World of Warcraft
13,232 Mods
Sanctum of Domination (10/10 Bosses, all difficulties)
64.4k InstallsExpect updates during heroic/mythic week(s) Other WAs that might be relevant for progress: Co-Tank Auras: Regarding Custom sounds (optional, highly recommended) Install SharedMedia_Causese Restart WoW Max out master volume and enable the addon....
Sanctum of Domination Co-Tank Auras
11.7k InstallsDefault Taunt sound requires Shows debuffs applied to your Co-Tank without having to put him in focus or anything. Check out Custom Options tab. "Sound at x stacks" plays the sound when your Co-Tank...
Word of Recall - USED CALLS LIST
6.1k InstallsShows all the calls that were used so far once Skyja appears. - The list is resetted after the "Word of Recall" cast succeeds. - The list will start flashing during the cast. It basically...
T28: 03 The Nine N/H/Mythic Pack
4.9k InstallsReady for N/H/Mythic! Raid Frame Highlights Blue - Magic Dispel Green - Linked Red - Big AoE Soak Target Yellow - Standing in Shard of Destiny Yellow - Brynja's Mournful Dirge Targets
Fragments of Destiny (unitFrame Glow lowest stacks)
2.8k InstallsThis is for the single-dispel strat instead of mass dispel The WeakAura glows the unit frame that has the lowest fragments stacks. Upon dispelling, a stack is transfered to a nearby player and the goal...
Fragments of Destiny Group stacks
3.3k InstallsJust shows your group's stacks. Requested by Anonymous via
03 The Nine Fragment Chat Announce
2.6k InstallsTracks Fragments of Destiny Debuff on player for the fight The Nine in SoD. Tells the players with debuff how to position. Look at the screenshots. Includes: - Sound and Icon Pop Up when Debuff...
Don's Battle Ress Monitor
1.1k InstallsShows a list of bRessed people and who ressed then
Sanctum of Domination Interrupt Order Collection
2.9k InstallsNot made by me, just configured for Sanctum of Domination encounters. Original aura here made by Causese:
Shadowlands MRT Interruptorder
741 InstallsExamples for some Bosses Boss Example Assignment Pantheon int-181549-364240-5: |cffc31d39Roithi1|r, |cff006fdcRoithi2|r, |cff3ec6eaRoithi3|r, |cff00fe97Roithi4|r, |cffa22fc8Roithi5|r int-181546-364241-5: |cffc31d39Roithi1|r, |cff006fdcRoithi2|r, |cff3ec6eaRoithi3|r, |cff00fe97Roithi4|r, |cffa22fc8Roithi5|r Pantheon, with backup kicks assigned: int-181549-364240-5: [|cffc31d39Roithi1|r, |cff006fdcRoithi2|r] [|cff3ec6eaRoithi3|r, |cff00fe97Roithi4|r] [|cffa22fc8Roithi5|r, |cfffe7b09Roithi6|r] [|cfffefefeRoithi7|r, |cffc59a6cRoithi8|r] [|cfffefefeRoithi9|r,...
Fragment assignments
1k InstallsAutomatically assigns positions to players affected by Fragments of Destiny. The idea is to mass dispel all four players, making the debuffs jump to the middle two. One of these two is then single-target dispelled....
Sanctum of Domination Achor Interruptorder Collection
722 InstallsOriginal aura by Causese
davidq Sanctum of Domination Personal Alerts
462 Installs** I will not be making an updated version for Sepulcher since I no longer play retail wow. Some people have come forward wanting to make a similar set, will put a link here if...
Meow at Destiny
621 InstallsMeows when you make it Angry by not getting to where you should be to have the debuff dispelled. Activates while you have the debuff, fades when you are dispelled. Toned it down with update....
481 InstallsСборка WA на русском. Включены WA для танков. v1.0.3 - доработана сборка, обновлены и починены WA. Включены WA: 1) "Fragments of Destiny (unitFrame Glow lowest stacks)" от Causese "Фрагмент судьбы (рейд-фреймы)" - отмечает игроков...
Spell Reflect Info and Annoucement
823 InstallsA modification of that also allows the announcement of non-damaging reflects deflect This is added as an extra option in "Custom Options" that allows you to announce deflects as well as damaging reflects.
Fragments of Destiny Group
403 InstallsShows Text to indicate when you have more than 1 stack, or have been dispelled for Fragments of Destiny on The Nine in Sanctum of Domination.
Sanctum de Domination - Raid de Shadowlands [FR]
387 InstallsPack de 172 auras sur les 10 nouveaux boss du sanctum de la Domination sur le raid principal de la mise à jour 9.1 de Shadowlands qui fonctionne sur tous les clients du jeu avec...
IsadorTV - The Nine - Aradne's Falling Strike (Call of the Valkyr) - Soaking rotation
314 InstallsThis WeakAuras is used to setup rotation for The Nine - Aradne's Falling Strike soak How it works: Simply need to create a ExRT note with lines starting with: Soak1 Soak2 Soak3 Soak4 BSoak1 BSoak2...
The Nine - Val'kyr ability countdown
280 InstallsCounts down every Val'kyr ability (on Mythic). Bars stay on your screen until Word of Recall happens.