World of Warcraft
13,243 Mods
Warrior CDs
0 InstallsTracks major warrior cooldowns, racials, and trinkets Supported Cooldowns: Trinkets: Kiss of the Spider Slayer's Crest Earthstrike Fetish of the Sand Reaver Diamond Flask Badge of the Swarmguard Spells: Berserking BloodFury Deathwish
Warrior - Protection
0 InstallsWA Package for Protection Warrior. Tracks Cooldowns via Action Bars. For Buffs & Debuffs for Warrior: Action Bars and Buffs & Debuffs should be imported together for every content.
Custom Pummel/Rampage Sounds
0 InstallsThe rampage sound being the same as Pummel sucks. This mutes the Pummel sound, replaces Pummel with a very similar sound, and replaces Rampage with the wharrgarbl Horde Bloodlust sound. If you'd like different sounds,...
Exploiter stacks
0 InstallsShow you exlpoiter stacks on your target
Victory Rush Timer
0 InstallsDisplays an icon with timer when victory rush is usable
Warrior - Arms
0 InstallsWA Package for Arms Warrior. Tracks Cooldowns via Action Bars. For Buffs & Debuffs for Warrior: Action Bars and Buffs & Debuffs should be imported together for every content.
0 InstallsTimers for cds in BWL according to oatly-razorgore logs.
0 InstallsThis WeakAuras were made on the German Client so it might not work on English Client. Everything was created with Spell-IDs so it should work…theoretically.
0 InstallsThis WeakAuras were made on the German Client so it might not work on English Client. Everything was created with Spell-IDs so it should work…theoretically.
0 InstallsThis WeakAuras were made on the German Client so it might not work on English Client. Everything was created with Spell-IDs so it should work…theoretically.
Capt's Warrior Actives
0 InstallsI revamped a old rogue WA to include/only be for Mainly a PVE Fury Warrior-- Although it can still be extreamly useful and clean for PVP. Shows a Centered Clean Buffs/debuffs/Consumes Used/Timers for each *Duration...
Prot HUD BfA
0 InstallsBorders and icons are skinned with Caith.
Warrior Protection Hud by Xavorcos
0 InstallsWarrior Protection HUD by Xavorcos Bei Fragen oder Hilfe zu meiner Weakaura "Warrior Protection Hud" könnt ihr mich gerne über Battle-Tag Kontaktieren! BT: Razor#2977
Azaras - Warrior Package
0 InstallsHello! This is my first weakaura on wagoio. This is basically a hard modified version of Luckyones Windwalker/Brewmaster package. I editied it for my UI, which is from the streamer Nyhxy, you can find him...
blood thrist crit chance
0 InstallsThis is an icon type aura.
Bare Bones Arms Focused Rage 7.1
0 Installs- Only activates in combat when Focused Rage is talented - Focused Rage glows at 3 stacks to discourage using excess rage - Blood of Zakajz shown in place of Battle Cry when activated -...
Raid Consumes Clickable (Rogue)
0 InstallsКликабельная ВАшка для отслеживания химии. Еда - Копченые пустынные клецки (shift+click Благословенный солнцеплод) Ап - Мощь джуджу (shift+click Огненная вода Зимней Спячки) Сила - Сила джуджу (shift+click Эликсир великанов) Мх - Инстант поизон 6 (shift+click...
0 InstallsAn extremely simple Weakaura that shows your "Crushability" rating. This is based off of a macro used in the past to hit the "Crush cap" for certain things such as Illidan's Shear mechanic.
Naxxaramas Checklist (Warrior + Mage Edition)
0 InstallsThis will display a list of needed items for either a warrior or mage depending on classed logged in. It is currently set to only load from Org and UC. This is based of:
Simple WindFury (enchant)
0 InstallsSimple Windfury indicator Red edge when left 5sec Turn icon Red when no weapon enchant