World of Warcraft
13,232 Mods
Shadowlands Consumable Tracker / Readycheck - Clickable
2.6k InstallsI apologize for neglecting my old "Clickable-Readycheck" ( After taking some time of I have returned to World of Warcraft and upgraded said Weakaura. If you liked my old design you will love our new...
Trinkets and Procs - Wrath
2.2k InstallsIncludes all relevant melee trinkets. Starting to include some caster trinkets. Has a subgroup for Engineering items, only loads if you have engineering - can be moved into main group if better suited for your...
Talent Setup (Current Setup)
9.5k Installstry also Shows current talents / trinkets / legendaries / azerite gear / azerite traits / azerite essence glowing - new traits/essences can be selected DISPLAY SETTINGS %c1 for tier / item level %c2...
Cache of Acquired Treasures
9.5k InstallsDynamic Group - Icons with labels (Nuke, Bleed, Haste) for which buff you'll get when activating Cache of Acquired Treasures. On activation, tracks buff (axe and sword) as well as stacks (sword) with timer bar...
Spoils of Neltharus
5.6k InstallsSpoils of Neltharus Trinket Tracker
Soulbinds In Talent Tree
7.9k InstallsShow Buttons for Soulbinds in Specialization and Talent Tree Window. Left-Click to activate soulbind, Right-Click to open Soulbind Treee
Inscrutable Quantum Device
20k InstallsShows which Effect you will get from the trinket. Tracks the cooldown. Shows which buff you got. Small Reminder: NO RANGE CHECK INCLUDED Displays following effects: If a party or raid members HP is <=...
Hijack - Racials, Consumables (Dragonflight)
612 InstallsHijack's Racials, Consumables WeakAuras for World of Warcraft Dragonflight. - Includes most Dragonflight healing, damaging, and utility potions of all ranks. - Includes Healthstone if Warlock detected in group. - Includes most Racials of damaging,...
Reset Grieftorch Whisper
2.4k InstallsThis is a meme WA that whispers your party/raid members, when their death successfully resets your Manic Grieftorch. It also plays a "Ka-ching" sound, so you can bathe in their misery while pushing the top...
T22 Dungeon/Raid/Worldboss Trinket Buffs Proccs etc
2.7k InstallsOct 5th: Added 'Bygone Bee' Almanac 13th November: Uses new bufftrigger2 feature now for better performance etc. Early Uldir Mechanics sheet: Google Sheet (gif heavy) My'das Talisman Custom (icon) Revitalizing Voodoo Totem Custom (icon) Rezan's...
Undulating Sporecloak Tracker
1.1k InstallsBasic Weakaura group to track Undulating Sporecloak It will: - Show the absorb amount when the cloak procs - Show an accurate ICD as soon as the absorb disappears - Show when the cloak proc...
Debuffs from Corruption
6.9k Installsyou died grapsping tendrils eye of corruption grand delusions inevitable doom
Clickable Dungeon Portals - custom options each dungeon can be shown/hidden
2k InstallsCLICKABLE DUNGEON PORTALS Features Shows clickable buttons of the dungeon teleports that you have. Should load with any language. Attaches neatly to your LFG window. Only loads if the portals are known by that particular...
Azerite Essence (9.0)
5.8k InstallsThis WA will automatic change the icon when you change the Major Essence in your neck. If you have any questions or request message me on Discord where i'm active most of the time (Josh#7695)...
So'leah´s Secret Technique - Clickable
10.3k InstallsClickable weakaura for So'leah´s Secret technique with reminder to rebuff
Equipped Corruption List
5.1k InstallsWith the release of the pre-patch this WA will have no use and will neither be update nor maintained. This WA includes alot of spaghetti code! Use instead! Shows a list of equipped corruption...
Trinket Tracker
7.2k InstallsAutomatically shows clickable buttons when an usable trinket is equipped. Does track cooldown of your trinket and glows if ready.
1.4k InstallsItankadin Itankadin is made to help you keep track of what is important to you, the Protection Paladin. Here you will only see your stats without the Weakaura becoming bloated. As part of a huge...
Neltharion's Call to Dominance
887 InstallsTrack Neltharion's Call to Dominance trinket stats and proc Display number of stack, and change it by time remaining on the proc when it's activated.
The BIG UI - Spells
338 InstallsPart of A BIG ASS set of Weakauras The package has Weakauras for all specs and classes. If you don't want to show a specific class or spec you will have to select load options...