World of Warcraft
13,243 Mods
Heroic Dungeon & Raid Lockouts + ZG
30 InstallsRaid lockout tool all credit to Zeroflow I have just added the old content to it
0 InstallsMy WA Collection for Boomkin
Blood of the Loa
24 InstallsThe visual Blood of the Lua gives you is so bad and hard to see sometimes so I decided to make and share this. Quickly made to give an audio and visual warning for Blood...
Protection Warrior (Hekili Priority Helper Profile)
0 InstallsClean and simple Ui made for Protection Warrior This weak aura required and works together with -Hekili- Addon : ------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- Protection Paladin Ui : Blood Death Knight Ui :
2 InstallsSpielt ein Audio ab, wenn Heldentum gezündet wurde (Sound kann gerne geändert werden^^)
Griftin's Feral Tracker
120 InstallsTracks Debuffs and Cooldowns for both Feral Cat and Feral Tank
Auto-Greed Greens
63 InstallsAuto-greeds greens in party
LFG Auto Refresh
45 InstallsNO LONGER WORKS, THE INTERFACE ACTION TO AUTO CLICK THE REFRESH BUTTON HAS BEEN BLOCKED Adds a button to the LFG frame to toggle on/off the auto refresh timer of 5 seconds.
마력의 눈 용 탈것 버튼
24 Installs마력의 눈에서 용 탈것 받으면 클릭으로 탈 수 있는 버튼 만들어짐
Jay's Warrior Def Procs
92 InstallsAlways visible "Revenge" & "Shield Slam" Icons. Glowing when "Revenge" or "Sword and Board" procs.
Raid Cooldowns on Raid Frames
14 Installs- Pain Suppression - Guardian Spirit - Hand of Sacrifice - Divine Hymn - Divine Guardian - Aura Mastery - Hand of Salvation - Icebound Fortitude - Vampiric Blood - Anti-Magic Shell - Divine Protection...
Potion, Sapper, Saronite Tracking
95 InstallsTracks Potion of Speed, Potion of Wild Magic, Indestructible Potion, Global Thermal Sapper Charge and Saronite Bomb.
Barney's WotLK Raid Debuffs
35 Installsgreen border - need it & have it blue borde - applied by you red letter - need it but dont have it, or not max stack white letter - dont need it & dont...
Algor Currency Tracking - Updated
4 InstallsI updated the original Algor Currency tracker to show more updated tokens such as Sidereal essence and JC + Cooking tokens and the upcoming Emblem of Frost. If you'd like to delete any tokens you...
Heroics Tracker
25 InstallsEasily track your locked heroics when you open your character sheet.
Lance Equipped!
0 InstallsA very simple WeakAura that shows you if your Argent Lance is equipped in combat.
Lance - Weapon reminder
22 InstallsReminds you to equip your weapon, when your character is not in a vehicle and has a Lance equipped or an empty Mainhand. U can edit this WA to only load within "The Trial of...
Mirror Image hide nameplate
4 InstallsHow to use: Under Custom Options. Select the modifier (e.g. Left Alt) which allows you to hide non-Mirror Image Nameplate. When you are holding onto that specific modifier key (e.g. Left Alt), all nameplates aside...
84 Installs本WA首次载入需要/reload后方可点击使用 如果在团队中,显示当前团本难度10或者25,团长点击切换 如果在小队中,显示当前副本难度普通或者英雄,队长点击切换 显示分配方式和分配品质,点击切换 制作者→梦幻俏俏-法师-<相逢>-部落-希尔盖← 未经许可,本WA字符串禁止转载/分享! 欢迎加入"WOW怀旧服插件WA交流QQ群” WLK-群号: 218619002 进群口令:插件WA交流 群文件可以免费下载更多最新、最全面的魔兽怀旧插件/WA/宏等资料。 欢迎您的加入,共同创造一个良好的魔兽怀旧服插件/WA/宏等相关话题交流环境,祝各位游戏和生活都愉快!
18 Installsthis is for all H+ dungeons in WOTLK Classic