World of Warcraft
13,243 Mods
Scourgebane Draught/Infusion
4 InstallsCheck's if target is undead and then shows either draught or infusion Can change class for each of them under load settings
Mark & Raid Bar
22 InstallsHelps with ready checks, pulls, and marking. It can only be used outside of combat due to secure frames to make buttons.
Anub'arak BoP timer
4 InstallsA simple BoP timer that glows and plays a sound when 2 seconds remain. Loads only during Anub encounter.
Raid Lockouts
0 InstallsDungeon and Raid Lockouts - WotLK Classic Naxx - OS - EE - VoA - Ulduar - ToC - ICC - RS - any dungeon
Show IDs locks instance
3 InstallsThis weak aura is inspired by the WA for Mythics dungeon !keys. It makes players print their locked instance.
Nidjo: T9 Additions
2 InstallsAdding few auras, working in addition with any other bundle covering ToGC combat mechanics.
【凉风版】团队/个人/敌对 - BUFF&DEBUFF- WLK
6 Installs说明: - 团队增伤、目标DEBUFF、个人BUFF。鼠标hover提供详细的说明。 - 个人BUFF栏,【鼠标左键】进行团队/小队喊话,【鼠标右键】取消BUFF。 - 部分团队增伤距离在40码内和通用团队buff增加了团队内成员被影响的数量,显示于图标的右上角 其他说明: - 【易爆】监控 由于“奇毒天赋的毒药”会顶掉“十字军之心”和“天怒图腾”的debuff图标,导致无法监控。这里测试发现图标显示的优先级是奇毒天赋的毒药 > 十字军之心 > 天怒图腾 新规则:如果目标的“十字军之心”和“天怒图腾”debuff存在,则激活并显示。“奇毒天赋的毒药”导致的debuff图标消失,我们通过判断“圣光审判”和“回蓝审判”同时出现来激活。 这里我们默认的情况是:防骑和惩戒骑必点“十字军之心天赋”,双审判可以最大化的保证其中一个审判由防骑或者惩戒骑打出,即使由于被“奇毒天赋的毒药”顶掉了图标,怪物仍然会有debuff易爆。(除非2中情况:1是有奇毒天赋的盗贼团队只有一个骑士,那么会无法触发。2是没有奇毒天赋的盗贼团队里面有的骑士都是奶骑(且大于1人),那么会错误触发)。覆盖团队中有奇毒贼和元素萨的情况。这里通过玩家自身是否有天怒图腾buff来提高易爆监控的覆盖率。 - 【全伤】监控。判定惩戒骑通过【十字军打击】施法来提供,并且持续时间设定为600秒。 参考:《团队与个人的Buff和Debuff监控模块》,由于该插件运行存在卡顿问题只能放弃使用重新制作。 由【亚服-阿拉希盆地-凉风】制作,感谢 【亚服-阿拉希盆地-辛达苟萨】的协助测试和宝贵建议。
WCL Speedrun timer bar
50 InstallsWCL Speedrun timer bar Install Import API aura Debug UI Clear Data /run WeakAuras.ScanEvents("SPEEDRUN_RESET",true) START 10-man NAXX speedrun /run WeakAuras.ScanEvents("SPEEDRUN_STARTIME_UPDATE",533,GetTime(),3) Update encounter killed total number /run WeakAuras.ScanEvents("SPEEDRUN_ENCOUNTER_UPDATE", 0, 15) Start encounter timer /run WeakAuras.ScanEvents("ENCOUNTER_START",...
Glow Markers on Penetrating Cold [ToGC WotLK Classic]
4 InstallsGlow raid markers selected in custom options when they are affected by Penetrating Cold
Seed Target Counter (Anub'arak)
27 InstallsTracks how many targets your seed of corruption hit. Loaded during the Anub'arak encounter. If your seed hits 5 enemies (Anub'arak + 4 Burrowers), then the text is green. Otherwise, the text is red. Check...
💀⚡ WotLK Dungeon and Raid Lockouts [RUS]
2 InstallsDungeon and Raid Lockouts - WotLK Classic [RUS] Наксрамас Обсидиановое святилище Око вечности Склеп Аркавона Ульдуар C выходом следующих контент-патчей WA будет обновлена My Link Buy me a coffee -> Follow on Twitch ->...
0 InstallsMy WA Collection for Boomkin
Kämpe ToGC Twins Zerg strat
1 InstallsThis small pack is to help for doing twin valkyr door zerg stratergy. Tells you to bloodlust when same color shield comes up. (choose your raids main essence in options, default=dark) Tells you to use...
[zIRS] • Zippy's ItemRack & Talent Switcher
3 Installs--> My original Classic Vanilla version of this WA can be found HERE. This WA makes it possible to automatically switch between Equipment Sets by hovering over, targeting and/or killing NPCs in Naxxramas, the Obsidian...
[Mega] Loot Watcher
2 InstallsHeavily inspired by Anstatic's loot watcher - modified to use custom options for the itemID What this WA does: Displays an icon for 30 seconds when an item is linked in raid chat OR...
Magnetslol ToC - Mistress Kiss for Jaraxxas add for Demonology
33 InstallsThis WA will show on Lord Jaraxxas if you have the kiss debuff from the demon lady adds and will tell you to cast searing pain if you have enough time to cancel cast. Use...
LFG Auto Refresh
45 InstallsNO LONGER WORKS, THE INTERFACE ACTION TO AUTO CLICK THE REFRESH BUTTON HAS BEEN BLOCKED Adds a button to the LFG frame to toggle on/off the auto refresh timer of 5 seconds.
Raid Cooldowns on Raid Frames
14 Installs- Pain Suppression - Guardian Spirit - Hand of Sacrifice - Divine Hymn - Divine Guardian - Aura Mastery - Hand of Salvation - Icebound Fortitude - Vampiric Blood - Anti-Magic Shell - Divine Protection...
【凉风版】WA-SAVED!显示账户多角色各CD&货币等 - WLK
11 Installs说明: 鼠标移动至黄色小图标自动显示,初次装载WA黄色小图标可能在窗体外,请自行拖动调整小图标位置和大小。 功能: - 显示单个账号下所有服务器和角色的商业技能CD、副本CD,各类货币数据。需要各角色登录一次才会记录。 - 支持所有有冷却时间的商业技能。为了确保其准备性,第一次装载WA后需要打开一次各角色对应的商业技能列表进行准确记录,之后的商业技能冷却会在施法后自动记录。 - 支持货币自定义显示设置:荣誉点数,竞技场点数,达拉然珠宝匠硬币,美食家奖章,英雄纹章,勇气纹章,征服纹章, 凯旋纹章,寒冰纹章,冠军的徽记, 奥特兰克山谷荣誉奖章, 阿拉希盆地荣誉奖章, 风暴之眼荣誉奖章, 远古海滩荣誉奖章, 战歌峡谷荣誉奖章,冬拥湖荣誉奖章,征服之岛荣誉奖章, 岩石守卫者的碎片, 风险硬币,公正徽章,赛德里尔精华 - 支持记录装等 - 支持配置显示的角色等级限制 - 右键WA弹出确认框,可在WA显示异常时尝试重置数据 Q&A: 1、如何判断哪些角色可以一同显示? 上面有提到“显示单个账号下所有服务器和角色”,简单的理解就是如果游戏不可以同时登录就可以一同显示。 2、重置数据后还是显示有问题怎么办? 请删除该WA再重新导入。 由【亚服-阿拉希盆地-凉风】制作
WotLK Suite Tank by Makthor
6 InstallsShows Tank mitigations Buffs/Auras for Druid/DK/Warrior/Paladin reforged from maybe some Trinket Cooldowns are missing, you can easy add them by copy the current trinkets and edit the trigger