World of Warcraft
13,248 Mods
自動切換拾取專精(Set LootSpecialization Automatically) - 首創者聖塚(Sepulcher of the First Ones)
22 Installs自動切換拾取專精(Set LootSpecialization Automatically) 首創者聖塚(Sepulcher of the First Ones) 於首領戰中自動切換事先設定好的拾取專精,媽媽再也不用擔心我忘記切拾取了。 選擇你的職業並設定每隻王的拾取專精 (預設0為當前專精,選錯職業也會設為當前專精) Select your Class and Set Loot Specialization "0" receives loot based on current specialization.
Partner Bomb Debuff
27 InstallsMythic Halondrus tracker for your partners bomb debuff when using "Bomb Management: ". You need to manually configure your partners name to trigger 1 -> UnitName Filter as shown in the screenshot.
Halondrus Mythique
1 InstallsTous les wa utile pour Halondrus! Dispell, gestion des bombes, bump etc..
The Jailer 2H Weapon buff Tracker ( Cooldown Tracker)
111 InstallsThis weak aura will track and show you all information you need to know about the Jailer 2H Weapon. (Gavel of the First Arbiter)
Rygelon - Corrupted Strikes
28 InstallsTracks corrupted strikes by casts instead of debuffs to avoid the annoying shit where stacks don't show due to absorbs resetting.
3. SFO - 9_Lords - Manifest Shadows Helper (TIMER)
28 InstallsThis WA will desplay the seconds left until the Shadows can't be cc'ed. This WA is also attached to . ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Este WA muestra los segundos restantes para que las Shadows no puedan...
Catvoke Tracker [Announce12] v15 9.2 PTR
107 InstallsNumbers are balanced around 1 min Convoke + 2set Tier, 278 ilevel Feral values. Uses average values for DOTs, direct damage is modified by crits. A regression analysis shows the performance indicator is 0.97 of...
10 Rygelon - Spawn matter
27 InstallsTiming before spawn of the matter in transition phase
SOFO Big Wigs Call Outs
39 InstallsCustom Sounds Can Be Downloaded Here -------------------------------------------------------------------- Helpful Information > #Raid Weakaura **PLEASE READ BELOW** Vigilant Guardian ------------------------------ 1) Ground Mines 2) Boss Bomb Lines 3) When to run out with orb spawn debuff...
Seriously Jailer Mythic
29 InstallsTHESE ARE NOT ALL MY WAs! Just a compilation.
Sepulcher - Rune of Damnation P1 with announce in chat
29 InstallsFork of but with spam in SAY Set priority for left bombs using ExRT note: pstart player1 player2 player3 player4 player5 pend
Protection Warrior Outburst / Seeing Red Tracker
109 Installs9.2 Protection Warrior Set Bonus Tracker for Seeing Red and Outburst Buff. Its the first weakaura ive ever made. Its simple and clunky but it works for PTR testing purpose. HF Fellow Warriors!
NotUI - Mythic+ Buff Reminder
25 InstallsSimple buff reminder before starting Mythic + Key. This WeakAura is only showing in Mythic 0 dungeon and new raids, out of combat.
Badger's Bitchin Boss Bars (for Anduin)
26 InstallsA boss mechanic pack for N/H Anduin! Features: (Tank only) Tracks Dark Zeal tank swap. Whoever goes down first should listen to the first taunt and other tank should ignore - this will reset Anduin's...
Xy'mox - Glyph of Relocation
26 InstallsProgress bar for the tank explosion.
[noath] Halondrus Bomb Managment W/Lines
25 InstallsOriginally from Causese's WA. Video-example: Another WA: progressbar (timer, debuff, whos next etc.) with guitar sounds:
3. SFO - 9_Lords - Mastery & Aura Helper
26 InstallsThis WA will display bosses's special abilities and buffs. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Este WA mostrará las habilidades y buffs especiales de los jefes.
Halondrus Bomb Management Helper (Post-Nerf)
25 InstallsCustom edit of Causese's Halondrus WA: All credit to the original coders.
Scars of Eternal Strife Improved
54 InstallsImproved version of flazian69's WA. More compact and cleaned up and some more sounds.
Stonksftw - Convoke procs Flourish
101 InstallsMakes a custom sound (that only I have, change it to what you want) when having both convoke + Flourish buff (can test by flourishing before convoke) so you dont double flourish