World of Warcraft
13,232 Mods
Rhaki Imp Counter | Adapted for AUI
41 InstallsA big shoutout to Rhaki for their work on this aura set!! Fork of original WA found here: I only had one major goal in mind - getting the Implosion suggestion for single target....
DiversifyUI v3 Very Ancient Menu can be Ghostly
0 InstallsDownload textures put on interface folder: this is free version. the full version is not for free! and much way more better! come visit for more details! - The menu can be ghostly...
Dragonflight talent displayer on screen
73 InstallsThis aura display the current selected talent in the top left of the screen. Is possible to choose to display both class talent and specialization talent, or only one. There are three visual layout mode....
0 InstallsUI for my brewmaster hide suf unitframes behind to make them clickable Addonlist Raven Suf Weakaura MSBT Bigwigs Kui
Bifuu Ability Timeline
38 InstallsProof of concept showing a potential light weight replacement for the raid ability timeline WeakAura This also will only work with BigWigs and will not auto hide your bars if they are already showing. You...
9 Installs- Main Abilities and Talents. - Rage and swing bars. - Shouts, Lust and Drums. *Note:
23 InstallsMy Communication WeakAura, to be used for more complex things. Used to transmit information through people WeakAuras.
LeoZan - Available Unspent Points // Profession Knowledge
5 InstallsInfo section = Shows "unspent point" window below Profession window if got unspent profession knowledge point to spend and to be placed. (testing fix) Glitch in the system found, fixing it soon! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Professions //...
Fubar's Speed Detector
70 InstallsDisplace A Flashing Blue % Of Your Current Movement Speed. Work's When Monted, Not Mounted, In Taxi (Flight Paths), And In Vehicles.
LeoZan - (DF) Fish Track (require BUFF)
10 InstallsDuring your Fishing, you will see your "Fishes" Collected & stored in Bank! (5th January - Picture updated) - Requires to Show (Fishing Skill) - Requires to Show (Buff: "Fishing for Attention") - Requires to...
Heroic Dungeon & Raid Lockouts + ZG
30 InstallsRaid lockout tool all credit to Zeroflow I have just added the old content to it
95 Installs本WA首次载入需要/reload后方可点击使用 战斗中无法隐藏图标,会提醒触发WA安全模块报错,属于正常现象 制作者→梦幻俏俏-法师-<相逢>-部落-希尔盖← 未经许可,本WA字符串禁止转载/分享! 欢迎加入"WOW怀旧服插件WA交流QQ群” WLK-群号: 218619002 进群口令:插件WA交流 群文件可以免费下载更多最新、最全面的魔兽怀旧插件/WA/宏等资料。 欢迎您的加入,共同创造一个良好的魔兽怀旧服插件/WA/宏等相关话题交流环境,祝各位游戏和生活都愉快!
TSU Stream (nameplates)
23 InstallsThis Aura is now outdated. While the video probably still provides some useful insight into how to make custom Auras, I wouldn't recommend using this if you actually want a working Aura similar to the...
Kin'garoth Diabolic Bomb Trigger - Edits by Krazyito
14 InstallsORIGINAL AURA: Kin'garoth Diabolic Bomb Trigger - Edits by Krazyito -- Code by despi#6326 (discord) -- Edits by Krazyito#1696 (US / Discord)
Sound Output Device Change Helper
38 Installs10.0버전 패치 이후 소리 출력 장치 변경버그 해결
Protection Warrior T30 Set Tracker Earthen Tenacity
40 InstallsKeeps track of the 4-Set Bonus of the T30 protection Warrior set buff called Earthen Tenacity. Since there was no Weakaura avaible i made a pretty simple one myself. Feel free to improve.
Lower UI Scale (1440p, 4K, Ultrawide)
37 Installsworks with Dragonflight Blizzard UI, very lightweight on every reload sets: UIParent:SetScale(0.X) (in the Actions tab, change the value to your liking) sets a global UI Scale differently than the widely known /run SetCVar("UIScale",...
Frost Mouse Cursor Circle
93 InstallsEnjoy :-)
【凉风版】WA-SAVED!显示账户多角色各CD&货币等 - WLK
11 Installs说明: 鼠标移动至黄色小图标自动显示,初次装载WA黄色小图标可能在窗体外,请自行拖动调整小图标位置和大小。 功能: - 显示单个账号下所有服务器和角色的商业技能CD、副本CD,各类货币数据。需要各角色登录一次才会记录。 - 支持所有有冷却时间的商业技能。为了确保其准备性,第一次装载WA后需要打开一次各角色对应的商业技能列表进行准确记录,之后的商业技能冷却会在施法后自动记录。 - 支持货币自定义显示设置:荣誉点数,竞技场点数,达拉然珠宝匠硬币,美食家奖章,英雄纹章,勇气纹章,征服纹章, 凯旋纹章,寒冰纹章,冠军的徽记, 奥特兰克山谷荣誉奖章, 阿拉希盆地荣誉奖章, 风暴之眼荣誉奖章, 远古海滩荣誉奖章, 战歌峡谷荣誉奖章,冬拥湖荣誉奖章,征服之岛荣誉奖章, 岩石守卫者的碎片, 风险硬币,公正徽章,赛德里尔精华 - 支持记录装等 - 支持配置显示的角色等级限制 - 右键WA弹出确认框,可在WA显示异常时尝试重置数据 Q&A: 1、如何判断哪些角色可以一同显示? 上面有提到“显示单个账号下所有服务器和角色”,简单的理解就是如果游戏不可以同时登录就可以一同显示。 2、重置数据后还是显示有问题怎么办? 请删除该WA再重新导入。 由【亚服-阿拉希盆地-凉风】制作
Protection Warrior Outburst / Seeing Red Tracker
109 Installs9.2 Protection Warrior Set Bonus Tracker for Seeing Red and Outburst Buff. Its the first weakaura ive ever made. Its simple and clunky but it works for PTR testing purpose. HF Fellow Warriors!