World of Warcraft
13,250 Mods
Anduin: Hopelessness Cloak of Shadows
41 InstallsShows an icon at 10s remaining, says "soon" at <7s, and says "immunity" at <5s when Cloak of Shadows is available. The default sound cues require SharedMedia_Causese.
Saad Disc Priest Ramp Sepulcher
123 InstallsThis will only work with bigwigs even if you just install it disable bars and keep using dbm it will work but it was requiring too much time to keep the weakaura updated for both...
Co-Tank Raid Debuffs (Sepulcher of the First Ones)
28 InstallsCo-Tank Raid Debuffs Works best with this Co-Tank Healthbar:
Night Hunter Assignment (with direction)
37 InstallsCopied from and added directions to run on russian
Creation Spark (debuff List and Soak)
160 InstallsShadowlands S4 creation spark list portion forked from
Wild Spirits Countdown
156 InstallsTells the tank not to move when Wild Spirits goes down, then counts 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 and tells the tank they can move again.
Anduin Blasphemy Circles
39 InstallsThis is a merge between two Weakauras from different autors: "8. Anduin blasphemy" by Cindycrosby ( "Ascu's Blasphemy List" by Ascene (
Halondrus Bombmanagement Helper (Volatile Charges, mythic, Mayna changes)
30 InstallsCausese's Halondrus Bomb WA with some changes made to play sounds when you need to drop in the next 3 seconds or pick up in the next 3 seconds.
Boss Frames
46 InstallsReplace Blizzard boss frames by clickable, movable and resizable frames. Just move or scale the group. Feel free to change textures for bars if you want it.
T29: 01 Matter Dissolution tracker
32 InstallsTracks who has Matter Dissolution with timer
Meow at Carrion Cloud
35 InstallsTells your Melee to 'Stack' on Boss to avoid the green puddles (Cloud of Carrion) shooting from Mal'Ganis during Aura of Carrion's 50s duration. This WA version does not Meow. (by default) Sound from:
Rygalon Dagger Tracker
151 InstallsTracker for Rygalon Dagger, Antrumbra, Shadow of the Cosmos Tracks how many stacks you have Tracks when you get the double versatility Starts a cooldown timer when the double versatility buff is about to go...
Harder Daddy UwU
31 Installsthis is a new version of Sire's original CN aura, but upgraded to SoFO when he uses his hand of destruction, because once a daddy always a daddy
03 Xymox Bait Traps
32 Installs5 sec obnoxiously attention hungry huge BAIT TRAPS text with the ever-so-lovely boxing gong that will break your ears
Devouring Blood Text CD
28 InstallsUltra Modified Version of:
Focused Trickery tracker Group Leg + Set MM hunter
72 Installsfor aoe skill check
Gavel Buffs
73 InstallsAn aura to tell you which buff Gavel of the First Arbiter gave you. Text will disappear after 2 seconds. Aura will only load in combat with gavel equipped. Boon of Divine Command - AoE...
Lords of Dread - Grip Add
125 InstallsReminder to grip the Inchoate Shadows in after they lose Incomplete Form.
Dark Eclipse Assignments (FIXED)
131 InstallsFixed Causese WA for Dark Eclipse for the recent nerfs. Assigns front left, front right, back right for people with Dark Eclipse debuff. Back left will always be the extra soak.
09 - Cloud of Carrion Glow
31 InstallsGlows unit frames of people with more than 8 stacks of Cloud of Carrion debuff (Lords of Dread). Tested in mythic, not sure if it works in heroic too