World of Warcraft
13,503 Mods
Executable with Condemn 9.0 【9.0判罪血条显示图标】
3.6k InstallsCondemn icon will show up above nearby enemy namplates when they are above 80% health or below 20%/35% health. 当周围敌人生命值大于80%或低于20%/35%时,判罪图标会显示在它们的血条上。
FR Donjon Flèches de l'Ascension
264 Installs~~ Weakauras donjons de Shadowlands ~~ Bienvenu jeune aventurier d'Azeroth ! Je vous présente une collection de weakauras pour les donjons de Shadowlands en français. J'ai essayé de mettre un maximum d'alerte concernant les trashs...
Mueh'zala Dance deutsch
352 InstallsGerman Translation of https://wago.io/Elrz6k1kh
M+ Friendly Spell Alarm 9.2.7
1.1k Installs텍스트 형식으로 드리블시 신경써야 하는 아군 주문들의 시전과 지속을 알려줍니다. Show name of spells and it's duration by text that you have to consider when you tanking mobs 원본(Original WAs): https://wago.io/Syyz1xII7/29 https://wago.io/ForceOfNature/3
Moroes: Shadowmeld/FeintDeath Timing
263 InstallsSmall Bar when you are targeted by Moroes "Vanish" Cast. Use Shadowmeld / Feint Death / Vanish etc, to cancel the cast and avoid the bleed https://clips.twitch.tv/AmazonianSmallAyeayeBrokeBack-DVtm23pV1ie3BX5Z
Mueh'zala Marker (1 or 2 times)
305 InstallsUsage : Type !dos : to spread the group in the 4 corners to do the boss in 1 time Type !dos2 : to spread the group in the 2 right corners to do the...
[TOP Trash] Death Winds
250 Installssmall WA to announce the Death Wings (aka Yeet-Cast) in Theatre of Pain
獵人阿圖曼 - 無形魅影
261 Installs來自NGA網友分享的WA,改為中文版,未經實測不知效果如何,中點名的人應該是會喊話驅散我,其他人則會顯示中的隊友名稱,※ 要全隊安裝才準確 ※,不然只有自己中點名才準。 推薦使用玩具柯基護目鏡,鬼比柯基大,很容易看出來。
Phial of Serenity (Curable)
744 InstallsShows icon if player is suffering from a debuff removable by Kyrians Phial of Serenity and it is off cooldown. Since there is no way to categorically track bleeding debuffs, those have been added by...
M+ Display
380 Installs参考: https://wago.io/M+LevelDisplay/8
Attumen - Riderless/Dismounted Phase Duration
212 InstallsProgress bar indicating Midnight's Health Bar to show her progress of healing up during Riderless phase on Attumen fight. The dismount triggers when she reaches 50% health (but can be delayed and you can damage...
Hooktail Infinite Breath
294 Installsshows the time you are able to aim, disappears when the breath is locked in
307 Installs更新至 原作者 1.0.11版 基於Tazavesh Hylbrande Titan Console by Translit(https://wago.io/TazaveshConsole/) 所做的繁體中文化版本
Tazavesh Gambit So'leah Auto assigner
295 InstallsAssigns Tank behind the boss, Healer to the left of the boss and the dps to the other 3 positions. Copied from DOS autoassigner https://wago.io/856dvMzw4 and modified for So'Leah boss in Tazavesh Gambit.
M+ Workshop Shield Generator Timer
107 InstallsCreates a progress bar for each Shield generator that is up while in combat
FR Donjon sillage nécrotique
267 Installs~~ Weakauras donjons de Shadowlands ~~ Bienvenu jeune aventurier d'Azeroth ! Je vous présente une collection de weakauras pour les donjons de Shadowlands en français. J'ai essayé de mettre un maximum d'alerte concernant les trashs...
Bounty Reminder (Season 4 affix)
1.1k InstallsKeep forgetting to pick stats from the new Shrouded affix in Season 4 mythic+? Worry not, this reminder will let you know if you're missing the buff at the start of the dungeon.
Mythic+ Stun Nameplate Anchors (Stunnable+Stun DR)
327 InstallsThis is a pack of two existing WA's modified to work with Dragonflight. One is showing an icon on the nameplate if the mob is not stunnable and one is showing an icon on the...
Happens' M+Timer GGF
1.3k InstallsUPDATE This weakaura is now an addon! The addon offers much more customization options and uses way less memory than this weakaura. You can get the addon at curseforge.com/wow/addons/warpdeplete. Edited version of the popular M+...
FR Salles de l'expiation
260 Installs~~ Weakauras donjons de Shadowlands ~~ Bienvenu jeune aventurier d'Azeroth ! Je vous présente une collection de weakauras pour les donjons de Shadowlands en français. J'ai essayé de mettre un maximum d'alerte concernant les trashs...