World of Warcraft
13,232 Mods
2k Installs显示周围敌对姓名版读条和其施法目标 如果目标是你则高亮进度条
Torghast Fear
1.1k InstallsShows big triangle on mob that is casting fear. Also screaming on you. May not contain all the fears you can meet there, be careful and feel free to comment here about any missing fear.
Torghast On Use Items
1.2k InstallsCredit to for the original. I just put it in a group and added the rest of the Torghast items. Known bug: The Fleeting Frenzy Potion does not disappear on use.
Abby's Spells on the Ground
2.2k InstallsThis collection tracks several spells, sorted together by class type. Included are: Death Knight: Death and Decay Death's Due (Night Fae Covenant Ability) Demon Hunter: Elysian Decree (Kyrian Covenant Ability) Glaive Tempest Sigil of Chains...
Abby's Mythic+ Interrupt Tracker
4.8k InstallsThis WeakAura tracks all group interrupts and prioritizes them by time and when they are available. (For example, available interrupts show at the top always and interrupts on CD at the bottom.) Please also see...
Abby's CC Group Tracker
1.1k InstallsThis is a modified version of Translit's CC Group, edited and reskinned for my needs. This WeakAura tracks when any CC is applied and shows a countdown bar until the CC is about to expire....
Shard of Domination Sets --- Winds of Winter (Frost Set), Chaos Bane (Unholy Set), Blood Link (Blood Set) --- # Shards
503 InstallsAll-in-One Collection Since I did not like how some displayed i made my own. Dynamic Group which opens to the left, only relevant for Winds of Winter (Frost). __________ 05.09.21 - Winds of Winter Load&Condition...
Abby's Shroud of Concealment/Mass Invisibility Announcer & Stealth Notifier/Timer
393 InstallsThis is a modified version of Ongbak's Shroud of Concealment Announcer, edited for my needs. This WeakAura puts an icon on your screen with a timer, as well as announces to BG>Raid>Party>Say when Shroud of...
Ravenous Anima Cell helper
52 InstallsShows which anima powers can be obtained by using a ravenous anima cell on specific enemies in Torghast. -> Hovering the mouse over said anima power icons will show a tooltip to it Originally upload...
Domination Shards Set Alert
215 InstallsThis Weakaura checks if you have your Unholy / Frost / Blood - Set activ. Only activ in Sanctium of Domination, Maw, Korthia, Torghast -> If you have max level alts that doesnt have them....
Unholy Shards of Domination
182 InstallsUnholy shards of domination SoD - 9.1 Only work in raid Sanctum of Domination / Torghast / The maw & korthia Updated 26/07/2021
43 InstallsInterrupt-reminder for that pesky heal "Inner Flame" that Empowered Mawsworn Flametender casts.
ZlicckUI - Utility (All Classes)
74 InstallsUI scale: 0.7 Resolution: 2560x1440 you migth have to do some changes for it to fit your own preferance. u should use the buff weakaura together with the class WA package (some buffs are tracked...
Potion Maybe?
61 InstallsThis weakaura will passive aggressively suggest that you use a healthstone, kyrian phial, or potion if you're below 50% hp. For members of your raid that don't remember to use them.
All versions of Lust Timer
127 InstallsMoveable Visual Lust timer I also have a Minimal ELVUI profile look below <3 Included *Toggle minimap. *Hover over abilites, Hidden abilities. *Hidden raidframes when not in combat. *ability to hide chat. *Personnel Health...
Abby's Combat Potions Button
139 InstallsThis WeakAura puts an icon on your screen for your combat potion, shows when it is active as well as on CD, and desaturates with a timer when it is off CD. The timer is...
Monk - Celestial Brew - <Method> Sco Style (Fixed)
72 Installs1.0.0 - Initial Release - Based on Sco UI Weakaura. Fixed to make it works with all clients (original WA works only with EN client coz it uses the SpellName and not the SpellID) -...
Move Anima Pending Frame
18 InstallsMove the pending anima frame where ever you like.
HP <= 30% - Low life with Sound heartbeat
33 InstallsThis creation allows you to be alerted when your life runs out. At 30% of life points, your heart starts to beat. At 20% of life points it accelerates. At 0% a nicer and more...
Mark of the Crane Tracker Bar
56 InstallsYet another Mark of the Crane/Spinning Crane Kick Tracker. This Tracker will sync perfectly with the actual status of your MotC stacks, and it will NOT rely on current active visible marks on your targets...