World of Warcraft
13,232 Mods
Flexo Lockouts
22 InstallsStores and displays the lockouts of all characters on the account. To reset a specific character type the following in chat: /script WeakAurasSaved.RaidLockouts["CHARACTERNAME"] = nil
21 InstallsAutomatically enables combat logging when entering a raid instance
War Effort Progress
56 InstallsAutomatically extracts all data from your War Effort commander or the opposite faction's ambassador and prints each item in the easily readable format: item: collected/total (%) e.g copper: 54520/90000 (60%) Kro@Gehennas EU
Raid Buff Checker
60 InstallsProvides a list of names with low frame strata for select raid buffs that often get missed. Power Word: Fortitude, Divine Spirit, Mark of the Wild, Arcane Intellect, and their group-wide counterparts. These are intended...
Estimated remaining fightlength
17 InstallsDisplays the estimated remaining fightlength based on raid/group-dps and enemy health.
PlagueTracker - AQ40
16 InstallsSimply glows the raid frame on which person has the plague debuff in AQ40, so we know who to keep healing :)
AQ War Effortless Turn Ins
17 InstallsAuto Turn Ins for AQ War Effort Mats by Seralette-Heartseeker
Pull Countdown
33 InstallsWill basically write in chat the pull timer countdown
Raid CD Tracker
36 InstallsThis is a horde version of Ryp's Raid CD Tracker, which can be found here: All Paladin abilities have been removed, and replaced by Shamans Mana Tide Totem.
Gotek || Classic || Taunt Debuffs With Castername
42 InstallsTaunt Debuffs With Castername Dynamic group showing all Taunt debuffs on the target. It also shows the casters name inside the Icon. (Not shown in screenshot)
Ridius' Debuff Police
14 InstallsThis Dynamic Group displays debuffs on bosses in real time. It color codes the debuffs based on your guild's debuff priority list and plays a sound when Bad debuffs go up. To change the list...
Healer consumables
42 InstallsDisplays the following missing buffs when in a raid: Runn tum tuber surprise OR nightfin soup Mistletoe OR Kreeg's Stout Beatdown Gordok Green Grog Mageblood Potion Spirit of Zanza OR Swiftness of Zanza Brilliant Mana...
Remaining Debuff Slots Minimal
28 InstallsThis is a countdown that will show the number of remaining debuff slots available on a boss, for those that don't necessarily care what they are, just how many.
Silithid Carapace Fragment Announcer
18 InstallsPosts how many fragments you have in chat, when someone says !cara
Customizable Autoloot for Dungeons & Raids
31 InstallsCustom options for Need/Greed/Pass/Neither including Ahn'Qiraj scarabs and idols. Fork from
Raid: Missing Buffs
29 InstallsShows missing raid buffs - Shows saturated icon if buff is missing - Shows bouncing icon if buff has less than 10 min duration remaining - Shows bouncing icon with glow if buff has 5...
AQ War Effortless Turn Ins - Fixed
16 InstallsAuto Turn Ins for AQ War Effort Mats by Seralette-Heartseeker Will only turn in the "X needs more of Y" quests and if you have greater or equals too the amount of mats for the...
Configurable Auto Scarabs, AQ20/AQ40 Idols for all languages
11 InstallsBy default: need on scarabs, greed on idols. Can be changed at custom options
16 Debuff slot tracker
17 InstallsThis WA will track debuffs on target and indicate when expected debuffs are not active. You can add additional debuffs if you copy them into the dynamic group. Disable the auras you don't run. Specific...
AQ Scarabs And Idols
12 InstallsThis is a clone of the ZG Coins/Bijous auto roller and will work for scarabs and idols