World of Warcraft
13,503 Mods
Dungeon RIO and Class with Main's Score
162 InstallsA fork of the popular Dungeon RIO and Class WeakAura: https://wago.io/klC4qqHaF This version adds the ability to display a player's main's score in place of their current character's score.
Hooktail Infinite Breath Bar
77 InstallsYou need the Addon "SharedMedia_Causese" https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/sharedmedia_causese The sound of the Weakaura only works if you download the addon as well I would be very happy for a star(favourite). If you have any questions or problems,...
Glow Raid Frames
77 InstallsGlow raid frames targeted by Juggernaut Rush (Kryxis the Voracious) and Castigate (Executor Tarvold)
M+ Display
154 InstallsSeason 4: https://wago.io/oT4oca2ar 以下を参考に、見た目だけ少し改変しました。 https://wago.io/M+LevelDisplay/8
Shared Suffering stack
70 InstallsPlays sound and displays message to remind you to stack with tank for shared suffering on Attumen the Huntsmen in lower karazhan
Power Infuse M+ when DPS on Cooldowns with Dynamic Player Name and Priority
290 InstallsWeakaura is simple and easy modification from Growl's original design. Includes current top DPS in a Dynamic Group to prioritize when multiple high damage cooldowns are active and player would benefit from 25% haste Power...
Top 10 Mythic+ Runs
152 InstallsThe Great Vault is pretty great, but the mouseover tooltip shows you ALL your weekly runs, not just your top 10 :( Displays your highest 10 keys done for the week on your Mythic Keystone...
02 DoS Mueh'zala Dance (GER)
164 InstallsDeutscher Client (Original https://wago.io/Elrz6k1kh)
82 Installs此為 https://wago.io/v-hmjEG9B 的繁中修改版。
82 Installs此為 https://wago.io/TazaveshConsole 的繁中翻譯版本。截圖請參考原始網址。
Предикт пула мобов
69 InstallsПредикт пула мобов. Покажет сколько спулено мобов в данный момент (именно количество мобов). Покажет сколько %% спулено в данный момент. Покажет сколько %% всего. >>> Требуется наличие аддона Mythic Dungeon Tools Скачать аддон Mythic Dungeon...
Grant PI
342 InstallsGlows players' frames when they whisper you "PI me" (or any other phrase as specified in custom options). Additional features • Won't glow frames while your PI is on cooldown. • Broadcasts your PI cooldown...
HealerWatch Discrete
312 InstallsFeatures: Show the mana for each healer in your group. Show an additional icon if the healer is drinking. Turn the bar red when the healer is dead. When in a mythic raid instance, show...
M+ Tormented AutoPicker - Fr (Kariboo)
158 InstallsFrench translation from asakawa weak aura : https://wago.io/TormentedAutoPicker other languages : https://wago.io/yYgnYebxO
加密圣物点击选中标记骷髅+打断沃+偷红玉 Encrypted Affix Helper
82 Installs血条出现在视野中才会显示 加密怪和三个大怪都能点击选中 打断沃在打断技能cd时显示打断cd,沃读条并且打断技能可用会发光和声音报警 打断沃透明层 触发器1和动作自定义里 改成自己的打断技能 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 增加了几个重要小怪的点击选择,防止血条堆一起选择困难,不喜欢的可以删除相关模块
Shroud Announcer
383 InstallsThis WeakAura announces… … in /emote chat - that shroud got activated and by who. … in /say chat - countdown for each passing second of its duration. … in /emote chat - that shroud...
Soulbind Conduit Check/Reminder
384 InstallsThis WA will help you to check your conduits when entering an instance. Often i forgot to switch from "Dauntless Duelist" to "Unrelenting Cold" when doing M+ Dungeons after raid. With this WA you will...
Boss Nameplate at Base
91 InstallsSets nameplates at the base of certain bosses (mostly the ones that are too big and cause the nameplates to go way up). Resets nameplates once out of combat. Works on these bosses: Raid Bosses:...
CD Tracker for all
112 InstallsThe mission of this WA is to achieve the following goal: “Know what’s going on, without paying attention” Therefore, this WA has the ability to track practically everything, and you can configure things you care...
DSR Announcer [Engineering Combat Resurrection]
21 InstallsDisposable Spectrophasic Reanimator Announcer Announces in Party Chat when you are casting the Engineering Combat Resurrection on your current mouseover. What Does This WeakAura Do? Announces who you are currently trying to resurrect. Improvements? Discord:...