World of Warcraft
13,243 Mods
11 InstallsDon't think it is obvious enough that everyone is able to notice this! We had one RL forgetting about it TWICE in a week. Remind you for 10s that you have entered ToGC on normal...
TOC双子特别技能应对-小强综合监控WA-BY 蔚蓝
9 Installs1.双子4个特别技能提示 2.双子打错目标提示 3.小强保护之手倒计时 4.小强P3刺骨提示吃糖自保
Icehowl Staggered Daze
1 InstallsLets you know when Icehowl is stunned so it's safe to charge in and not get trampled, if you are targeting him. Sometimes the boss stun is actually delayed in comparison to the animation of...
Hand des Schutzes - Anubarak
1 InstallsBei Hand des Schutzes bei Anubarak wird die Hand des Schutzes mit Restzeit angezeigt. Fällt die Zeit auf 3 Sekunden, erscheint die Warnung aufs Eis zu gehen.
Anub Penetrating Cold Helper
9 InstallsPlays a sound and displays an icon of a class cooldown (if available and ready) or a Healthstone icon to remind people to press something on low HP when they get the Penetrating Cold debuff...
Halibo ToGC Pack
0 InstallsHalibo Full ToGC WeakAura Pack -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I invested a lot of hours to making and maintaining these WeakAura. If you want to support me, you can through here: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to my ToGC WeakAura...
Loot Reminder: Badge & Emblem [WotLK]
99 InstallsExpanded from TBC Badge Reminder to include all WotLK bosses in raids and dungeons. This may not be needed at all if badges and emblems auto loot. No encounter id's held for Violet Hold random...
Missing Consumes
84 InstallsShow's up when you have consumes missing (well fed, flask or both elixirs). Only enabled in 25-man. To have active for other dungeon/raid sizes, got to Load -> Instance Size Type and select the desired...
Twin Valks Shield Target Warn
0 InstallsWarns to change target to attack the shield during Twin Valks.
Magnetslol - Anub'Arak healthstone assist
2 InstallsTells you to use your healthstone if you have one during the Anub'arak encounter in phase 3 when your health is too low to survive a tick of penetrating cold. The player hp threshold is...
ИВК готовый пак
2 InstallsЛайтовая вашка без лишнего на экране. Взял самое необходимое из других сборок и добавил звуковое сопровождение спасибо @boynextdoor (⌒‿⌒)
Brae - Raidframes Enhancements
2 InstallsWith this WA you will be able to see damage from most AOE spells (no debuffs, just dmg) on your raidframes giving you the option to prioritize heals or defensive cd's on that player which...
Faction Champions Gear Reminder
4 InstallsReminds you to equip your PVP trinket at the start of the RP event prior to Faction Champions, and then reminds you to remove it when the encounter is defeated.
Auto Roll (WotLK) v2.0.0 25 MAN
62 InstallsI've used and modified it slightly to fit a different need/want - original WA credit to Zyim's Auto Roll Weak Aura. I modified this weak aura to perform the following actions in WotLK 25...
Lyds' Judgement of Light Buff Tracker (Sound)
226 InstallsTracks Judgement of Light buff on boss with a sound when it falls off
Track your damage on Nerubian Burrowers! (or other mobs)
1 InstallsThis weakaura will track the damage done on Nerubian Burrowers which may or may not help you parse on Anub'arak! You can also change the mob that is being tracked in the Custom Options if...
【凉风版】邪DK输出技能智能提示(支持天打循环)- WLK
8 InstallsWA配置修改后,请/RELOAD 说明: - 支持语音提示开关,语速和音量设置 - 邪DK自动施法技能语音和高亮提示。另外,还附带了一个简易的DKT工具条。 - 红脸邪的红绿练切换头顶图标提示 - 按天赋自动切换,并且支持天打邪天赋 - 添加本地技能提示音频选择(晓晓、晓甄、晓睿、晓伊),当然还可以使用系统默认的文字转语音(可自己修改提示文字) 音频下载: 提取码:1234 放置目录:World of Warcraft\_classic_\Interface\Addons 使用注意: 此WA做了相关性能优化,需要玩家“战斗记录”(聊天“综合”窗体的边上)中选择“我的动作”(选中后就可以切换到其他频道了,不用一直留在“战斗记录”),高亮和语音提示才能更加及时。可以参考本插件的预览截图。 集成: - 符文条采用 Ipse Runes Classic,,v1.1.2-23 宏: showtooltip 冰冷触摸 /startattack /施放 冰冷触摸 /施放 !符文打击 showtooltip 暗影打击...
Envv - TOC Mount Defend Stacks
16 InstallsDefend stacks on mount in TOC Shows the number of stacks clearly in the top of your screen to better keep track during fights. Works when mounted in: Trial of the Champion Trial of the...
WOTLK inspect GearScore calculator (GS)
129 InstallsSame core as in the WOTLK personal GearScore calculator (GS) ( ) - only with some events and optimization for inspecting. It only loads and runs while opening the inspect window. The calculation is...
[Coz]Frost Pot Helper
1 InstallsFrost Pot Helper for Anub in ToGC