World of Warcraft
13,232 Mods
Barney Raid Kit - Trial of the Crusader
589 InstallsThe Pull Timer is separated into an independent aura, including funtions of countdown animation, potion buttons, auto swapping trinkets, and auto gossip in countdown 开怪倒计时独立出来成为一个单独的WA,包含倒计时动画、药水按钮、自动换饰品、自动对话等功能。 Extremely accurate timers. Smarter reminders. Completely replace DBM/BW。 Compatible...
Valk notifiers
862 InstallsNotifies you to switch target for shield and change color for opposite color vortex. Uses Sounds for Votrex: Air Horn followed by DBM/BigWigs countdown
195 InstallsНад паком работал Эмайтии Гильдия Вопрос Времени: ПАК СОСТАВЛЕН ИЗ СОЛЯНКИ ИНДИКАЦИЙ ДРУГИХ АВТОРОВ Полностью переведен на русский язык Протестирован статиком в деле и были внесены исправления по множеству багов Дополнен большим количеством индикаций...
Barney Pull Timer
32 InstallsBasic function This aura can receive pull/break commands from other players' DBM/BIGWIGS when they are not loaded in your game. Advanced function 1 This aura will show buttons for Indestructible Potion/Potion of Speed/Potion of Wild...
[T9] Silas - Twin Val'Kyr: Special Abilities
555 InstallsGreys out abilities after they are used, resets after all 4 have been used. Shows cast bar when an ability is used. vortex: red tick for when the damage actually starts. shield: bar turns red...
Kämpe ToGC Twin valkyr shield HP
206 InstallsShows healthbar of twin valkyr shields and castbar for the heal Works for 10man and 25man both normal and heroic Left text = Actual value left Right text = Remaining in % Top text =...
💀⚡Pwhyu - ToGC/Trial of the Crusader - Raid Auras - WotLK Classic
89 InstallsPwhyu - ToGC/Trial of the Crusader - Raid Auras THIS IS THE FIRST VERSION, IF YOU FIND BUG, LET ME KNOW. Weakaura for comfortable raiding in the Trial of the Crusader. Includes dynamic auras for...
【凉风版】团本BOSS战玩家动态位置地图- WLK
0 Installs使用前必看: 安装后,不要动WA内的任何东西,直接关闭使用就好,进入对应区域会自动加载。 可以修改的只有: 1、“【凉风版】团本BOSS战玩家动态位置地图- WLK】”的【组设置】的【位置】的【X偏移】和【Y偏移】,调整地图位置。 2、“【凉风版】团本BOSS战玩家动态位置地图- WLK】”的【组设置】的【组缩放】,用于调整地图的大小。 功能说明: - 同步显示BOSS战区域团队内玩家的动态位置信息。 - 每个BOSS都有8个标记图标,可以鼠标左键按住进行拖动,标记图标位置每个BOSS独立存储,重新登录 游戏仍然有效。 -【发布】功能:地图右上角,点击发布推送全团标记位,对应安装该WA的玩家自动更新标记图标位置信息。只有本团团长和助理拥有【发布】功能权限。 包括BOSS有: - 奥杜尔:烈焰巨兽、钢铁议会、观星者、灭火、将军、尤格萨隆 - 十字军的试炼:诺森德猛兽、加拉克苏斯大王、阵营冠军、瓦格里双子、阿努巴拉克 - 冰冠堡垒:玛洛加尔领主、亡语者女士、萨鲁法尔、教授、鲜血王子议会、鲜血女王兰纳瑟尔、踏梦者瓦莉瑟瑞娅、辛达苟萨、巫妖王 注意: 安装WA后,对应副本地图内小区域切换会出现地图“一闪”的情况是正常现象。 由【亚服-阿拉希盆地-凉风】制作
Valk Abilities Tracker
80 InstallsTracks Valkeries special abilities. Highlights active ones. Greys out used ones.
Absolute: T9 - Celestial Raid Pack
8 InstallsTrial of the Grand Crusader Raid Pack. Создан для гильдии <Целестиал> в рамках программы “Помоги вагону” Включает в себя: Основную группу с механиками и способностями боссов Динамическую группу способностей и баффов/дебаффов Таймеры важных способностей для...
Mally - TOGC extras
44 InstallsAnother Pack of Dumbfk free WeakAuras for you dogs out here Beasts: Add on you (move to melee), Burning bile on you, Toxin on you Jaraxxus: Fire patches on you, MOVE Twins: Special abilities and...
【凉风版】TOC双子提示 - 汉化语音加强(重要事情说三遍)
38 Installs装载后请自行调整位置 插件原地址: 说明: - 调整了布局 - 增加了语音提示 由【亚服-阿拉希盆地-凉风】制作
Twin Val'kyr helper
44 Installswarns you about spells being cast TTS when shield is cast for targeting light/dark boss and wrong target is selected (ignores which essence you have) TTS when vortex is cast only when you need to...
[Coz][Raid-Leader] ToGC - Raid Assignments - v1.2
6 InstallsTHIS IS THE SENDER - RAID LEADER VERSION Raiders need to use to recieve the assignments. Note this is an early development with no feedback and testing besides myself! I'll happily take feedback! The...
Easy Mode: Twin Val'kyr
19 InstallsDisplays information about the Twin Val'kyr special abilities. Features: - Progress bar showing the time until the next cast - Icons for each ability, displaying which abilities are still possible - Displays instructions based on...
Rumsey - Val'kyr Twins Essence Warning
18 InstallsWORK IN PROGRESS Warns you if you don't have an essence attunement on Twin Valkyr
Twin Valks Concentration Aura
1 InstallsWarns when Conc aura is missing during Twin Valks, but only when Fire resist aura is present. Also warns when Fire resist aura is missing.
ToGC Twins Essence Tracker
10 InstallsThis weakaura will display players who have not grabbed the Light or Dark Essence during the Twins Fight version 1.0.2 added tracking for who has Light or Dark Essence
[Coz][Raid-Leader] ToGC - Raid Assignments - v1.3
0 InstallsTHIS IS THE SENDER - RAID LEADER VERSION Raiders need to use to recieve the assignments. Note this is an early development with no feedback and testing besides myself! I'll happily take feedback! The...
TOC双子特别技能应对-小强综合监控WA-BY 蔚蓝
9 Installs1.双子4个特别技能提示 2.双子打错目标提示 3.小强保护之手倒计时 4.小强P3刺骨提示吃糖自保