World of Warcraft
13,775 Mods
Warlock - Casting Bars (Swiftnezz Edition)
2 InstallsThis weakaura provides custom cast bars put together by myself.* Nothing special here, however, if you are looking for a more noticeable cast bar that you can resize, edit, move, or change than this is...
Paladin trackers
2 InstallsTracks wings, bubble and BoP with a progress circle. Wings also has an added timer. Announces start and end of wings in party chat. Position is centered around Chesder's TMW profile.
1 InstallsBlessings from Night Fae Paladins. Shows all the Buffs on your character. Progress bad and a Tracker for the cooldown between each.
Combat Indicator on Nameplates
2 InstallsDisplays a combat icon on the left side of all nameplates. The icon indicates if the unit is in combat.
Pool Party HKs Counter
2 InstallsAlerts you when a level 1 or 2 character has 15 or more lifetime honorable kills
Scablord Mount Timer v1.0.2
2 InstallsWeakaura to help Scarab Lords time mounting the Black Qiraji Battle Tank as soon as possible. An icon will display for up to 3 seconds after a combat action is done to or by you,...
Healing on Me
2 InstallsHots on Player
3 InstallsClickable poisons + fishing. Control click = Crippling, Alt = Mind Numbing, Click = Wound, Shift Click = PVE Poisons. Switch to your fishing pole, Click = Sharpened Lure. Change these in Actions tab.
"Third Wind" Potion - Heal Below 50%
0 InstallsAs title states, (Huge Icon Popup) Includes: Border Cooldown Effect, Border HP Tracker, HP% Centered on Icon and a Model Overlay. ------------------------------------------------------ This is a Battleground only Potion =Heals for 50% of your total HP...
Адаптивный рой дебаф
3 InstallsВА отображает дебаф Адаптивный рой на союзнике Работает исключительно на хилах
NerfDH's Warrior Debuffs
3 Installs****Updated to include ALL CC on nameplates**** Shows only YOUR debuffs on enemy nameplates. Still a work-in-progress. End goal is to have a WeakAura string that mimics flyplate buffs to include your own debuffs, cc,...
Exploiter Gear
0 InstallsGears of War gear that increases as you build up into a big mortal strike via overpower/exploiter stacks + sharpen
Blessing of seasons
3 InstallsSimple tracker for Night fae's paladin covenant ability, blessing of seasons
SkavenUI Demon Hunter Weak Auras
2 InstallsAn all inclusive demon hunter set up, with weakauras for both Havoc and Vengeance. (combat timer not included)
2 InstallsShows a stun symbol above target. If you like my work, support me at twitch.tv/chainsworld
Fixed Weapon Enchant Tracker (MH/OH)
0 Installs- Fixed strings for proper display of weapon enchants and icons (included Windfury / Oils / Stones and Wound Poison V) - Repositioned MH to the left and OH to the right Credits to Luxethos...
2 InstallsSimple Combo Point tracking WA: Works with 5/6/7 combo points. Tracks empowered CPs. Looks good. No custom LUA (makes it easy to understand and modify).
1 InstallsThis weak aura is a must have for all PVP, Raid and M+ content. Ensures your group has the best possible chance at completing the content you set out to achieve
[Mortal Coil] (TimeLeft) 3 Secs #ImpUi
1 InstallsAs title states, (Medium Icon) Shows time remaining on affected main target. This WA is used in this set - https://wago.io/iIphpziIS All WA's Tested and Working with low load and minimal to no lua errors.
AutoFP with Wbuffs (Alliance)
1 InstallsTODO: Add Kalimdor support WeakAura to automatically take Flight Paths from specific locations (usually Hearthstone location) if you have the selected world buffs. Includes multiple customisation options - including a disable (same as setting load...