World of Warcraft
13,232 Mods
Sanctum of Domination (10/10 Bosses, all difficulties)
64.4k InstallsExpect updates during heroic/mythic week(s) Other WAs that might be relevant for progress: Co-Tank Auras: Regarding Custom sounds (optional, highly recommended) Install SharedMedia_Causese Restart WoW Max out master volume and enable the addon....
Sanctum of Domination Co-Tank Auras
11.7k InstallsDefault Taunt sound requires Shows debuffs applied to your Co-Tank without having to put him in focus or anything. Check out Custom Options tab. "Sound at x stacks" plays the sound when your Co-Tank...
T28: 10 Sylvanas Windrunner N/H/Mythic Pack
9.8k InstallsReady for N/H/Mythic! If you have issues importing, /reload UI before import and again after importing so it moves from cache to folders. Mythic Notes: Blue, Purple, Orange bait timers (Veil) ability can very up...
Wailing Arrow WAIT/DONE
8.9k InstallsDon't be the guy that returns too early with Wailing Arrow. Shows you a WAIT when your Wailing Arrow debuff fades, and a DONE when it actually hits you. ☕ Buy me a coffee
Sylvanas intermission add marker / kill order
9.6k InstallsIt will Display a numeric killorder above the Nameplates. Standard Killorder is Summoner > Souljudge > Goliath. Under Custom Options you can activate an automark option which marks the highest priority target with a skull...
Sylvanas Mythic Halcyon Barbed Arrow LEFT/RIGHT
8.9k Installsassigns 8 highest debuff stacks to left/right chains in phase 1 of mythic sylvanas
Wailing Arrow Target List
6.7k InstallsDisplays a list of the people targeted with Wailing Arrow. Names display to the left of each icon.
Wailing Arrow Warning
6.4k InstallsDisplays an icon when you have Wailing Arrow, along with a chat message when it begins and when the debuff expires.
Wailing Arrow Radial Timer: Debuff Tracker
3.6k InstallsThis weakaura gives a radial expiry timer for your "Wailing Arrow" debuff on the Sylvanas encounter. This helps players nail their carefully staggered dropoff timings. Put simply: When the circle expires, you need to be...
Sanctum of Domination Bars
2k InstallsJust a few bars that complement my Raid WAs from 01 Chains of Eternity Bar (Progress Bar) 04 Malevolence Bar (Progress Bar) 06 Flameclasp Trap Bar (Progress Bar) 07 Call of Eternity Bar (Progress...
Don's Battle Ress Monitor
1.1k InstallsShows a list of bRessed people and who ressed then
Sylvanas Mythic - Echoes LaughingSkull
2.1k InstallsEchoes - LaughingSkull [EU] Sylvanas Mythic WeakAura Pack Auras: • [P1] Left / Right Assignments (Including /say spam) • [P1] Personal text for Arrow Debuff stacks • [P1] Sentinel NamePlate fixate icon • [P2] Banshee...
Sylvanas - Veil of darkness
2.6k InstallsHuge bar on veil cast, impossible to miss.
Mythic Sylvanas Veil Bait P1
1.7k InstallsShows announce for bait mythic Sylvanas veil on phase 1. 1st and 2nd cast to blue square, 3rd to purple diamond.
Banshee's Bane Group
1.5k InstallsShould handle all your Banshee's Bane and Banshee's Fury needs. Displays: When Banshee's Fury is about to be cast and when it is casting. When you have stacks of Banshee's Bane. When anyone else has...
Sylvanas - Puddle Reminder
1.5k InstallsModified version of this weakaura - Displays "CARRYING PUDDLE - ASK FOR DISPEL" and gives an audio cue if you are carrying Banshee's Bane in Phase 3.
Domination Arrow assignments
1.3k InstallsAssigns players with the highest number of Barbed Arrow stacks to soak the left or right Domination Arrows. Ignores tanks and Kyrian players that have Phial of Serenity still available. Uses MRT inspect data to...
Domination Arrow indicator
1.4k InstallsShows an arrow above the nameplate of Domination Arrows you are chained to.
Sylvanas Halcyon P1 Barbed Arrow (Cleanse warning)
1.2k Installsshouts your Barbed Arrow stacks if above a certain threshold while the boss is casting Domination Chains in p1 to organize cleansing on the fly Two configurable numbers in Custom options, if above or equal...
Domination Arrow healer indicator
1k InstallsShows which Domination Arrows are chained to healers (above their nameplate). The idea is of course that these arrows have a higher kill priority. ☕ Buy me a coffee