World of Warcraft
13,245 Mods
Peepo's Ultimate Tricks Suite
81 InstallsUpdated/added some new things, here's a video explaining how it works and a written description below. Since the video, I've also added a WA my friend Rix developed which will whisper the Warlock ">>...
Leeching Swarm Low HP Glow
0 InstallsGlows raid unit frame when that member afflicted by Leeching Swarm has less than 750hp
BoP Timer
6 InstallsDiaplays a bar at the top of your screen to show you how much time is left on BoP.
Exo's Argent Tournament Collection
16 InstallsExo's Argent Tournament Collection Features: Autoaccept/complete Argent Turnament Dailies that reward badges Autoselect Champion's Purse (default) or Champion's Writ Shows clickable Purse/Supplies Icons to quickly open them Shows a clickable lance icon near quest locations...
Icehowl Trample Sound
0 InstallsPlays a sound when Icehowl casts Trample (must be targeting Icehowl).
Rumsey - Scourgebane Buff
16 InstallsDisplays when you have either Scourgebane Draughts or Infusions in your bags and you are targeting a raid boss that is Undead. Uses localization variable so it should work in every client language.
Exo's Mounted Group Builder
0 InstallsThis WA helps you to invite players to your group (or request to join their group) while they are riding argent tournament mounts (with a lance).
[Twins] Spells + Essence tracker - Anstatic edition
4 InstallsSTOLEN from cleavy Original WA: Only added a function to let you know target takes -50% dmg if you have wrong essence
Anub Tracking
4 InstallsWeakaura: Anub's Pursuit Tracker NOTE: This Weakaura is a work-in-progress and is untested. Credit: This heavily uses Tems TOGC WA for tracking Anub's pursuit and most of the credit is due to them. The purpose...
고르목 꿰뚫기 (프레임 표시)
0 Installs고르목 꿰뚫기 (프레임 표시)
Rdyx - ToGC
5 InstallsSmall pack of auras. Tried to optimise performances usage (aka lightweight) compared to most heavy weakaura packs we can find around. The purpose is to use is with DBM and not to overlap/replace it. Contains:...
Instance Difficulty
4 InstallsUp levels the Wotlk Classic dungeon difficulty so it isn't hidden in sub menus. This will update on difficulty changes. Note: If you use a wow addon such as ShadowUnitFrame(SUF) you will need to change...
5 Installssimple penetrating cold weakaura I made so I could get an arnold's mr freeze sound clip to play when I got the debuff. file 'penetrated.ogg' goes into the folder 'Interface/AddOns/SharedMedia_MyMedia/sound'
Queue non-locked Raids Button
2 InstallsAdds a button to the Group Finder that queues you for all raids that you have no lockout for. It also shows on tooltip your current lockouts and remaining raids. Based on (if you...
[Cozroth]GDKP Final Cut Calculator
7 InstallsA small WA that shows your current cut based on the amount of players in the raid and the leaders cut wich you can input in the custom options of the WA. Updates when the...
Penetrating Cold Healer Warn
3 InstallsWarns healers with sound effect when Penetrating Cold debuffs go out during Leeching Swarm.
Complete Paladin UI
1 InstallsComplete & Minimalistic . Anything you want is in this package . Good leveling , raiding , doing dungeons and also PVP. in this package : extra Protection , Holy and Retribution utilities . plus...
147 InstallsMy TBC version weakaura: For recommendations/info/help hmu on discord(Tregi/Metalcore#6625) or battlenet(Tomas#2808) WeakAuras with everything you need to OWN in WOTLKc. (Trinket slot 1 > starfall > eclipses > DoTs > faerie fire > nature's...
[Sternenkrieger] Raid Difficulty Warning
4 InstallsRaid Difficulty Warning This WeakAura is designed to provide a convenient announcement in raid chat regarding the current difficulty of the raid you have entered. Its purpose is to prevent any accidental starts of normal-mode...
Rumsey - Staggering Stomp Gargoyle Range
37 InstallsRange display for gary placement to outrange staggering stomp. Turns green at 15 as that is the max distance of stomp, but you probably wanna go a step or 2 more