World of Warcraft
13,232 Mods
Shamzaa - Raid Class Overview
25 InstallsCreated to give the raid organizer a quick overview of each person, sorted by class, to more easily find out who's missing. Embeds itself to the raid tab in the social window.
15 InstallsAutoRollOptions for: -ZG Coins -ZG Bijous -AQ Scarabs -AQ Idols -AQ40 Greater Scarab Coffer Key -AQ20 Scarab Coffer Key -Lockboxes -ALL Uncommon (Greens) Ingame type '/wa', select AutoRollOptions and Tab to Custom Options to set...
Rogue Consumables
20 InstallsShows missing consumables if they're below 120 seconds or missing Grilled Squid OR Smoked Desert Dumplings Juju Might OR Winterfall Firewater Juju Power OR Elixir of the giants Elixir of the Mongoose OR Elixir of...
Pat's Unsigned Field Duty Papers Reminder
29 InstallsShows a glowing notification and plays a comfy ding sound when your Unsigned Field Duty Papers come off of cool down. Only loads in Silithus
Snatch Watch (AQ Keys, BWL Sand and any custom item) for all languages
11 InstallsGet help with tracking items loot in your group/raid Indication will show when somebody loots item from your list. This snatcher will receive message from you with urgent request to trade snatched item. By default...
Kissy Buff
9 InstallsTarget Kwee to refresh your kiss buff (Will remove old buff if he targets you).
Position infight
14 InstallsBackup of my classic WAs
Weapon proc swingtimer
11 InstallsSince Blizzard fucked up, there are many weapon procs that can not happen if you have a global cd going when the autohit hits. Blue post 1: Blue post 2: This wa gives...
Needed manapot for fight
18 InstallsCalculates how much mana you will need until the end of the fight and displays what mana pot you will need to use. Since this wa extrapolates data (using current raid dps and your mana/s)...
AQ Fragment Count (Scarab Lord)
8 InstallsType !cara in group or raid chat, whomever has this weakaura will display "Fragment Count: Number" in party chat (if less than 6 members) or raid chat (if greater than 6 members)
Tems' AQ Pack [RU adapted]
6 InstallsОригинальный WA - Адаптировано под RU клиент
Raid Reset Timers (for all Chars)
15 Installs--> This WA is forked from Raid Reset Timers (updated for AQ) from Zippy as a GuildMate was looking for a way to make it for all Chars avail to keep track or Resettimers.
Mage - Intellect Tracker / Slacker (Arcane Brilliance, or Arcane Intellect)
11 Installsa lot of mages in the raid don't give buffs, because it doesn't give dps and it costs mana. This WA will show which mage is the slacker and does not give Arcane Brilliance, or...
Raid Targets
6 InstallsClickable Raid Target Buttons
Auto Bijou+Idol
16 InstallsOriginal ZG from Added AQ20 into it
1)16 Debuff Slots - Horde P5
6 InstallsUses maxrank spell ID's, Screech / Puncture / Annihilator are only shown while the debuff is active
Raid Buffs & Consumables
13 InstallsA dynamic list showing all Consumables, Party, Raid and World buffs applied to you. Will display a warning if you are missing a buff from a party member. Spells such as Fort/Gift/Arcane Int has been...
3)Plague AQ40/20
5 InstallsShows players affected by plague Might be useful to determine who still needs to get healed, move out or use a Petrification Flask Global Knocks: Global WW: Target WW/Knocks: Plague Group:
Aoen's Carapace Fragment Counter
6 InstallsI quickly made a Weakaura that adds up all the total farmed Carapace Fragments. In order to display the TOTAL amount including all the deputies just go to Brood of Nozdormu rep and "Set as...
Loot Timers
11 InstallsShows a list of all items in your inventory with a trade timer. Configurable on what threshold to show the item on the list. Put 7200 to show all items.