World of Warcraft
13,245 Mods
Aerx Melee Debuffs
21 InstallsWeakaura to track melee debuffs on targets in dungeons/raids. When you click the Weakaura you will announce in /say which debuffs are missing!
Loot the damn Badge - Badge of Justice reminder
10 InstallsWill only load in HC dungeons
Zulgin - Trinkets-Racial Ready-buffs
18 InstallsShows aura when trinket is used or procs. All trinkets included from Phase 1 to Phase 5 Use this aura with Made by Zulgin @Nethergarde Keep EU
22 InstallsEman's drinking tracker Simple weakaura to track when you're currently drinking. Displays a mostly-transparent icon of the drink currently being used. Useful for all thirsty classes.
Soulwell Requester
21 InstallsGlows Ritual of Souls Icon whenever someone types "321" or "healthstone" in raid chat.
Normal nameplate range in instances
6 InstallsNormal nameplate range in instances. Will automatically reset to 20 yards when entering an instance and 41 when exiting.
Instance History Extra made_KAYOT420 RU version
8 InstallsInstance History Extra с переводом на Русский язык.
Attackspeed Melee -- two decimal places
23 InstallsShows your current attack speed out to two decimal places. Updates on: Mana Change Target Change Movement Start/End Successful Cast Swing Remaining Time >= 0 Can be changed to update every frame if you so...
# Buffs and Consumables
21 InstallsForked and edited from: (classic/vanilla only) Shows all buffs and consumables on you when you open your character screen. *(Updated for TBC)* Enjoy! ^_^
Meeting Stone Summon Announcer (w/ whisper)
5 InstallsAnnounces meeting stone summons in party/raid chat and sends the recipient a whisper.
Fubar's Goblin Jumper Cables Spam
11 Installs✓ Done ✓ Still A Work In Progress. Haven't Been Able To Test It. ✓ Done ✓ ✓ Done✓ Updated To Be Fully Working, Hopefully. ✓ Done✓ Pops Up And Tell Ether Raid Or Party...
Arena Unequip Reminders
8 InstallsAdds a very obnoxious reminder to fix your gear if you are in an Arena (or Battleground, Dungeon, or Raid) and have incorrect gear on. There are 2 reminders for Items Unequipped. You can delete/disable...
Fubar's Hunter Pet Growl Reminder.
17 InstallsReminds Hunters To Disable Growl When In An Instance Or Raid, Also Reminds The Hunter To Enable Growl When Not In A Raid Or Instance And in Freeworld. Has 2 Sounds One For When You...
Fubar's Mana And Health Watcher
6 InstallsPuts A Chat Output In Any Of The Three Chat Location's /P (Party), /R (Raid), And/Or /E (Emote). A 15%, 25%, 50% Mana Display In Blue Over Your Toon Icon Along With A 15% Health...
Debuff Tracker (updated by Owlbert)
12 InstallsTracks important target debuffs that can be applied by your party or raid. Anchored to target frame by default (group > position settings). Used Masque to skin the icons shown in the screenshot.
Flexo Badge Reminder
7 InstallsNever forget a Badge of Justice (BOJ) again :) Based on
Toggle PVP flag in instances
12 InstallsTurns on your pvp flag in instances and turns your pvp flag off when you exit an instance Useful for when a shaman or other player providing buffs has their pvp flag turned on so...
TBC Melee Trinkets & CDs (Sarthe)
9 InstallsAll TBC & Classic Trinkets for Melee classes (Including Hunters) this also includes Drums, Haste Potions, Blood Fury, and Mongoose procs as well. In the format of Warrior CD Weak Aura's from Classic.
Quagmirran Spell Haste notifier
12 InstallsDisplays an icon with a sound to let you know that the spell haste effect from quagmirran is up
Dungeon - Targeted Spells (TBC classic compatible)
7 InstallsFork of, compatible with TBC classic.