World of Warcraft
13,248 Mods
Have you Applied Oils? v1.2 - Grim
3 InstallsChecks if you have oils/sharp stones and alike applied or not. it checks main and offhand for most specs. Cannot get offhand to work for frost dk/ww/brewm as i cant detect if you are using...
Shadowlands Guardian Druid
3 InstallsMainly saving this weakaura here, incase I need it later. My standard WA for Shadowlands. Tracks all cooldowns, buffs, bleeds, heals, all the things. Shows when you're missing weapon oil, well fed and flask. It...
Bursting smaller
3 InstallsMaybe you won't ignore bursting stacks as much now 4head
3 InstallsAdd cursor anchored texture to easily locate your mouse during fights
M+ !keys (guild support)
3 InstallsRework by Glaynâbis@Archimonde + Deepvass@Archimonde
4 Installs大米通用wa
Forgeborn Reveries Frame Glow
0 InstallsAdds a yellow glow effect to the unit frame of anybody who has triggered their Forgeborn Reveries death effect Border customizations can be made in the actions setting
Restoration Shaman UI [Quazii Community Made]
3 InstallsThe following WeakAura profile is entirely FREE to use, and is created by ChatterChats from the Quazii Discord community. Please support him by following imQuazii on twitch or Quazii on Youtube! These WeakAuras are meant...
Zera打斷追蹤 - Nnoggie版本
2 Installs原始WA在此: ,可用於大秘以及競技場,競技場敵方打斷CD顯示為紅色,截圖請參考來源。
Tank External Group
4 InstallsPlays sound and displays spell image whenever a external defensive is cast on you (loads even for non-tanks)
Paladin Off-taunt Announce
2 InstallsAnnounces taunts in /s for Holy and Ret paladin. If in bubble or BoP when taunting, will also /s "Taunt back!" when 2 sec remains of that buff. Auras by Nightwillow
Wild Spirits: Shut up, hunter
2 InstallsHides spammy, automated messages about hunters' Wild Spirits, preventing them from showing up in your chat frame. This does not affect the chat bubbles. This currently suppresses messages from the following weakauras: Of...
4 Installs八门快捷,点击即可
4 InstallsCheck the custom settings! This WeakAura is for exporting of Itemlevel and Scores of group members. This WeakAura requires the Raider.IO Mythic Plus and Raid Progress||r Addon AND Details! Damage Meter Addon! Made by...
DinnerFirst Resto M+ Cluster
3 InstallsThis is a weakaura cluster i've made for my shaman exclusively for mythic + talents. It does not currently support any additional talents other than totems. The mana bar across the top is an ELVUI...
2P set Disc priest cursor
4 InstallsCursor anchored of 2P disc priest set also have added a timer/stack text to the original penitent legendary and power of the dark side buff texture
Combo Points Number - Deficit With Finisher Glow
4 InstallsShow combo points as a number with border glow finisher rules for non-quick draw outlaw only. Finish at 1 or 0 based on broadside. Works with either 6 or 5 max cp due to deficit...
M+ Inspiring - Nameplate Glow
0 InstallsEdit based on spiteful weakaura from Adds a glow to the nameplates of Inspiring mobs and plays a sound. You can customize the glow effect in the Conditions tab. If you are not running...
2 InstallsSimple on-screen message when a spiteful add is fixating you.
проценты M+ rus
2 Installsсколько осталось добрать процентов в подземелье, о не хватке % сообщает в чат группы сколько не хватает