World of Warcraft
13,232 Mods
Joyous Journeys
1 InstallsShows if Joyous Journeys is not enabled! Only works for non-max level toons. I made this because I "stupidly" didn't notice that RestedXP auto-gossip turned it off. I probably missed a few levels. So here…enjoy…...
Woosh's Consume/Seal Reminder - by Gripz
6 InstallsSpecifically made for the Best Holy Paladin consumes / Seal for Wrath -Shows when you are missing Elixir of Mighty Thoughts, Elixir of Lightning Speed, Haste Food buff Well Fed or Seal of Wisdom -Shows...
Auto Roll (WotLK) v2.0.0 10 MAN
12 InstallsI've used and modified it slightly to fit a different need/want - original WA credit to Zyim's Auto Roll WeakAura. I modified this weakaura to perform the following actions in WotLK 10 man raids,...
Garbage Rogue
0 InstallsBasic Rogue HUD for WOTLK Classic
Soul Preserver Healing Trance Proc Warning By Gripz
7 InstallsShows you when Soul Preserver procs Healing Trance -Icon will appear with a glow effect with the time remaining for Healing Trance -Icon will disappear when either Healing Trance proc is used up or Remaining...
8 InstallsPlays Stormcaller Brundir's "Hah!" every time a player dies in an encounter. The cooldown can be adjusted at the bottom of the trigger. Stops playing if you are dead.
4 InstallsShows Potion of Speed, Healthstone, Thistle Tea, Saronite Bomb, Global Thermal Sapper Charges, Indestructible Potions, Flame Caps. How many you have and their CD.
Ele Sham WA Pack WOTLK
6 InstallsEle sham WA pack, use if you want
Divine Illumination Tracker By Gripz
7 Installs-Gives you a 5 second warning when it is coming off CD -Light Glow when it is ready to be used -Bright glow and shows Buff timer when active -Disappears when on CD
Woosh's HL Glyph Cursor Count By Gripz
4 InstallsA Cursor Count for Holy Light's Glyph -Shows the number of additional targets you hit with your Holy Light Glyph Spell on the side of your cursor -Landing on 4 or 5 targets the text...
Lifebloom Tracker By Gripz
7 Installs-Shows When you have 3 stacks of Lifebloom on a target -Buff timer that is green, turns Yellow at 4 seconds and Red at 2 seconds remaining -Glows Yellow when 4 seconds remaining and Glows...
Divine Favor Tracker By Gripz
3 Installs-Gives you a 5 second warning when it is coming off CD -Light Glow when Spell is usable -Bright Glow when Spell is Active -Disappears when spell is on CD except during warning
Abu's Beacon of Light
15 InstallsSmall Beacon of Light icon, always showing, desaturated when not active. Name of target also indicated.
Soupy's DK Tank Auras - Wrath
1 InstallsBlood DK tank auras. Included groups: DK Defensives DK Defensive Items DK Utility DK abilities Runes & DOTs
도적 독 트래커(Poison tracker)
1 Installs단순 독 유무 알림 무기에 독이 없을때 화면에 무기 아이콘 뜸