World of Warcraft
13,232 Mods
Fojji/Strace - Penetrating Cold Numbers on Raid Frames
4.6k InstallsYou must install this Addon for the font & textures: Features: - Adds a Number to the Raid Frame for Anub's Penetrating Cold Debuff - This Number is seen the same by everyone who...
Barney Raid Kit - Trial of the Crusader
589 InstallsThe Pull Timer is separated into an independent aura, including funtions of countdown animation, potion buttons, auto swapping trinkets, and auto gossip in countdown 开怪倒计时独立出来成为一个单独的WA,包含倒计时动画、药水按钮、自动换饰品、自动对话等功能。 Extremely accurate timers. Smarter reminders. Completely replace DBM/BW。 Compatible...
Barney Penetrating Cold Glow
1k InstallsRegardless of which raid frame addon you are using. Optimized to avoid all of the mechanical faults. You can choose which numbers to glow. Three styles: Icon+number or Just number or glow on icon instead...
195 InstallsНад паком работал Эмайтии Гильдия Вопрос Времени: ПАК СОСТАВЛЕН ИЗ СОЛЯНКИ ИНДИКАЦИЙ ДРУГИХ АВТОРОВ Полностью переведен на русский язык Протестирован статиком в деле и были внесены исправления по множеству багов Дополнен большим количеством индикаций...
Anub'arak - Cancel Aura
1.7k InstallsRemoves stamina buffs from dps/heal, when you get "Leeching Swarm" debuff from Anub'arak in ToC. 22.5.2023 - repaired bug, where WA remored only one buff at time - added trigger - player need to gets...
Anub'arak - Penetrating Cold - USE HS!
1.4k InstallsFork of Merfin's WA - will trigger on Anub TOGC if you have penetration debuff and have less or equal than 5k hp. Air horn sound to remind you to not fuck up, use your...
Anub'Arak - Class Defensive - Penetrating Cold
729 InstallsPenetrating Cold Warning It helps you manage the 'Penetrating Cold' debuff and keep track of your CDs. What It Does Tracks Your Class and Defensive Abilities: When you load the game or change your character,...
Barney Pull Timer
32 InstallsBasic function This aura can receive pull/break commands from other players' DBM/BIGWIGS when they are not loaded in your game. Advanced function 1 This aura will show buttons for Indestructible Potion/Potion of Speed/Potion of Wild...
Anub'arak Leeching Swarm - Anti-Panic Healing Helper
151 InstallsChangelog Version 1.0.15 (Please update to the latest version) - Highlighted/personal targets will now have a small white border even if they are above the health threshold. Changelog Version 1.0.14 - Penetrating Cold Numbering issues...
Fojji - Anub Add Damage Tracker (mod)
168 InstallsUpdated for the new 600k dmg cap. Made by fojji, For all questions, comments, feedback or support, join my Discord:
[anub] Penetrating Cold Bar Tick
511 Installsred bar below 5200HP can adjust under trigger2
TOC - Anub'Arak - Cancel macro - Anstatic
142 InstallsReminder to use cancel macro: PS: Reminder pop-up at 33% (a bit before P3) Macro: /cancelaura Commanding Shout /cancelaura Prayer of Fortitude /cancelaura Power Word: Fortitude /cancelaura Fortitude /cancelaura Fire Festival Fortitude
💀⚡Pwhyu - ToGC/Trial of the Crusader - Raid Auras - WotLK Classic
89 InstallsPwhyu - ToGC/Trial of the Crusader - Raid Auras THIS IS THE FIRST VERSION, IF YOU FIND BUG, LET ME KNOW. Weakaura for comfortable raiding in the Trial of the Crusader. Includes dynamic auras for...
Anub Immunities
255 InstallsLets you know you have Hand of Protection and alerts when you need to move into an ice patch on Anub'Arak
Anub Pursue Glow
209 InstallsRed glow on pursued player raidframe
Penetrating Cold Splash Heal Helper
95 InstallsRange check for Glyph of Holy Light splash healing, to help you get in splash range of the tank Red when out of range Blue when in range Yellow if in range without Penetrating Cold...
Anub Penetrating Cold +Actions
59 InstallsShow Icon for Penetrating Cold. Actions to deal with it if you are Mage/DK/Rogue/Pala Reminder to use Frost Protection in Last Phase if you are not. WA based off
Anubarak - Add positionning
41 InstallsExtract from (All) ToGC Pack ( to work with FR client All credits to Glorac
【60万】TOC小强中虫60万监控 Modified by 凉风
16 Installs中虫60万监控
Pene Cold - Prayer of Healing Spammer WA (治疗何苦为难治疗 换队祷言WA)
30 InstallsPene Cold - Prayer of Healing Spammer WA Requirements: You need a 26th man with raid assist to install the 26th man WA. ( The RL is the ONLY one who needs to install the...