World of Warcraft
13,232 Mods
Siguiente Festin Comunitario Europa
91 InstallsAura Original
Northrend Fishing
28 InstallsThis aura show information for current fishing session in Northrend: session time, success rate, speed and counters for each Northrend fish type. Automatically activates when fishing pole equipped. Available stats: Spent time - time since...
Nayo's Fishing Daily
29 InstallsTracker for Wrath Fishing Dailies to alert you when you have looted the required item(s).
Profession Bars
50 InstallsShows all your professions and skill level.
Catch and Release [Dragonflight]
40 InstallsSmall, simple way to track the 'Catch and Release' quest and total items in bag for it
37 InstallsThis is a collection of 3 auras: Left (texture), Right (texture): Yellow lights Icon (icon)
Lava Fishing Brightness Overlay
28 InstallsAdds an overlay that should reduce the brightness when fishing in Lava zones. When you start fishing it will keep the overlay active for an hour. When you start moving it will cancel the over...
Feast Squeak
1 InstallsPlays the "feast squeak" from previous expansions for Hoard of Draconic Delicacies and Grand Banquet of the Kalu'ak
Exo's Gold Coin Reminder
2 InstallsReminds you to use your gold coins to increase your chances to fish up more coins in Dalaran.
Easy Buy
6 InstallsExchange 10x emblems with 1 click and Spam buying epic gems , no need to press accept button everytime. supported NPCs to buy Gems and exchange Emblems : - any Epic gem seller NPCs -...
165 Installs本WA字符串使用说明: 1、首次导入本WA字符串需要/rl重载 2、目前考虑鱼竿包括奥金钓鱼竿、纳特-帕格的超级钓鱼竿FC-5000型、塞瑟的石墨鱼竿和粗铁鱼竿,如果使用其他鱼竿可自行添加 3、装备鱼竿后自动装备渔帽,并切换技能栏2 4、装备常规武器后,自动装备副手和常规头部装备,并切换技能栏1(常规装备ID需要根据实际情况自行更改) 5、安装鱼竿后,如果背包内有“锐利的鱼钩”会出现显示鱼钩数量的图标,点击图标自动上饵 6、点击钓鱼技能图标开始钓鱼
Coinfish - Clickable helper for completing "The Wish Remover" achievement - Broken Isles Dalaran fountain coins
2 InstallsSimple, clickable interface. Large icon displays current fishing Lure buff: (Hypermagnetic Lure, Auriphagic Sardine, Glob of Really Sticky Glue, Micro-Vortex Generator, Wish Crystal, Alchemical Bonding Agent, Starfish on a String, or Tiny Little Grabbing Apparatus)...
Exo's Winter Veil Mistletoe Reminder
1 InstallsDisplays an animated Icon on your screen to remind you to go to the next innkeeper and collect your next /kiss presents. Does not showup in raids, battlegrounds or when you are still in combat...
LeoZan - (DF) Fish Track (require BUFF)
10 InstallsDuring your Fishing, you will see your "Fishes" Collected & stored in Bank! (5th January - Picture updated) - Requires to Show (Fishing Skill) - Requires to Show (Buff: "Fishing for Attention") - Requires to...
Night Fae's: Queen's Conservatory Tracker (by Niv)
105 InstallsTime tracker for Night Fae's conservatory seeds. How to use: - When in Queen's Conservatory, click an active seed to preview information. Aura displays: - time left for seed/spirit to grow - day in a...
Battle for Azeroth 8.2 Profession Supplies Tracker
28 InstallsAll in one area to track BfA Mats for all professions. This gives you a total of all the items in your bags and bank. Only the items you currently possess in your bags or...
[CLASSIC][HARDCORE][Surivival Mode] - Alpha Version v1.0
0 InstallsThis is a little AddOn to add a Survival Aspect to the Game during leveling Content. You need to keep an eye of the extra Bars! There is a random Death factor if you should...
Stranglethorn Fishin - Speckled Tastyfish counter and rares
32 InstallsDisplays number of Speckled Tastyfishes you got in the bag, as long as you have at least one and glows at 40 to remind you it's time to turn in. If you catch rare, it's...
Profession Training Reminders [TBC & Vanilla]
89 InstallsCopyright (c) 2021 Bananaman. All rights reserved. Advanced profession training reminders, with complete support for all racial profession bonuses, and all of the different skillup methods for all professions and all of their ranks (such...
Fishing Counter
19 InstallsSimple Fishing Counter that activates when fishing or harpooning.