World of Warcraft
13,232 Mods
374 Installs制作者→梦幻俏俏-法师-<相逢>-部落-希尔盖← 未经许可,本WA字符串禁止转载/分享! 本WA字符串禁止任何公众号/小程序转载或使用! 诚邀魔兽怀旧服插件及WA爱好者加入"WOW怀旧服插件WA交流QQ群” WLK-群号: 218619002 进群口令:插件WA交流 WLK-P1-团本-WA高亮说明 阿努布雷坎 红色高亮——中虫群风暴3层+的单位 迈克斯纳 红色高亮——被蛛网裹体的单位 教官拉苏维奥斯 黄色高亮——中裂纹小刀的单位 天启四骑士 红色高亮——中邪恶之影的单位 格罗布鲁斯 红色高亮——被变异注射点名的单位 萨菲隆 红色高亮——被冰墓点名的单位 蓝色高亮——受到暴风雪伤害的单位 绿色高亮——被生命吸取点名的单位 克尔苏加德 红色高亮——被冰霜冲击点名的单位 蓝色高亮——被自保法力点名的单位 紫色高亮——中锁链的单位 黑曜石圣殿 红色高亮——中烈焰之啸的单位
Shariva's ItemRack/GearQuipper Switcher Suite WOTLK
78 InstallsA video explaining the basic functionality of the WeakAura: This WA makes it possible to automatically switch between Equipment Sets by hovering over, targeting and/or killing NPCs in any Wotlk raid (…Hitcap/Trash/vs Undead or...
Fork of [EoE] Dragon Vehicle Mechanics - WotLK Classic
193 InstallsFork of [EoE] Dragon Vehicle Mechanics weakauara for WotLK Classic (ver. 1.0.3): Changes: - Everything moved together to be more compact - Added triggers to track Surge of Power if Malygoss is set to...
Licious Lockouts
63 InstallsDisplays the lockouts of all your characters when you open the lfg tool. Check the 'Custom Options' tab to select which raids/heroics to track and the visibility state (either show all open IDs, all locked...
💀⚡ Pwhyu - Eye of Eternity - [EOE] - WotLK Classic
98 InstallsPwhyu - Eye of Eternity - [EOE] - WotLK Classic Tracking p1/p2 Buffs/Debuffs: Spark Buff, Arcane Breath and other. Track Eye of Eternity phase 3 dragon vehicle Buffs/Debuffs, current energy and combo points. Show countdown...
[zRRT] • Zippy's Raid Reset Timers
644 InstallsShows your current raid lockouts (and the raid lockouts of your other characters) + reset dates for all raid instances when opening your character window. In order to show lockouts of your other characters, you...
Malygos - Dragon UI
104 InstallsDuring phase 3 of Malygos when controlling a dragon, shows your energy bar, combo points, and debuffs. Also shows the boss Surge of Power cast and alerts you when it is targeting you. This is...
[Clickable] use Healthstone
236 InstallsBigger icon , red glow and sound alert when you are below 35% health and its also Clickable to use it immediately . Icon is black and white when you don't have healthstone in...
478 Installs实时显示角色的属性,可根据角色天赋和姿态显示不同的属性。显示属性如下: 护甲,躲闪,招架,格挡,命中,血量,移速-[战士(防御姿态),防骑] 护甲,躲闪,攻强,攻速,命中,血量,移速-[熊(熊姿态)] 护甲,躲闪,招架,攻强,命中,血量,移速-[DK(冰脸)] 攻强,急速,暴击,命中,破甲,攻速,移速-[狂暴战/武器战,DK(血/邪脸),猫,猎人,潜行者,惩戒骑] 法伤,急速,暴击,命中,法回,血量,移速-[法师,术士,鸟德,暗牧,电萨] 奶强,急速,暴击,命中,法回,蓝量,移速-[牧师,奶萨,奶骑,奶德] 攻强/法伤,急速,暴击,命中,破甲,攻速,移速-[增强萨] 左侧对齐版请参考 此WA是基于修复和更新,其帖子中提到的原始引用好像没办法打开。如有侵权或担虑,请告知。
T7 Raid Holypalaswe
87 InstallsMy small set of weakauras for T7, Naxx EoE OS. Some weakuras from from Tems T7 pack:
💀⚡ Readycheck Buffs & Consumes
152 InstallsReadycheck Buffs & Consumes WOTLK Classic Shows if you have the Buffs & Consumes active and the remaining time on it This is based off of ISOLES Weakaura but adapted for Spell DPS My Link...
Redstripe's WotLK Classic aDF
252 InstallsBased on the works by Patchett#11593 on 'Pat's aDF' - which was a continued project from the aDF addon for vanilla WoW private servers and also 'aDF - Everything ver.' - for Classic...
Instance and Badge Tracker
500 InstallsTrack all WotLK dungeon and raid lockouts across all characters. Can be locked to LFG window in options. Will count how many bosses complete in raids. Displays current and available to get Heroism and Valor...
Malygos Helper
76 InstallsIcons to help dpsers on the Malygos encounter during Phase 3 - Shows your combo points - Shows the time left on Engulf in Flames Glows Engulf in Flames when you need to cast it...
T7 Full
53 InstallsJust releasing a pack I made and we used with my guild for T7 progression. Do not expect any support or update. FEATURES Addons & boss mods Alert icons Nameplate overlays Raid Frame glows Progress...
WOTLK Missing Buffs + Consumes
418 InstallsFully customizable Weakaura to track Raidbuffs and Consumables. Loads only in 10 Man Raids or more. Full Preconfigured support atm for: Mage Shaman Warlock Druid Priest Deathknight Rogue more to come.
Fojji - Target Swing Timer
188 InstallsDiscord for questions/requests/help here: Features: - Show the Targets Swing Timer - Only loads in Boss Encounter, and if you're assigned Role is Healer or Tank Designed to go with my ElvUI profiles
Shaman Weapon Enchant / Imbue Tracker (MH & OH)
178 InstallsTracker for your Main hand and Off hand Enchant. OH loads only if you are dual wield spec.
415 Installs使用说明: 1、导入更新或者更改位置均需要/reload一次 2、默认小队/团队加载,所有项目都可以点击通报,通报频道优先级战场>团队>小队 3、团队资源包括团血、团蓝和治疗蓝监控,点击可通报 4、常规BUFF只监控附近人员,忽略已死亡/已离线/距离过远 5、鼠标挪到图标或进度条位置显示缺少/持有人员信息 6、点击图标或进度条通报缺少/持有人员信息 7、灵魂石和专注监控逻辑不同于其他项目,鼠标显示持有人员数量/团队中术士(法师)数量,点击通报持有人员信息 8、团血、团蓝和治疗蓝监控可能占用比较高,如果不需要可自行禁用或删除 9、偷药项目监控的是玩家使用速度药水、狂野魔法药水或不灭药水,若需要开怪前偷药,团长可以点击通报哪些人未按要求使用 制作者→梦幻俏俏-法师-<相逢>-部落-希尔盖← 未经许可,本WA字符串禁止转载/分享! 仅限于"WOW怀旧服插件WA交流群”分享交流 WLK-群号: 218619002 进群口令:插件WA交流 更多插件WA可关注微信公众号:WOW怀旧服插件WA分享
Malygos Stacks Leaderboard
52 InstallsView who has the highest stack count on phase 3 of Malygos. The ranking is by stack count and time of application. Does not track damage since that's mostly out of your control this is...