World of Warcraft
13,243 Mods
External Cooldown Auras for Tanks
1.9k InstallsThis is my external cooldown Aura group for tanks. It is a dynamic group that starts at the left and grows right, meaning it will only be as wide as you have applicable buffs (generally...
HealerWatch: Mana Pool
2.2k InstallsFor one mana bar per healer, see instead: Shows the average (percentage) mana supply for all healers in the party/raid. Helpful especially for Mythic+ and healing-intensive trash pulls, to know whether your healers (on...
OptionsUI: Raid | Utility
233 InstallsREQUIRED: If you do not get these WeakAura Anchors then every WeakAura from this pack will appear in the middle of your screen. Credits Reloe: Naemesis: If you have any questions/issues/suggestions join...
CC Tracker
2.9k InstallsShows when CC applied by you or your group runs out Every feedback/help is greatly appreciated feel free to contact me by joining my Discord. If you like my work and want to support...
5 Man Group-Healer Mana
528 Installs---[GER]--- Diese WeakAura ist zur Übersicht des Manas vom Gruppenheiler. Update (23.10.2018): Anzeige für Heiler regeneriert Mana und wenn Heiler gestorben ist (wird für 5 Sekunden anzeigeigt) Update (30.11.2020): Neue Version verfügbar! Verbessertes Design. Bugfixes....
T27 The Council of Blood - Dancing Fever
1.2k InstallsWA is showing big icon with Mythic's Dancing Fever stacks if you have debuff. Text above is checking if anyone in the raid is below 30% HP - if there's someone below it's showing his...
Nameplate Enemy Auras - Purgeable Buffs/Enrages + important unit buffs
3.7k InstallsThis WA will show an icon for specific buffs/debuffs on the enemy nameplate. By default it will show magic, enrage and specific dungeon / m+ affix auras. Position and shown auras are customizable in the...
Mechagon Junkyard Buff List
653 InstallsShow list of taken Buffs in Mechagon Junkyard by party members
Kaze ERT Timers Icons Buds Fix Wotlk Port
1.3k InstallsPort of Buds fix for Kaze ERT Timers Icons weakaura for WOTLK. Right now triggers for specs are not supproted, only for roles (tank/damager/healer)
Incandescent Sliver (Range Check)
2.2k InstallsJust a Weakaura to keep track if you are standing on your own with "Incandescent Sliver" equipped. Check for nearbys wearing the same trinket enabled via Buffchecking. It also shows the stack count of the...
Dead Raiders
793 InstallsUpdate 3Dec 2018 - Added a Custom Option setting for the max number of deaths to show. -- Added a header showing the total dead -- Handled resses, now has a Condition you can set...
763 InstallsStats display without custom code.
Dawn of the Infinite
325 InstallsREQUIRED: If you do not get these Dungeon Anchors then every WeakAura from this pack will appear in the middle of your screen. If you have any questions/issues/suggestions join my discord and open a...
1.6k InstallsAll-in-one progress texture with extra text (duration). Bloodlust Heroism Time Warp Primal Rage Drums of Fury Drums of the Mountain Drums of the Maelstrom Mallet of Thunderous Skins Drums of Deathly Ferocity Fury of the...
GearCheck - Inspect gear from anywhere
1.4k InstallsGearCheck is a WeakAura for WotLK Classic that you can share with your raid that lets you inspect them from anywhere in the world. Both players need the WeakAura installed. Perfect for PUG groups! No...
SL Consumable 暗影国度消耗品合集 (enUS/zhCN)
8.7k InstallsAuthor: Justbears-Illidan(US) ***If you want to track multiple food for different spec/class, duplicate the food icon, choose whichever food you want, go to 'load' tab and select class/spec. reload, and you're good to go. ***如果你想同时为不同职业/专精显示不同的食物类型,复制‘Food'图标,去自定义选项里选择你要的食物类型,去’载入‘里选择你想加载的职业/专精,reload,就可以了。...
Uldir GlowingFrames for healers
1.9k Installs=> => This WA helps healers focus on important debuff by glowing raid frame of players You need to have LibGetFrame-1.0 get it at information you can't get by reading your raidframe...
Auto Queue Signup - Accept Dungeon/Arena Signups
2.6k InstallsThis will auto Sign up when someone in your party signs up for a group, skips the "accept" and "roles" section, will work for any type of signups, all PVP, PVE, Dungeons, LFG, LFR. I...
只狼大合集 (死+菜+寄+危+治+不死斩+忍杀+回生+月隐+耐怖+夜叉戮)Sekiro WeakAuras (Death, Noob, Danger, Heal, Immorality Served, Shinobi Execution, Resurrec
4.6k InstallsAll sound effect included You need download this file ➜ Uncompress and put the WA_Sekiro file inside the addon folder. Death死/Noob菜: Trigger when you die Danger危: Trigger when your health is below 50% Heal治: Trigger...
ZenTracker - Raid Cooldowns
2.6k InstallsHello everyone! Nice that you found your way here! This WeakAura is part of my ZenTracker Front-Ends which I am using for Raiding come Shadowlands and forward. It is a simple Icon Tracker Aura that...