World of Warcraft
13,232 Mods
Magnetslol ToC - Mistress Kiss on Jaraxxas for Affliction Warlock
113 InstallsThis WA will show on Lord Jaraxxas if you have the kiss debuff from the demon lady adds and will tell you to cast searing pain if you have enough time to cancel cast. Stop...
Twin Valks Concentration Aura
1 InstallsWarns when Conc aura is missing during Twin Valks, but only when Fire resist aura is present. Also warns when Fire resist aura is missing.
Swipe Hit Counter - WOTLK
55 InstallsShows how many targets swipe hit Original Weakaura:
415 Installs使用说明: 1、导入更新或者更改位置均需要/reload一次 2、默认小队/团队加载,所有项目都可以点击通报,通报频道优先级战场>团队>小队 3、团队资源包括团血、团蓝和治疗蓝监控,点击可通报 4、常规BUFF只监控附近人员,忽略已死亡/已离线/距离过远 5、鼠标挪到图标或进度条位置显示缺少/持有人员信息 6、点击图标或进度条通报缺少/持有人员信息 7、灵魂石和专注监控逻辑不同于其他项目,鼠标显示持有人员数量/团队中术士(法师)数量,点击通报持有人员信息 8、团血、团蓝和治疗蓝监控可能占用比较高,如果不需要可自行禁用或删除 9、偷药项目监控的是玩家使用速度药水、狂野魔法药水或不灭药水,若需要开怪前偷药,团长可以点击通报哪些人未按要求使用 制作者→梦幻俏俏-法师-<相逢>-部落-希尔盖← 未经许可,本WA字符串禁止转载/分享! 仅限于"WOW怀旧服插件WA交流群”分享交流 WLK-群号: 218619002 进群口令:插件WA交流 更多插件WA可关注微信公众号:WOW怀旧服插件WA分享
Clickable Macro cancelaura for Anub'arak
17 InstallsCreate a clickable macro when phase 2 of Anub'arak Support English/French only macro is /cancelaura Prayer of Fortitude /cancelaura Commanding Shout /cancelaura Prière de robustesse /cancelaura Cri de commandement
【凉风版】TOC小强跑冰- 自己【保护之手】剩余时间大号(老万喊)
23 Installs小强跑冰-,获取【保护之手】后,可以剩余2秒后上冰 由【亚服-阿拉希盆地-凉风】制作
Reminder - Lesser Flask of Resistance
26 InstallsWhen you get "Leeching Swarm" debuff from Anub'arak in ToC, you will get pop up to use resistance flask. (Its rly big pop up on your screen) 23.5.2023 - made WA clickable by frame (when...
341 InstallsWLK-目标常规DEBUFF监控 1、默认小队/团队中,且目标为敌对单位时生效 2、无相关DEBUFF时图标褪色 3、有相关类别DEBUFF时图标变色,显示剩余时间,文本替换为DEBUFF施法者名称(缩进限制8字符) 备注:施法者名称已格式化,战场中无法正常显示是因为无法获取到队友服务器名称
Doom Icehowl
105 InstallsDoom reminder for Icehowl. Does not show if boss is below 25% hp.
ToGC Twins Essence Tracker
10 InstallsThis weakaura will display players who have not grabbed the Light or Dark Essence during the Twins Fight version 1.0.2 added tracking for who has Light or Dark Essence
[Loregon] Swipe check (cat)
22 InstallsSwipe has 180 degree damage cone in front of the cat's face. The radius of the cone is about 7 yards, but WA only measures distance of either or 5 or 8. Highlights missing nameplates!...
Interrupt Rotation - Lord Jaraxxus
14 InstallsHelps manage an interrupt rotation for Lord Jaraxxus Inspired by: Interupt Rotation Features: - Customizable number of groups/players in the interrupt rotation - Shows which group is currently interrupting and whether they succeeded (green) or...
Fojji T9 Raiding Pack - French Timers FIX
0 InstallsCorrection des déclencheurs pour la version FR du jeu. Importer en sélectionnant "mise à jour". En phase de test, cela peut ne pas fonctionner dans certaines conditions.
[Coz][Raid-Leader] ToGC - Raid Assignments - v1.3
0 InstallsTHIS IS THE SENDER - RAID LEADER VERSION Raiders need to use to recieve the assignments. Note this is an early development with no feedback and testing besides myself! I'll happily take feedback! The...
Exo's Argent Tournament Automation
1 InstallsExo's Argent Tournament Automation Features: Autoaccept/complete Argent Turnament Dailies that reward badges Autoselect Champion's Purse (default) or Champion's Writ Autochallenge mounted npcs to quickly start duels Everything mentioned above can be turned on/off individually
WotLK Trinkets (+ ICD)
7 InstallsTrack WotLK trinkets, uptime, cooldown & ICD Description A smart WeakAura package that keeps track of your trinkets uptime, cooldown and their internal cooldowns. Designed for all roles; tanks, dps and healers. Contains trinkets from...
[anub] Penetrating Cold Bar Tick Anstatic 7020
0 InstallsPure copy from cleavy Only adjusted the hp trigger value to account for a leech tick at the same time as pen cold tick.
17 InstallsTOC小强个人【刺骨之寒】DEBUFF剩余时间大号。由【亚服-阿拉希盆地-凉风】制作。
Penetrating Cold Splash Heal Helper DE version
0 InstallsFork of for german clients
Anub'arak BoP Countdown Timer
0 InstallsA simple weak aura that will show a countdown on screen when a player has Hand of Protection applied to them when doing the Anub fight. This is useful when using the tactic of delaying...