World of Warcraft
13,503 Mods
[zRFG] • Zippy's Raidframe Glow (Debuffs: Healing Reduction)
110 InstallsThis WA will place a 'Pixel Glow' (see Screenshot) around any unit in your raidframe that is affected by a debuff reducing its healing received. It works with all raidframes and game client languages. Colors:...
Shadow Flame or Flame Breath Cast
27 InstallsWeakaura that makes a horn and posts on-screen text when a Flame Breath or a Shadow Flame starts casting.
Raid Cooldown Tracker - Innervate
132 InstallsTracks innervate cooldowns of druids when in a raid.
Raid Buffs and World Buffs Raid Tracker
54 InstallsJust a tracker for all raid buffs and current world buffs. You can remove those that aren't relevant to you. Happy to help configure it for you if you need help Pushbuttons@Earthfury Horde.
29 InstallsShows a list and count of people in an instance. Helps with tracking if the instance is full or not. Also adds the !instance chat command so people without the weakaura can check the number...
Burning Adrenaline (self only)
23 InstallsThis is an untested WA. It SHOULD give a text warning and an audio cue that you have burning adrenaline and need to get out of the raid.
flame buffet warning
21 InstallsFlame buffet debuff warning split int three levels: 1-4, 5-6 and 7+ (with bandage reminder)
raid roll - get name
27 InstallsDisplays the name of the winner of a raid roll in chat and on screen. Pair with the following macro to easily raid roll regardless of raid size: /run local x = GetNumGroupMembers(); RandomRoll(1, x)...
Burning Adrenaline
21 InstallsThis aura will provide you an audible alert and a visible icon with a glow if you are affected with the Burning Adrenaline ability. Your character will also /yell that you have the ability so...
Pat's aDF
87 InstallsThis is my attempt at a crude implementation of the aDF (Armor and Debuff Frame) addon from private servers. It tracks Sunder Armor, CoR, Expose Armor, Faerie Fire, and Armor Shatter on your target. It...
Buff Counter
85 InstallsBuff Counter counts how many buffs you currently have on towards your Buff Cap. This counts Warrior Stance and amount of Buffs. It is not currently tracking Find Herbs/Minerals/Hunter Tracking, Defensive State, or Vanish
Master Looter Reminder
81 InstallsDisplays flashing red text when in a raid group and master looter is not enabled.
Raid Buffs Tracker
25 InstallsBasic Tracker to make sure you have all of your buffs during raid! Tracks single buffs too. When remaining duration is less than 3mins, a reminder will be displayed.
Pat's Onyxia Cloak Reminder
19 InstallsForked from this with small changes: https://wago.io/PBmHE9xMv Show a cloak icon when you target ebonroc/flamegor/firemaw and you don't have an ony cloak on Does not show a notification for Nef because I have another WA...
Pat's Blackwing Lair Run Timer
26 InstallsAutomatically starts a visible timer on your screen as soon as you engage Grethok the Controller in BWL which is the first NPC you fight in Razorgore's room. Hides the timer and announces the run...
Aggro Warning
26 InstallsShows a warning when targettarget is the player in a raid
Raid consumes - Astartes
0 InstallsSimple smart weak aura grp for all necessary melee dps + tank consumes, only loads in 40 man raids only loads correct consumes for spec.
Redstripe's Classic Era & SoM aDF
9 InstallsBased on the works by Patchett#11593 on 'Pat's aDF' - https://wago.io/OGv4zSdOi which was a continued project from the aDF addon for vanilla WoW private servers and also 'aDF - Everything ver.' - https://wago.io/zIf6cqFUM for Classic...
Loot Reminder
27 InstallsReminds you if there are lootable mobs, ignores mobs with loot for lootmaster/loot to roll on (if at least one other person in the raid/party has this aura and you are not the lootmaster). Useful...
Grenade CDs
36 InstallsSuper simple dynamic weakaura that shows all CDS for grenades during raids/bgs. Filters out holy water for 40 man raids only