World of Warcraft
13,232 Mods
Auto Combat Log in Raid
451 InstallsAutomatically turns ON and OFF combat log when entering/exiting raid instance. Display the current state of combat log and print in chat when toggling it.
Thaladred Gaze
337 InstallsYells and displays a message when Thaladred the Darkener sets his gaze on you. Made by Vinheim-Benediction. (Alert is caused by some weirdness with text. Harmless)
Redstripe's TBC Classic aDF
1.2k InstallsBased on the works by Patchett#11593 on 'Pat's aDF' - which was a continued project from the aDF addon for vanilla WoW private servers and also 'aDF - Everything ver.' - for Classic...
Summoning Stone Announce
505 InstallsAura announce summoning using summoning stones and whispers target of the summon.
Raid CD Tracker TBC Edition
392 InstallsThis WeakAura shows up with your group/raids cooldowns and tracks the cooldown when they are used, it also shows who certain cooldowns were cast on. You can configure what things you want to track in...
Loot the Badge (BoJ) - wotlk update
450 Installsonly works on English client , for other lang change untrigger in trigger 1 , "Badge of Justice" to whatever
Instance Run Timer
220 InstallsInstance Run Timer Updated for Karazhan, SSC, TK, MH, BT, ZA This WA tracks how long the dungeon is taking! The timer begins when the first player goes in Combat, except via Bloodrage (It doesn't...
Wrath of the Astromancer (Bomb)
187 InstallsPlays a sound and displays an icon with a glow when you are affected by Wrath of the Astromancer during the High Astromancer Solarian encounter. Updated to the nerfed bomb version of the spell.
Missing Staff Buff on Tanks
168 InstallsTracks which of your tanks are missing the buff from the legendary staff during the Kael'thas encounter. The dynamic group icon will remind you to reapply the CC immunity buff to them whenever it drops...
Badge of Justice Loot Reminder Phase 5
324 InstallsReminds you to pick up Badge of Justice when needed. Works for all heroic instance and raid instance bosses that drops Badge of Justice for TBC Phase 5. You can turn off the sound effect...
Capernian Conflag Range
182 InstallsFork: Checks the range to capernian without need for targeting / set focus on her. 1 member of the raid group needs to target her though (which will always be the case, as long...
TBC Tank Uncrittable Uncrushable Track
1.8k InstallsHeavily modified from Features: Takes into account raw resilience, defense and their ratings, along with talents to determine if you are uncrittable. Also calculates uncrushable for you (102.4% avoidance). Everything is now color coded...
Solarian Bomb Warning
146 InstallsDisplays warning text on your screen & announces in /say when you have the bomb on Solarian
Raid Class Mana
208 InstallsRaid or Group Class Mana Displays total, relative mana per class in raid or group and overall average mana. Modication of popular "Raid Mana" weakaura by Aurokin: All credits belong to them
Kaelthas Advisors Health
132 InstallsFork of Fixed the Encounter ID
Kael'Thas Interrupt
150 InstallsBased on the Classic Weakaura for Kel'Thuzad Frostbolt interrupts /S5TDxzIq2 Notifies you, when it is your turn to interrupt a Fireball cast during the Kael'Thas Encounter. In Custom options you can set your assignment to...
Void Reaver Arcane Orb
113 InstallsYells a message and displays a timer when an Arcane Orb is targeting you
Shariva's ItemRack/GearQuipper Switcher Suite TBC
96 InstallsYou can find the Wotlk version here: This is based on the Classic Vanilla WeakAura by Zippy: A video explaining the WeakAura: This WA makes it possible to automatically switch between Equipment...
TBC mag1cx - Raid CC Tracker (with Caster / Icon / Raidmark)
108 InstallsA simple Overview for your Raids current CC Targets, including the CC-Casters Name (in Classcolor), the CC-Icon with Duration and the Raid Mark (Icon) the CC is casted on.
Kaelthas Advisors Health
80 InstallsKael'thas advisors health bars. Made by Vinheim-Benediction. Adapted from Four Horseman Healthbars: