World of Warcraft
13,714 Mods
Lock Demo essential abilities PVP
0 InstallsEssential abilities tracked in the middle of the screen for PVP. The original idea is to avoid the tunnel vision in abilities bars.
Frost Death Knight (PvP)
1 InstallsThese are WeakAuras I made in few hours for my new Frost DK for PvP use. It keeps the UI clean and you can see all the necessary offensive/defensive spells. Not intended for PvE usage,...
Sigil equipped - Wild Buck/Awareness
1 InstallsBasic WA that shows a spell related icon if either Wild Buck or Awareness sigil is equipped. Useful for pvp/arena sigil swapping. Wild Buck = Death Coil icon Awareness = Scourge Strike icon
Honor-Level Icons for Pitbull Target Frame
1 InstallsYou can change it's position at display option
1 Installs本人自用WA 界面调整插件是ELVUI自带 作者:血法 B站:https://space.bilibili.com/87789930https://space.bilibili.com/87789930 随性直播:https://www.douyu.com/264258?_r=0.48391244822398716
[Nether Ward](Active) Visual Que Bottom #ImpUi
1 InstallsAs title states, (Model). I play at 1920x1080, with my UI Scale at 0.90. So if your monitor is bigger you need to adjust the sizing. Gives you a big que when nether ward is...
Priest Dynamic - Walterwhite
2 InstallsThis is my edit of the great Priest Weak Auras created by Luxthos. I have tailored it specifically for Shadow only and will continue to update/customize it going forward. Please note I have set this...
Honor Quests Available
0 InstallsChecks if the honor quests for Ashran and Wintergrasp is available to your faction.
Convoke the Spirits Used By
0 InstallsExtracted from https://wago.io/YQ-UuNgGA/1 to just show enemies who cast convoke
Ability History on Tooltip
0 InstallsDisplays the abilities recently used by your mouse-over target on their tooltip. This can be useful in a variety of PvP and PvE situations. For example, you can check: if a Druid used Nature's Swiftness...
Bonds of Fel (Active on Target)
2 InstallsAs Title states, (Medium Icon) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Only shows if the Enemy is targeted and is affected by the visual green line from the crystal. Meaning, your target has to be highlighted (Targeted) while you cast...
Flamethrowing Range Indicator
1 InstallsDisplays Icons for the appropriate Spell when the selected Target is in range Scorch Fire Blast Blast Wave Doesn't include Fireball or Pyro. Max range supported is 35 also includes cooldowns for Blast Wave and...
Akiwi's Purgable/Stealable Alerts
1 InstallsQuestionably large Buff Icons + Tooltips when a target has buffs that are purgable/stealable.
3)Worldbuffs NP
1 InstallsWorldbuffs on Nameplates Anchor. -Fixed index order, aded missing BL int, juju spell id. Order: Rend>SF>DM>DMF>Other Worldbuffs>BL>Other Consumes Experimental: Players only (NPC's excluded) and desaturated if Target isn't attackable. Credit: https://wago.io/WorldBuffsOnNameplates
ROGUE Blind Stats - Rippy
2 InstallsPriests think they're sooooo cool that they have resist tracking weakauras… Justice for the yellows today brothers. "We're all gonna make it" - zyzz
Damage taken chart for Death Strike
1 InstallsBased on https://wago.io/WwF0xP7fu Shows scrolling damage chart to know when your healing bonus will be lost (useful for big hits). It's buggy, choppy, and terrible. My lua knowledge is smol, I have no IDE with...
Kias Sauftrupp
1 InstallsWill trigger custom sound whenever specific predetermined players die inside a battleground. To work correctly you will need the custom soundfiles made for this weakaura found at the following link: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/xt9682j7bkvlqax/AADFUEfgD92y4DuGNPdfcU4ga?dl=0
Chill Streak Plays Let It Go Clip
0 InstallsSOUND FILE REQUIRED Sound File: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_H5JbS-JKKIC8U0oiAwvR0ziN-_wI8MJ/view?usp=sharing Must create folder "CustomSounds" under Interface in your _retail_ folder, and place this sound file inside. After, exit and re-enter the game and it should work.
AOT - Rain from Above
1 InstallsThis WeakAura will play the Attack on Titan Season 1 Opening theme when Rain from Above is used. (NOTE: Requires sound file to work!) Sound file must be placed in the "World of Warcraft\_retail_\Interface\AddOns\SharedMedia_MyMedia" folder...
Fleshcraft Arena Reminder
2 InstallsWill popup in the arena starting room for ~10 seconds to remind you to fleshcraft