World of Warcraft
13,243 Mods
TBC Faction Rep
0 InstallsUpdated version of my TBC faction rep. Now includes Alliance & Horde factions and has tags to load faction specific reps for only that faction.
Maey's Auto Marker for TBC
9 InstallsNow includes all raids from Phase 2 till Phase 5. Auto Marker for TBC content! Includes: Serpentshrine Caverns Tempest Keep: The Eye Black Temple Mount Hyjal Zul'Aman Sunwell Plateau I couldn't find any updated auto...
Caster Ready Check
6 InstallsSimple Ready Check Tool for Consumables and Raid Buffs
Hunter: Wrong Pet Talents
7 InstallsAlerts you if you have the wrong pet talents for SSC or TK when you're inside the instance and your pet is out. Specifically, it checks if you have Nature Resistance Rank 5 for SSC...
Solarian - Wrath
2 InstallsYou'll definitely notice when Wrath of the Astromancer is on you now.
Warlock TBC Missing Buffs & Consumables (Olli)
4 InstallsThis is a fork of Warlock TBC Missing Buffs & Consumables (Papi). ------------ This aura tracks **missing buffs & consumables for Warlocks in Classic TBC**, most reminder icons show up ONLY if you are in...
BT Attune
3 InstallsShows you an icon if you're on the quest to wear the Ashtongue Cowl, but not wear it while in Tempest Keep.
Ani's TBC Consume Tracker
6 InstallsTracks all the different consumables you might want to use in raids, in a neat and color-coded list that is easy to read. Make sure to enable/disable the buffs you care about in the Load...
Trojoe Target Debuffs
5 InstallsShows Current Debuffs on Target. Tracks: Curse of Tongues Curse of Weakness Curse of Recklessness Expose Weakness Faerie Fire (Boomkin/Resto and Feral) Demoralizing Shout Sunder Armor/Expose Armor Thunder Clap Judgement of Wisdom
Hammerfall Consumes
2 InstallsThis WA helps you keep track of all the consumeables you need in order to raid with Hammerfall. Author: Shazzingaa, Firemaw-EU With special thanks to Zippy and his
Kael'thas Warrior CC cooldown reminder
5 InstallsShows transparent icons for AoE taunt and Intimidating Shout on Kael'thas after phase 3 (four advisors) has started. The idea being that you get everything on CD before phase 4 starts. Not sure if there...
Buff check = !check
2 Installsinspirited by v1.0.8 Enlightened (food) added Announces missing consumables from all Raiders @ Readycheck with names attached in /RAID. Its made for a raiding guild that requires at least 1 type of Elixir /...
Holy Priest - Holy Concentration
3 InstallsTracks the Clearcasting proc from the Holy Concentration talent.
0 InstallsSimple AutoLoot WA for Vanilla+TBC, Current iteration AutoGreeds on most of the Greens you will see throughout P1 and Fel Armaments, Will update periodically
Aspect of the Dazed
1 InstallsVisual reminder any hunter using any movement Aspect while in a Dungeon, Raid, Battleground or Arena.
Kala tiny pack - SSC / TK
1 InstallsSSC Trash - Toxic pool Vashj - Toxic spore Vashj - Static charge Vashj - Core on you TK Trash - Rain of fire Trash - Blizzard Solarian - Wrath of the Astromancer KT -...
[RU] Tempest Keep Trash Requirements
0 InstallsТребования для спидранов Speedrun requirements Русификация официальной WA от WCL (Warcraftlogs) версии 1.0.1 от 15.10.2021
Remove Useless Gear in Instances Reminder
1 InstallsShows in instances when wearing: Ultra-Spectropic Detection Goggles Rocket Boots Xtreme Lite Parachute Cloak Ultrasafe Transporter: Toshley's Station Airman's Ribbon of Gallantry
Vashj Party Grounding
2 InstallsShow shaman grounding cooldowns in your group and if Vashj's tank has the grouding effect buff. You have to put Vashj's tank has focus in order to make is work.
Judgement Tracker
1 Installstracks judgement of light/wisdom/crusader debuffs on current target