunter
0 InstallsBuffs, Cooldowns, Mods, Keybinds+++
Shadowtrance! Necrosis LDC nostalgia
1 InstallsNIghfall tracker for all the nostalgics of the beloved "Necrosis LDC" addon! When nighfall activates, you will hear the legendary voice "Shadowtrance!"
Disc priest PVP (w/ tier) (Shadowlands)
2 InstallsCDs and procs for Disc Priest PVP and PVE, including tier set bonuses.
DH-Flag Map Tank Spec Reminder
1 InstallsDisplays a reminder to change to tank spec if you are Havoc. Sometimes you get automatically changed to DPS spec (Havoc) when you join in on a map and you need to remember to change...
Ancestral Protection Totem warning
2 InstallsWarns when an enemy uses the shaman ress totem :)
Kiwis Remote Weekly Vault
2 InstallsButton that can open the Great Vault from anywhere ** Be aware the vault can take time to update and the vault my not show recent keys or activities straight away
Warlock Proc Textures
3 InstallsCopied from Fojji - slightly modified
Haste & Dmg % Buffs PVP #ImpUi
2 Installsa Collection of Abilities suitable for battleground pvp and more. ----------------------------------- Potion of Unbridled Fury (EXTRA DMG+ PROC POTION) Primal Rage (HASTE) TImewarp (HASTE) Heroism (HASTE) Power Infusion (HASTE) Speed Up (PVP RUNE HASTE, RESET...
Shadowy Duel
1 InstallsMessage that you are in the shadow duel.
Nani? Tot ?
3 InstallsWenn ein Spieler in der Gruppe stirbt, ertönt Nani? Datei Herunterladen : https://filehorst.de/d/drpzEuvv Dann im WOW Ordner -> Interface -> (Sounds->WA) reinkopieren. Falls die Ordner (Sounds / WA) nicht vorhanden sind erstellen)
sexy combo points
3 Installsaddons on screenshot: NugEnergy and WeaponSwingTimer
Arena Nameplate Notification
2 InstallsNameplate and Audio prompt when key arena NPC/Guardians spawn (credits to Squirl who wrote the intial code for Grand Delusions)
Knockback DR tracker
2 InstallsShows spells used that share the knockback dr and tracks the duration, not bound to targets
TopCDs & Buffs (Swiftnezz Edition)
2 InstallsThis weakura will provide a group of icons and text that contains PvP offensive abilities, items, and spells for quick reference to cooldown times. Also includes a cooldown icon and text for (ToEP) [Talisman of...
Sudden Death PROC
0 Installsan easier way to track SD procs
Swap BindPad Tabs in Arena/Other
0 InstallsThis WeakAura automatically changes between BindPad "tabs" when inside of Arena and when outside of it. Use the custom options to select which tabs to use in arena and which to use outside. Note: This...
Shadowlands PvP Trinket Bonus
2 InstallsGreen if equipped. Red if not. Loads in 5 major world zones
Mouse Over Info - Classic
1 InstallsThis WA helps you get information about player/mob you are facing. It shows information about them with just hovering cursor on. It also shows who's targeted by them.