World of Warcraft
13,503 Mods
每周大秘境次数 中文版
4.4k Installs原作者: timtimtim 汉化:灵魂复苏 打开地下城与团队副本会自动显示本周大秘境完成情况
M+ | DoS Xy'exa - Debuff Marker & Announcer
332 InstallsMarks the Arcane Lightning target with a raid marker, leaves a different mark for Arcane Vulnerability, and then removes the mark when Vulnerability falls off. The marks are per default Skull and X, but can...
Xianlin Labyrinth Automatic Navigation System (translated in english)
337 InstallsThis WeakAura originated from 'Eleven', a Chinese WeakAura coder. FULL 100% Credit goes to him - please support him here: https://wago.io/p/Eleven i just translated it in english, video from https://wago.io/p/Quazii to explain how it works....
Dungeon - M+ Affixe
295 Installs*** To fully cover everything: https://wago.io/uvV6mTJHh *** Collection of Mandatory Weakaura. Beta & Release ready! Will be held up to date.
923 Installs全新的死亡位置喊话WA,修复释放灵魂后会继续喊话的问题 一、制作背景 原先各个冲层队伍用的死亡尸体喊话WA,是在一个叫“死亡找借口”的WA的基础上修改来的,虽然可以用,但是有一个很明显的问题:战复拉起来或者释放灵魂后,依旧会继续喊话,很烦。而且WA里面包含了太多无用代码。 二、正文 于是我直接推翻重做了一个死亡喊话,目的是以最低的占用来实现最好的功能。这个WA相比之前有以下优点: 1、战复、释放灵魂或萨满复生后不会再喊话 2、可以设置只在有战复次数的时候喊话(在自定义选项中自己设置,默认为只在有战复或马上有战复的情况下喊话) 3、喊话可以设置最大次数(在自定义选项中自己设置,默认为10次) 4、顺便通报有无战复或者多长时间以后有战复 5、大幅精简代码 6、感谢13楼老哥的思路,将光柱标记整合进了这个WA。 字符串整理发到了Wago,链接:https://wago.io/7KrIM-PVh 三、常见问题 1、为什么我导入WA后会有报错? [del]整个WA实现复活后停止喊话这个功能的原理就是玩家复活后,state.name的值会丢失,变成一个无法获取的值,此时就不会继续喊话了。 这一原理就决定了报错没法避免。这个报错一定是不会有什么危害的,不会造成卡顿也不会造成崩溃,所以我就简单的在WA里加了一行代码:SetCVar("scriptErrors", 0),屏蔽掉了lua错误提示。 但是如果你用了Bugsuck这种外置的报错插件,那么还是会报错。解决方法可能只有关闭Bugsuck了。[/del] 版本2.0:优化了复活后停止喊话的原理,现在不会大规模报错了,但仍建议在SetCVar("scriptErrors", 0)的前提下使用。 2、为什么我导入WA后没有反应? WA只在大秘境中加载,在其他难度的五人本以及野外包括团本都是不生效的。如果你想修改,"载入"那一栏里面有加载条件,自己更改即可 四、意义 很多人会问这个WA有什么意义,刷屏不烦吗? 首先现在新的WA只会在你死亡时喊话10次,一旦被战复或者释放尸体,喊话会立即终止。并且可以设置只在有战复次数的时候喊话,所以已经极大程度的改善了刷屏烦人的问题。 其次,冲层的基本都知道这个WA的意义,它可能不是每次喊话都能发挥作用,但是紧急情况下没有它可能就会错过最佳的战复时机。 在队伍只能工程战复的时候,或者是队伍里的战复职业死了的时候,yy里是说不清具体位置的,光找尸体就得找半天,然后找时机读条战复又得大半天。而有了这个WA,一眼就能看出人死在哪里,只需要找时机去战复就好了。 五、喊话内容 当队伍里有至少一个战复的时候,会喊话“[玩家名]在这里,有战复” 当队伍里没有战复的时候,会喊话“[玩家名]在这里,无战复”(如果设置了只在有战复或即将有战复时喊话,这一条就不会出现) 当队伍里没有战复,但是30s内有下一个战复的时候,会喊话“[玩家名]在这里,战复剩余xx秒” 六、效果图 这个不重要,以后有机会截图了再放上来 七、版本2.0更新内容 1、优化了复活后停止喊话的原理,现在不会大规模报错了,但仍建议在SetCVar("scriptErrors",...
71 InstallsM+timer汉化,添加了MOP WOD LEGION的副本
So'leah's Tracker
1.5k InstallsWeak Aura for the Tazavesh Trinket dropping off Soleah, displaying the Buff missing or the Secondary Stat you gained.
Xianlin Labyrinth Automatic Navigation System - Converted to English
378 InstallsAll credit goes to https://wago.io/p/Eleven. Converted to english! -Copied Details- v1.0.7 Code optimization Fully automatic navigation, when the only route is found, the exit location is indicated principle According to the type and number of...
Collapsing Energy
382 InstallsSimple progress bar which displays the Collapsing Engery Debuff from Collapsing Star on So'leah. Makes it easier to coordinate soaking.
Ayaya Spiteful Shade on Nameplates
778 InstallsBased on https://wago.io/S36Jvq78o Show an Ayaya picture and sound for the Spiteful Shade Download the BigExternals folder below and put it in World of Warcraft\_retail_\Interface https://drive.google.com/open?id=1_mawz74jBpSHPsU1niWJbh1-1tyYldES
FR Donjon Malpeste
283 Installs~~ Weakauras donjons de Shadowlands ~~ Bienvenu jeune aventurier d'Azeroth ! Je vous présente une collection de weakauras pour les donjons de Shadowlands en français. J'ai essayé de mettre un maximum d'alerte concernant les trashs...
Crosshair: Raid & Dungeon
963 InstallsAdds a small Crosshair on your character, which helps you "find" your character in the melee or caster camp. The Position should be adjusted to you camera distance. For that, go to the group ->...
Dungeon - Tazavesh, the Veiled Market
366 InstallsDungeon weakaura for the whole Tazavesh, the Veiled Market(Street + Gambit)
FR Donjon Brume de Tirna Scithe
293 Installs~~ Weakauras donjons de Shadowlands ~~ Bienvenu jeune aventurier d'Azeroth ! Je vous présente une collection de weakauras pour les donjons de Shadowlands en français. J'ai essayé de mettre un maximum d'alerte concernant les trashs...
Bolstering stacks _ GnomeTW (/Raging/Inspiring/Sanguine)
821 InstallsDisplay the affix icon and stacks number on the nameplate. 3 of Bolstering will be displayed as an icon + number 3, not 3 icons. Support affixs: Bolstering/Raging/Inspiring/Sanguine I changed the settings, and now you...
Dungeon Teleport Buttons S4
224 InstallsClickable wa for season 4 dungeons
Quaking M+
928 InstallsAdds a bar a the top that tracks possible quaking times. Adds a cast bar for quake at the top, which dynamically changes and makes a sound if your cast is going to get hit...
Encrypted Targetclick
1.5k InstallsCreates 3 Buttons, whenever the Encrypted Adds are around. If you click the Button you target the Add, you need. (Haste, CDR, Invis) You need to have Nameplates activated for it to work. In Order...
Specialization & Dungeon specific Shrouded Affix Auto Select
226 InstallsAutomatically select the Shrouded affix from Ta'ilh. Three-tier selectable options for dungeon specific selection or default selection for all keys. Specific dungeon selection will take priority over the default "all" at the top. There are...
Zera Edit -- Zerger's M+ Encrypted /target Buttons
962 InstallsButtons to target Urh, Wo, or Vy Relics/Guardians so you can more easily target them. Goes away once the Dungeon is over with :). This is a simple edit of Zerger's weakaura. They did 90%...