World of Warcraft
13,232 Mods
Loot the Badge (BoJ) - wotlk update
450 Installsonly works on English client , for other lang change untrigger in trigger 1 , "Badge of Justice" to whatever
M'uru - Spell Fury Steal/Purge
227 InstallsShows 6s timed bars for Spell Fury buffs on Shadowsword Fury Mages during the M'uru encounter. Timers start when buffs go up and expire after 6 seconds, not when they are purged/removed.
Kalecgos - Group Notifications
190 InstallsHelps automate callouts on who should use the first four portals in the Kalecgos encounter. After the fourth portal people will still need to use their brains. The raid leader can set the order of...
06.guard shield
211 InstallsThis WA has merged into Remind to cast shield while the remain time of Darkness of a Thousand Souls is lower than 5 second. 在千魂之暗剩余5秒内提示使用蓝龙盾
Spell Fury on Nameplate
195 InstallsShows Spell Fury buff on nameplates of the Shadowsword Fury Mage on Muru.
Armageddon timer
168 InstallsArmageddon timer
162 InstallsTBC--P5—太阳之井高地团本技能监控 制作者→梦幻俏俏-法师-<相逢>-部落-希尔盖← 未经许可,本WA字符串禁止转载/分享! 本WA字符串禁止任何公众号/小程序转载或使用! 本WA字符串禁止 露露缇娅-维克尼拉斯 转载或使用! 备战WLK,诚邀魔兽怀旧服插件及WA爱好者加入"WOW怀旧服插件WA交流QQ群” TBC-群号:718174332 进群口令:插件WA交流 (已满隐藏) WLK-群号: 218619002 进群口令:插件WA交流 本WA字符串使用提醒: 1、经授权,群组内整合部分Momo大佬和HopeAsd大佬作品项目(已标注) 2、小怪-漂浮术项目限定牧师职业生效 3、布胖战斗开始前请给两个T团队框架主坦克标记 4、布胖5码/基尔加丹10码内人数仅供参考,有误差 5、设置火女BOSS为焦点可以监控燃烧读条,不设置焦点仍可高亮燃烧目标 6、穆鲁时间轴默认开启3:58,提前进入P2会自动隐藏所有P1时间轴 7、穆鲁P2被黑水点名的玩家会给骷髅标记(需要团长/助理权限) 8、穆鲁P2被黑洞点名的玩家会给红叉标记(需要团长/助理权限) 9、穆鲁和基尔加丹首领血条无需选中目标或设置焦点 10、如果觉得占用空间比例不适,可以通过调整“组缩放”功能改变大小 如果您是团长/指挥,在导入本常规群组的基础上还可以导入专项群组,链接: 专项提醒群组为常规群组的扩展包,区别于常规监控显示,专项群组对于各BOSS关键技能采用更加醒目的文本显示、团队通报和语音提醒等,适用于团长/指挥人员安装导入 TBC-P5-太阳井-WA高亮说明 小怪 粉色高亮——中精神鞭笞的玩家 蓝色高亮——中点燃法力的玩家 红色高亮——中统御(心控)的玩家 黄色高亮——中斩杀射击的玩家 绿色高亮——魔能闪电目标玩家 红色高亮——被冲压的目标玩家...
Badge of Justice Loot Reminder Phase 5
324 InstallsReminds you to pick up Badge of Justice when needed. Works for all heroic instance and raid instance bosses that drops Badge of Justice for TBC Phase 5. You can turn off the sound effect...
KJ Shield of the Blue
175 InstallsDisplays whether you're affected by Shield of the Blue on KJ.
164 Installs露露緹婭@Bilibili
TBC Tank Uncrittable Uncrushable Track
1.8k InstallsHeavily modified from Features: Takes into account raw resilience, defense and their ratings, along with talents to determine if you are uncrittable. Also calculates uncrushable for you (102.4% avoidance). Everything is now color coded...
<Torment> KJ Dragon CDs
125 InstallsCooldown timers for the breath abilities of the dragons used on the Kil'jaeden encounter for enhanced visibility. Use the following macros for better micro-management while controlling the dragon (recommend adding to second action bar page...
Kil'jaeden - HP transition alerts
115 InstallsDisplays a message when approaching the transitions when a new set of adds spawn at 85%, 55%, and 25% boss HP so DPS know to hold their cleaving abilities as to not activate the adds...
SW-战斗提醒-副 by 巴尼
190 Installs原创太阳井WA,借助新版WA已经将本字串所有内容整合至,本字串不再更新。
106 Installs从boss战开始显示2:50的倒计时,适用于打算2:50进P2的团队
<Torment> KJ Shield Duration
95 InstallsTimer bar for the duration (5.0 seconds) of "Shield of the Blue" when activated during the Kil'jaeden encounter. Also recommended for the Kil'jaeden encounter: Darkness Helper: Dragon Breath Cooldown Helper: Dragon Buff Timers:...
Shariva's ItemRack/GearQuipper Switcher Suite TBC
96 InstallsYou can find the Wotlk version here: This is based on the Classic Vanilla WeakAura by Zippy: A video explaining the WeakAura: This WA makes it possible to automatically switch between Equipment...
Kalecgos Wild Magic
90 InstallsDisplays appropriate Wild Magic buff/debuff on player, along with short description of buff.
fx addition - Brutallus Burn
94 Installs- Creates a progress bar for every player affected by Burn during Brutallus encounter. - For each segment the damage taken per second is displayed.
Sunmote Item Tooltip
159 InstallsShows the other version of a Sunmoted or Sunmote-able item in a comparison tooltip