World of Warcraft
13,243 Mods
MCP Charges + Timer
11 Installs- Only shows Icon if MCP is equipped (green = 3, yellow = 2, red = 1, black = 0 charges left) - shows remaining Haste Time OR red Border Glow if Haste is not...
Gor'Shak FS timer
3 InstallsAuto abandon quest, starts flamstrike countdown inn chat.
Parnassus' 2H Horde Warrior HUD + Rotation Optimizer
6 InstallsDisplays ability cooldowns, availability and usage reminders. Highlights optimal skill usage for a hamstring raid spec 2H Horde warrior. The ability usage is based on optimal rotation found in the Guybrush sim program (see screenshot...
Crayons Healer Mana
5 InstallsCreates mana bars for all healers in a group/raid. Currently a WIP.
General Debuff Bar Player
11 InstallsShows the debuffs on the player in progress bar form, colors it based on school. Can easily be switched to target debuffs by editing the trigger.
Innervate Yell
10 InstallsYell and Whisper target of your Innervate
Botka - Reagents reminder | Mage Buffs | Clickable Consumables Missing
8 InstallsReagents reminder (only in city) set portals and teleport <10 set Arcane Powder <20 reminder missing Mage Buffs (only outside city) in raid reminder you use missing consumables
Sunder Armor TRACKER
11 InstallsTracks Sunders on the target. Disappear when you have 5 stacks on your target or if Expose Armor is active. Will appear when its 4 seconds left on the duration to remind you to refresh
classic raid bufftracker
9 Installssmall window that im using to track all important world\raid buffs and consumes as a rogue, you can easily customize it for yourself by changing spell id of your consumes
6 InstallsWarnt bei fehlenden Buff-Food
Paladin Cast Spy
9 InstallsShows the casts of Paladins in the raid group that are in range. Priest Cast Spy: Originally ripped from Oron's Mage Monitor:
Buy Alcohol Reminder - DM:N Tribute
8 InstallsReminder to buy Gordok Green Grog and Kreeg's Stout Beatdown Displays your current stacks of spirit and stamina beer if: - not in combat, not in encounter - >=level 55 - in raid group (won't...
Classic Priest Consumes
10 InstallsSimple WeakAura to track missing consumables and important buffs. Includes: Missing: Intellect Missing: Spirit Missing: Wisdom Missing: Kings Missing Spirit of Zanza Missing Mageblood Potion Missing: Elixir of Fortitude Missing: Brilliant Mana Oil Missing: Nightfin...
Apply Mana Oil
9 InstallsReminder to apply Brilliant Mana Oil
Maraudon Farm Count
6 InstallsCount the number os Solid Stone and Elemental Earth in Maraudon [By Erebril]
7 InstallsBasic Weakaura frame that tracks several of the keys frequently used in Vanilla wow's dungeons. BRD/DM/SM/STRAT/GNOMER and also includes the Maraudon Princess Scepter. The weakaura will check your bags for present keys and if not...
Mage - Casting Bars (Swiftnezz Edition)
5 InstallsThis weakaura provides custom cast bars put together by myself. Nothing special here, however, if you are looking for a more noticeable cast bar that you can resize, edit, move, or change than this is...
3 Installs3 simple bars showing threat, mana and health. the threat bar blinks when you are about to get aggro and changes color depending on you threat. its only showen in fights.
Auto Set Master Looter Threshold Common
6 InstallsSets loot config to master looter when you convert from party to raid.
Curses and other -heal effects
2 Installsdynamic group for -heal effects and other curses