World of Warcraft
13,245 Mods
Test of Might
1.9k InstallsShow duration and strength amount for test of might
Azshara's Font of Power
1.7k InstallsModified version of to work with Azshara's Font of Power Show when trinket is off cooldown. Show uptime on the buff when active and cooldown on the trinket when the buff is not active.
Legendary, Soulbind & Talent HUD
1.2k InstallsThis aura is discontinued as of 10.0
Cache of Acquired Treasures
2.5k InstallsSimple icon with timer to show which weapon is current available to be used. If this weakaura does not correctly resetting on pull for you, I recommend using a modified version by Hotbees: (The...
Auction House Corruption Info
1.7k InstallsBased on Change: Adds Corruption Icon, Leech and Avoidance.
Auction House Corruption Info
1.6k InstallsAdds Corruption Name and Rank to items list on Auction House
Stats Oono
558 InstallsWA "stats" utilisé par Oono - Ilvl - Primary Stats - Attack speed % - Crit / Crit % - Haste / Haste % - Block % - Parry / Parry % - Dodge /...
Val'anyr proc (ready/glow/gray)
242 InstallsVal'anyr proc with three states: - proc ready (normal icon + text showing "proc ready") - proc active (icon glowing) - proc on internal cooldown (icon grayed out) - NEW: added 45 second icd counter...
Universal on-use trinkets
1.4k InstallsTwo simple icons that will independently show and track cooldowns of on use trinkets that you have equipped (any trinket in the game). Icons are shown in full color when available, and de-saturated when on...
RaidLoot Roll Auto pass/need/greed/tmog
541 Installsautomatically Pass/Need/Greed/Tmog all raid loot when displaying an item roll. It works like this: enter raid instance = static popup appears where need to confirm one option: "Need/Transmog/Greed" (opens another popup for selection) "Transmog/Pass" (opens...
Disciplinary Command Legendary [9.1]
2k InstallsTweaked WA of Ty :) Tweaks: Fixed Mirror Images triggering Frost Only triggering Frost/Fire/Arcane Bars when on ICD/Ready to use Counting Heal of Conduit "Diverted Energy" as arcane. Because it does :) Added Way...
Ravenous Frenzy / Sinful Hysteria Tracker
1.8k Installs-Ravenous Frenzy Stacks -Sinful Hysteria Tracker -time left
Resonant Reservoir Tracker
1.9k InstallsThe trinket cycles between 1 pulse (no buff), 2 pulses, 3 pulses and 4 pulses, then goes back to 1 again, on each use every 1.5 mins. The weakaura shows the cooldown of the trinket,...
Broodkeeper's Promise - Clickable
2.1k InstallsClickable reminder to buff / rebuff Broodkeeper's Promise Works the same way my weakaura for So'leah's Secret technique from shadowlands.
Spoils of Neltharus
289 InstallsIntroduction This aura shows which buff you will get from the next use of Spoils of Neltharus (Trinket) so that you can avoid activating it when it's not good.
ArtiX Universal Tracker
305 InstallsFeatures : -Tracking Potions/Healthstone/Trinkets and many more -English voice over callouts -Full-access on what you want to track in custom options -Essentially completes your class weakaura packs Installation : 1. Exit all running wow clients...
Resounding Protection
1.2k InstallsIcon that shows absorb amount, buff duration and time until next shield refresh for the azerite trait "resounding protection". All coded in one aura so its placeable into a dynamic group. Changelog: 09/11/2018 - Fixed...
Inscrutable Quantum Device / Unergründliches Quantengerät
2k InstallsHi Guys, this is my Weakaura for the Inscrutable Quantum Device. This Weakaura isn't fully tested, so it might doesnt work perfectly. Its is just for you guys to know which effect should activate if...
Azerite Amount Tracker
1.4k InstallsThis is a fork of Azerite Power Tracker. Added Island Expeditions Count. Added AP to next Level. An easy to use Azerite Tracker for Battle for Dazar'Alor to track how much AP you need to...
The BIG UI - Cooldowns
331 InstallsPart of A BIG ASS set of Weakauras The package has Weakauras for all specs and classes. If you don't want to show a specific class or spec you will have to select load options...