World of Warcraft
13,232 Mods
No Weapon
73 InstallsTriggers if mainhand missing
Kael'Thas Legendary Weapons Buffs & Debuffs
63 InstallsDisplays buffs provided by legendary staff and mace and debuffs provided by legendary dagger and bow. Will show time remaining, as well as stacks of each debuff.
Saji's Mana Potion Reminder
90 InstallsSimple reminder to use a mana Potion at a deficit of 3000 mana or more to assist in getting the maximum mana return as well as making best use of the CD timer. This will...
Activate JC Neck Reminder
84 InstallsWorks for all 3 necks, tells you to activate it if you have it equipped but off CD
Bomb Timer
60 InstallsShow bomb timer if your tank is taken damage by bomb 牛蛋防御者 谨以此WA称赞牛蛋神一样的预读手法 当坦克受到炸弹伤害时显示下一次炸弹的计时条,在红色区间停手,在蓝色区间读强效,在绿色区间读快速
62 InstallsThis addon allows you to setup master looter to auto loot items to your self or a player of your choosing. You can setup multiple profiles to suit your needs. See the images to see...
Fojji - Debuff Tracker
169 InstallsTracks important raid debuffs on the target
Summoning Stone Announcer
366 InstallsAnnounces the target of your Summoning Stone summon in Raid and Party chat. Made by: Toope - Mograine EU <3
Highlight raid frame with important debuff (P5)
230 InstallsFork of "Highlight raid frame with important debuff" by kala ( GO DOWNLOAD HIS WA, ITS THE ORIGINAL ONE Since kala updated his WA again for P5 content, this just remains for me since I...
Solarian Missiles Focus Target Icon
41 InstallsWill set a Raid Icon on High Astromancer Solarian Target when he cast Arcane Missiles if High Astromancer Solarian is set as your Focus. Raid Icon can be set in Custom Options tab.
Tempest Keep Trash Requirements
79 InstallsTempest Keep requirements to be considered a speedrun by WCL
Kaenare -- Void Reaver Arcane Orbs movement tracker
37 InstallsDisplays a bar when target by arcane orbs on Void Reaver fight, the bar fills up the more you move
Piddi TK Trash Info
79 InstallsSelect a mob to display details/tactics about the mob.
TK Trash info
61 InstallsInspired by WIP
Zulgin - Ready Check Buff Check
240 InstallsChecks what buffs you got/miss, plus timer, when a ready check is going. If you use flask then the Battle/Guardian Elixir aruas wont show. Made by Zulgin @Nethergarde Keep EU
KT Weapon Check
48 InstallsThis is a simple dynamic group that pops up an icon at the top of your screen when you loot a legendary weapon from KT. I made it in response to hearing complaints from people...
Consume Tracker
54 InstallsWrath edition: Tracks consumables during DBM encounters (all dungeon/raid encounters in DBM) Reports to group/raid chat after encounter wipe/kill. (togglable in custom options) Work in Progress Working on a button to shrink/hide frame. Other...
[TBC] Misdirect Group Tracker & Announcer! - Dhars
246 InstallsConsider supporting by throwing a follow @ ---READ--- [Basics] - Visual Display when a Hunter casts . Displays his MD'd target + sound que. - Icons desaturate with reduced alpha when MD is no...
폭풍우 요새 (제가 길마 아닙니다) 21.09.22
60 Installs사용하는데 크게 지장은 없지만 1. 옴니cc 애드온 설치해서 타이머 위치를 "우측상단" 설정과 2. 게임설정-인터페이스 설정에서 재사용 대기시간 "체크해제" 3. 인게임에서 v키를 눌러 "적 이름표 활성화" /run SetCVar("nameplateMaxDistance", 40) 인게임에서 입력하면 이름표 거리 40미터로 증가됩니다 셋...
Rotation Twister 1.7 -- with icons [Fixed for ZA patch]