World of Warcraft
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[Warrior] Cooldown Secondary
0 InstallsUsed and integrated with FreeUI
0 InstallsThis is a collection of 32 auras: Rage (aurabar) Bloodthirst (icon) SS (icon) BCactiv (icon) SR (icon) SRcd (icon) BCrdy (icon) Avataractiv (icon) Wreckingball (icon) Avatarrdy (icon) TROLOLOl (icon) COLLAPSE (icon) Raging Blow (icon) Revenge...
warrior p2
0 InstallsThis is a collection of 8 auras: Bloodthirst (icon) Bloodthirst CD (icon) raging blow (icon) Raging blow cd (icon) furious (icon) Execute (icon) Juggernaut Stacks (icon) Swing Timer (aurabar)
0 InstallsThis is an aurabar type aura.
Midder Warr #4
0 InstallsMade by Dahis, edited by Midder