World of Warcraft
13,243 Mods
Normal nameplate range in instances
6 InstallsNormal nameplate range in instances. Will automatically reset to 20 yards when entering an instance and 41 when exiting.
Meeting Stone Summon Announcer (w/ whisper)
5 InstallsAnnounces meeting stone summons in party/raid chat and sends the recipient a whisper.
TBC - Mark of the Illidari Rep Requirements
8 InstallsThis is a tracker for the required reps to be able to turn in your Marks of Illidari. I am a little off as you can see, so I thought I'd write one now. Apparently...
Don't Release
18 InstallsHides the Release Spirit button when you shouldn't release. By default only 25-man raids are enabled. You can adjust this to include arenas, battlegrounds, dungeons, or even un-instanced content in Custom Options. Adapted from
Edited highlight raid frame debuffs
6 InstallsEdited Highlight raid frame with important debuff so it's easier to see. Link to original WA:
Dungeon - Targeted Spells (TBC classic compatible)
7 InstallsFork of, compatible with TBC classic.
Warlock Salve Check
12 InstallsThis makes a big clickable button in the middle of your screen if you are targeting Leotheras the Blind or Grand Astromancer Capernian and have salve on. Clicking the button will cancelaura Blessing of Salvation.
PoM Tracker Group
16 InstallsShows remaining PoM jumps, remaining duration and healed + overhealed ammount
14 InstallsEman's missing group buff tracker This weakaura tracks missing buffs according to what classes are in your party/raid. Tracks: Battle Shout / Commanding Shout Paladin blessings Arcane Intellect / Arcane Brilliance Power Word: Fortitude /...
6 Installs物理组恒金饰链缺失提醒
Grace Tracker
14 Installs* Tracks Grace of the Naaru from [Libram of Mending] * Tells you which Libram you have Equipped * Shortens to "Truth" if [Libram of Absolute Truth] is equipped. * Shortens to "Mending" if [Libram...
Spaze's Resto Shaman consumables (clickable)
13 InstallsThis is my little Weakaura for Resto Shaman Consumables. Everything is clickable expect the Wizard Oil, i couldnt find a way for it to work, it always wants to craft the oil instead of applying...
Group Mana Tide Alert
8 InstallsNotifies you when a shaman in your group activates his Manatide Totem and displays the duration.
5 InstallsUseful prompts for both raids in the form of icons and /say announcements
raid buffs tracker (warlock vers)
11 InstallsTracks personal buffs in raids (some in 5man dungeons as well): Fel armor Demonic sacrifice buff - Sacrificed succubus or imp Salv - if there are 1 or more paladins in your party/raid Kings -...
Al'ar Clickable Digsuise
3 InstallsClickable Ashtongue Cowl Disguise icon, that only loads on Al'ar encounter. Trigger condition is to have the item in the inventory and the buff is missing. Simple reminder for us old people. Some swedish text,...
Raid Buff Bar by Flowdi
3 InstallsRaid Weakaura showing everything necessary like missing Bufffood, Weapon Oil, Flask, Poison, Armor Kits.. Trying to update it step by step so every class / role got all their stuff. Feel free to contact me...
Nameplate Targets
9 InstallsDisplay ToT on nameplates.
Consumables Tracker
9 InstallsJust a simple consumables tracker - there's many out there but I wanted one that just shows me remaining time of a few selected types of food. Disable all the ones you don't want to...
Marked and Loaded
2 InstallsSpell casting on marked unit - write valid spell name in the input and assign the mark - works only if target is in front of you and within /targetenemy range - can be bound...