World of Warcraft
13,503 Mods
Summoning Stone Announce
505 InstallsAura announce summoning using summoning stones and whispers target of the summon.
Loot the Badge (BoJ) - wotlk update
450 Installsonly works on English client , for other lang change untrigger in trigger 1 , "Badge of Justice" to whatever
Instance Run Timer
220 InstallsInstance Run Timer Updated for Karazhan, SSC, TK, MH, BT, ZA This WA tracks how long the dungeon is taking! The timer begins when the first player goes in Combat, except via Bloodrage (It doesn't...
Hydross Stack Tracker
136 InstallsTrack the cooldown and number of stacks of Hydross's 'Mark of Hydoss' and 'Mark of Corruption'. This WA will display which stack you are on, the cooldown until the next stack, and glow when you...
Tainted Core
220 InstallsClickable aura to throw to target. Shows when Tainted Core is in your bag. Yells and whispers to target when you throw the core.
SSC Water Totem Alert
327 Installs* Triggers when a Tidecallers Water Totem is dropped * Plays a "sploosh sound" * Hides when totem is killed * Triggers when a Spitfire Totem is dropped * Plays a "fireball sound" * Hides...
Badge of Justice Loot Reminder Phase 5
324 InstallsReminds you to pick up Badge of Justice when needed. Works for all heroic instance and raid instance bosses that drops Badge of Justice for TBC Phase 5. You can turn off the sound effect...
TBC Tank Uncrittable Uncrushable Track
1.8k InstallsHeavily modified from https://wago.io/8svYsh795 Features: Takes into account raw resilience, defense and their ratings, along with talents to determine if you are uncrittable. Also calculates uncrushable for you (102.4% avoidance). Everything is now color coded...
Raid Class Mana
208 InstallsRaid or Group Class Mana Displays total, relative mana per class in raid or group and overall average mana. Modication of popular "Raid Mana" weakaura by Aurokin: https://wago.io/jJ_lqGGhH All credits belong to them
Karathress Grounding Reminder
96 InstallsDisplay of time remaining on Fathom-Lord Karathress' The Beast Within buff when he also has Blessing of the Tides, with warning if no grounding totem is down.
Jeyp's SSC WA
129 InstallsA few WeakAuras for SSC - A "RUN" warning when Sitting in a Toxic Pool or close to a Spore Quake (Colossus) - A WA showing the target of the Geyser along with an animation...
Colossus Abilities
250 InstallsDisplays Underbog Colossus abilities above their nameplates.
Shariva's ItemRack/GearQuipper Switcher Suite TBC
96 InstallsYou can find the Wotlk version here: https://wago.io/7AB2s_lkN This is based on the Classic Vanilla WeakAura by Zippy: https://wago.io/_ah46FI84 A video explaining the WeakAura: https://youtu.be/2SynZ2KFjLY This WA makes it possible to automatically switch between Equipment...
Tainted Core Alert
107 InstallsDisplays an icon and plays a sound when you have the tainted core in your bags
TBC mag1cx - Raid CC Tracker (with Caster / Icon / Raidmark)
108 InstallsA simple Overview for your Raids current CC Targets, including the CC-Casters Name (in Classcolor), the CC-Icon with Duration and the Raid Mark (Icon) the CC is casted on.
Nameplate Spell reflect
61 InstallsDisplays a message over the nameplate when a mob has spell reflection active. Useful for Elemental Shaman's when using Chain Lightning, or just for people who prefer to look at nameplates.
Serpentshrine Cavern Trash Requirements
120 InstallsSerpentshrine Cavern requirements to be considered a speedrun by WCL https://articles.classic.warcraftlogs.com/help/serpentshrine-caverns-speed-run-rules
Vashj Phase 2 Tracker
68 InstallsShows which adds are up during phase 2 and who they are targetting. Helpful to determine when to push into phase 3. Shows who the mob is targetting and colors them based on if they're...
Saji's Mana Potion Reminder
90 InstallsSimple reminder to use a mana Potion at a deficit of 3000 mana or more to assist in getting the maximum mana return as well as making best use of the CD timer. This will...
Dinner Persuasion Timer
69 Installs**CURRENTLY UNTESTED Displays a timer to indicate approximately when Vashj's Persuasion ability becomes available to use and warns melee to unequip weapons.